Subject Matter provides funds and resources to documentary films highlighting urgent social issues and to nonprofits tackling the featured topics, while creating roadmaps for inspired audiences to take action.

The Subject Matter Model

  • First, we partner with film festivals to identify documentaries in their programs that highlight urgent social issues.

  • Our selection committee then chooses one film to receive a grant to support their impact and outreach efforts.

  • Next, we identify a nonprofit that has been working on the issue featured in the film and we award a corresponding grant to support their work.

  • At the festival, we help raise awareness for the film, acknowledge the participants who generously shared their stories, and invite inspired audiences to join us in donating to the nonprofit grantee to create a positive community action in response to the film.

Check out our 2023 Annual Report!


Check out our 2023 Annual Report! 〰️

Upcoming Festivals:

Announcing our first grantees of 2024:

The subject matter: the impacts of mass incarceration on children and the need to improve visitation practices in jails and prisons to keep family bonds intact

The film: DAUGHTERS received a $25,000 grant to support their audience outreach and impact efforts.

The nonprofit: GIRLS FOR A CHANGE received $25,000 for an education fund for the girls who participated in the film. $5,000 of their grant was awarded thanks to a successful audience match challenge.

The subject matter: immigrant rights and the asylum seeking process

The film: ALL WE CARRY received a $15,000 grant to support their audience outreach and impact efforts.

The nonprofit: NORTHWEST IMMIGRANT RIGHTS PROJECT received $15,000 to help provide legal aid to asylum seekers. $5,000 of their grant will be used as an audience match challenge at Mountainfilm Festival.

The subject matter: protecting and honoring the ballroom and LGBTQIA+ community

The film: I’M YOUR VENUS received a $25,000 grant to support their audience outreach, distribution, and impact efforts.

The nonprofit: HOUSE LIVES MATTER, a grassroots community organizing and advocacy initiative mobilizing houses, members, and regions across the US and globally to advance equity, justice, and liberation received a $25,000 grants. $5,000 of their grant will be used as an audience match challenge at Tribeca Festival.

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films, learn about the nonprofits, and take action together.