New Voices

New Voices: RFK Jr. and a vice presidential Hail Mary

His options for a running mate, or at least those he's shared with us, speak volumes to the nature of his agenda.
New Voices

New Voices: Aid-in-dying would worsen health care inequities

Minnesota's proposed legislation is dangerous for people with disabilities.
Opinion Exchange

New voices: There are consequences to sexual repression

Forcing someone to hide can lead to distress, fear and addiction.
Opinion Exchange

New Voices: The person is worth the pronoun effort

The argument that they/them is not grammatically correct doesn't stand up.
Opinion Exchange

New Voices: Access to LGBTQ+ history and education matters

We have always existed, and we deserve representation in school textbooks.

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We’re putting out the call for new commentary writers.
New Voices
updated 10 hours 37 mins. ago
Star Tribune Opinion's latest feature spotlights commentaries written by first-time contributors to our pages. These thinkers, readers and opinionated community members from across Minnesota have something to say and, we hope, inspire you to join the conversation, too.
Twin Metals underground mine location: Aerial view of the area that would be mined by Twin Metals.
Special report Mining and the BWCA: Not this location
updated 6 hours 29 mins. ago
The Star Tribune Editorial Board has taken the position that the Twin Metals copper-nickel mining project near the BWCA should not proceed. That editorial and others leading up to it are collected here. Responses will be added as they are published.
About Opinion
The Opinion section is produced by the Editorial Board. The board operates independently and is not involved in setting newsroom policies or in reporting or editing articles in other sections of the newspaper or
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Opinion Exchange

The Opinion section is an exchange of ideas produced by the Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom.