Virtual Private Server
  • Multiple Worldwide Datacenters
  • In-house Flexible Control Panel
  • Instant Set Up
  • IPv6 Available on Most Plans
  • High Performance KVM Virtualization
Get Started
Lowest $4.5 /Mo
Web Hosting Service
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Free Dedicated IPv4 Address
  • Free Daily Off-site Backup
  • Multiple Worldwide Datacenters
  • Instant Set Up
Get Started
Lowest $15 /Yr
Dedicated Server
  • Dedicated Physical Space
  • Dedicated Hardware Resource
  • Free IPMI Console
  • Customized Specs Available
  • Dedicated Bandwidth Available
Get Started
Lowest $36 /Mo

Our Services

We have rich experience in hosting industry, we mainly offer:

VPS Hosting
  • Multiple Choices

    KVM visualisation, multiple worldwide datacenters available for you.

  • Unlimited Dream

    Full root access grants you wide usage. Custom OS is also available in KVM

  • Get Started
Web Hosting
  • We do the rest

    You will only need to focus on your websites. We do the rest for you!

  • Easy & Flexiable

    With powerful control panel, you can manage your websites at any time and anywhere.

  • Get Started
Dedicated Server
  • Multiple Choices

    Multiple server specs in multiple worldwide datacenters are available for you to choose.

  • Powerful Platforms

    IPMI grants you ability to reboot and reinstall on your own at any time.

  • Get Started

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