Safe at Home Program participants will receive the following:

  • A Participant Guide detailing the services and responsibilities of participation.
  • A substitute mailing address to use with California  state, county and city government agencies in lieu of a residential address.
  • An Authorization ID card.

A participant's mail will be forwarded by the program to the mailing address provided.  There is no cost to participate in the program.  Certification is for four years and can be renewed. 

Participant Responsibilities:

 As a Safe at Home participant, you agree to the following or it may result in cancellation from the program:

1.  Mail Forwarding:

  • Mail will be forwarded to the address provided by the participant.  The participant is responsible for collecting their mail.  If mail is returned to the Safe at Home program, participation may be cancelled. 

2.  Participant Must Notify Safe at Home Within 7 Days:

  • Change of residential address
  • Change of mailing address
  • Name Change

3.  Participants who wish to remain in the program after their initial four year term, should renew their certification before their term expires by completing and submitting the renewal materials sent by Safe at Home.

4.  Participants who wish to withdraw from the program must notify the Safe at Home program in writing.  Participation is terminated upon receipt of the request and��mail will be returned to the sender.

5.  A participant could be terminated from the program for the following reasons:

  • The program participant's certification term has expired and certification renewal has not been completed.
  • The program participant no longer resides at the most recent residential address provided to Safe at Home, and has not provided at least seven days prior notice in writing of a change of address.
  • A service of process document or mail forwarded to the program participant by Safe at Home is returned as non-deliverable.
  • The program participant obtains a legal name change and fails to notify Safe at Home within seven days.
  • The program participant, who reaches 18 years of age during his or her certification term, has not renewed his or her certification within 60 days of him or her reaching 18 years of age.
  • The Safe at Home Program has determined that false information was used in the application process to qualify as a program participant or that participation in the program is being used as subterfuge to avoid detection of illegal or criminal activity or apprehension by law enforcement. 

6.  Safe at Home Program participants have the same legal responsibilities as the general public when interacting with law enforcement.  

Who Needs to Comply