Between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, SPE received and processed the following rights requests from California consumers to the extent required and permissible under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA):

  • 1,640 requests to opt out of the sale, of which, 100% were processed for handling. Upon review 831 were completed in whole or in part. Each request took an average of 1 day to substantively respond.
  • 13 requests to know, of which, 100% were processed for handling. Upon review, it was determined that 2 requests were completed in whole or in part. Each request took an average of 26 days to substantively respond.
  • 62 requests to delete, of which, 100% were processed for handling. Upon review, it was determined that 19 requests were completed in whole or in part. Each request took an average of 26 days to substantively respond.

Requests not completed reflect those that were not verifiable, not in our database at the time of request, duplicate requests, or were denied on other grounds consistent with the CCPA.