Article ID : 00206411 / Last Modified : 03/22/2019

Find a location to recycle your Sony product

    Road to Zero link Recycling in Canada Link

    Sony has found value in preserving a healthy natural environment. A healthy environment promotes fulfilled lifestyles of today and tomorrow. Sony’s Road to Zero campaign is aimed at such a goal and is backed up by measurable targets in 5-year increments aimed at “zero impact” by the year 2050.

    Resource conservation is one of Sony’s four primary commitments. Challenging the traditional linear model of “mining, manufacturing, consumer use, then landfill” to change is not easy, but it is our goal to not only conceptualize but to take action so materials become part of a more sensible circular path where repurposing, reusing, and recycling are the new tradition.

    Designing for recycle is only the start of our post-consumer responsibility. To actually begin the circular process, Sony looks for effective partners to collect unwanted electronics for disassembly and re-purification. It is through these activities which will allow recovery of high quality materials for new products. Collection systems have their own set of challenges but it begins with local recycling programs or reverse-distribution networks.

    By clicking on this link you will be redirected to a search engine, powered on behalf of Sony. There you will find drop off locations, one-day special events or possibly be offered mail-back service where you can responsibly recycle your unwanted electronics, rechargeable batteries, or media. All recyclers in Sony’s network are either E-Steward or R2 3rd party certified recyclers.

    For recycling opportunities in Canada, please visit

    Pour connaître les possibilités de recyclage au Canada, veuillez visiter