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Hamcrest Matchers
assertThat(audience, is(payingAttention()));

     Writing and using them for
 assertions, mocking and behavioral
What is Hamcrest?
According to the project homepage,
  [Hamcrest] provides a library of matcher objects (also known
  as constraints or predicates) allowing 'match' rules to be
  defined declaratively, to be used in other frameworks. Typical
  scenarios include testing frameworks, mocking libraries and
  UI validation rules.

  Hamcrest is not a testing library: it just happens that
  matchers are very useful for testing.
Typical usage example
                             Actual value
                                      Expectation on the
                                     value, represented as
                                          a Matcher
Wait – but what’s wrong with
assertEquals(someString, someOtherString)
         This looks just as good, doesn’t it?


         Not so bad, either
             What about collections?


 This works if our kitten is the first element in the
 collection, but what about asserting that the kitten
 exists anywhere in the collection?
Well, we can do this:
boolean found = false;

for (Kitten kitten : cat.getKittens()) {
      if (kitten.equals(someKitten)) found = true;

But don’t you prefer this?

                                      Matcher on
                                 Iterable<Kitten> that
                              accepts a Matcher<Kitten>
OK, so how does this work?
Basic Matchers
A Matcher is initialized with the expected
values, which are compared against the
actual object we’re matching against when
invoking the matcher.
IsEqual Matcher
class IsEqual<T> extends BaseMatcher<T> {
   private final Object object; // c’tor omitted for readability

    public boolean matches(Object arg) {
      return object.equals(arg);
StringEndsWith Matcher
class StringEndsWith <T> extends BaseMatcher<T> {
   private final String suffix; // c’tor omitted for readability

    public boolean matches(String s) {
      return s.endsWith(suffix);
Using while stubbing mocks
Mockito in one slide
CatShop catShop = mock(CatShop.class);
).thenReturn(someCat)             Creating the mock

... do some work                      Stubbing the mock

verify(catShop)                Behavior verification

Without Hamcrest
CatPurchase catPurchase = new CatPurchase();

However, this will force us to set all other fields of the
CatPurchase class, since Mockito will perform an exact match
comparison between our instance and the actual one
Of course, you could do this:

This works, but lacks the benefit of asserting that our
operation is only valid for the expected input
The solution: use argThat()
                               Mockito helper that creates
                               an argument matcher from
when(                             a Hamcrest matcher

                                 Hamcrest matcher that
                                   accepts a Java Bean
                                  property name and a
                                 nested value matcher
Using for behavioral verification
CatDao catDao = mock(CatDao.class);
CatStore catStore = new CatStore (catDao);with a Catcall to
                                     Verify that there was a
                                CatDao.update()               instance,
catStore.saveOrUpdate(existingCat); the ‘name’ property is
                                   for which
                                “felix” and the ‘kittens’ property is an
verify(catDao).update(argThat( Iterable containing two kittens,
                                          kitten1 and kitten2
              hasPropertyWithValue(“name”, “felix”),
                    hasItems(kitten1, kitten2)))));
Writing custom matchers
Writing your own matchers
In the previous examples, we used the
hasPropertyWithValue() matcher, which, while
allowing for fluent assertions or stubbing, has
the disadvantage of not being type-safe.

This is where writing custom matchers becomes
useful (or, as some would say, necessary).
The Matcher<T> hierarchy
abstract class TypeSafeMatcher<T> extends BaseMatcher<T> {
  boolean matchesSafely(T item);

interface Matcher<T> extends SelfDescribing {
   boolean matches(Object item);

interface SelfDescribing {
   void describeTo(Description description);
Dissecting some Wix matchers
class HostMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<WixUrl> {
   private final Matcher<String> host; // c’tor omitted for readability

  public boolean matchesSafely(WixUrl url) {
    return host.matches(;                                Nested matcher that
  }                                                              will be replayed on the
                                                                 Actual value being
                                                                       actual value
                                                                  matched against
  public void describeTo(Description description) {
    description.appendText("Host that matches ").appendValue(host); we write a
  }                                                         readable description of
                                                              our expected value

  public static HostMatcher hasHost(Matcher<String> host)A utility factory method for
    return new HostMatcher(host);                           fluently creating this
  }                                                       matcher. Not mandatory
}                                                           but very convenient.
Using our matcher
WixUrl url =
new WixUrl(“”);

assertThat(url, hasHost(is(“”)));   ✔
assertThat(url, hasHost(endsWith(“”))); ✔
assertThat(url, hasHost(is(“”)));    ✗
                Expected: Host that matches <is ”">
                    got: <>
Another URL matcher
class WixUrlParamMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<WixUrl> {
  private final Matcher<String> name; // c’tor omitted for readability
                                        url.params is a Map<String, String>, so
  private final Matcher<String> value;
                                         we create a matcher for a map entry
                                         around our name and value matchers
    public boolean matchesSafely(WixUrl url) { replay it against the actual value
        return hasEntry(name, value).matches(url.params);

    public void describeTo(Description description) {
           .appendText("Param with name ").appendValue(name)
           .appendText(" and value ").appendValue(value);
Using the two matchers together
String s = “”;
WixUrl url = new WixUrl(s);

assertThat(url, allOf(
     hasParam(is(“p”), anyOf(is(“v1”), is(“v2”))),
     hasParam(is(“p3”), startsWith(“v”))));
But wait – my URL is a String!
Sometimes you’ll have matchers that accept a specific
type, such as WixUrl or XML Document. For this
purpose, use a wrapping matcher that performs the
conversion for you:
class StringAsUrlMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<String> {
  private final Matcher<WixUrl> urlMatcher;
  public boolean matchesSafely(String urlString) {
     return matcher.matches(new WixUrl(urlString));
  public void describeTo(Description description) {
     description.appendText("Url that matches ")
Ad-Hoc matchers for readable
Consider the following class

class Proxy {
   private final HttpClient httpClient;
   private String targetUrl;

    public String handle (String path) {
       httpClient.execute(// some HttpGet);
The HttpClient interface
public HttpResponse execute(HttpGet get);

Our class under test is expected to replace the domain
in path with targetUrl, thus serving as an HTTP Proxy.

We would like to stub and verify the HttpGet parameter
to make sure it builds the proxy URL properly.
My test looks something like this
HttpClient client = mock(HttpClient.class);
String url = “”;
{…} handler = new Proxy(client, url);


The solution
Matcher<HttpGet> HttpGet(final Matcher<String> urlMatcher) {
 return new TypeSafeMatcher<HttpGet>() {
   public boolean matchesSafely(HttpGet httpGet) {
     return urlMatcher.matches(httpGet.getURI().toString()));

         public void describeTo(Description description) {
           description.appendText("HttpGet with url ")
Usage of the HttpGet matcher


The plot thickens
Moments after triumphantly running the test I
realized that in addition to verifying that the
request went to the appropriate URL, I had to
verify that some – but not all – HTTP headers
were copied to the proxy request and some new
ones were added to it.
Ad-hoc matchers to the rescue
1) Add the following parameter to the HttpGet
 final Matcher<Header[]> headersMatcher

2) Change the matchesSafetly() method:
 public boolean matchesSafely(HttpGet httpGet) {
   return urlMatcher.matches(httpGet.getURI().toString())
     && headersMatcher.matches(httpGet.getAllHeaders());
Ad-hoc matchers to the rescue
3) Write a matcher for the Header class:
Matcher<Header> Header(
  final Matcher<String> name, final Matcher<String> value) {
  return new TypeSafeMatcher<Header>() {
     public boolean matchesSafely(Header header) {
        return name.matches(header.getName())
               && value.matches(header.getValue());
Putting it all together
verify(client).execute(argThat(is(HttpGet( that the X-Wix-Base-Uri header
                                     contains the expected value (using the
  is({URL matcher omitted for readability}),
                                     WixUrl matchers we’ve seen before).
                                      Asserts that there’s no header by
       isUrlThat(                     the name of X-Seen-By, no matter
                                      what value it has
          hasHost(“”), hasPath(myPath)))),
      Header(is("X-Seen-By"), any(String.class))))


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Writing and using Hamcrest Matchers

  • 1. Hamcrest Matchers assertThat(audience, is(payingAttention())); Writing and using them for assertions, mocking and behavioral verification
  • 2. What is Hamcrest? According to the project homepage, [Hamcrest] provides a library of matcher objects (also known as constraints or predicates) allowing 'match' rules to be defined declaratively, to be used in other frameworks. Typical scenarios include testing frameworks, mocking libraries and UI validation rules. Hamcrest is not a testing library: it just happens that matchers are very useful for testing.
  • 3. Typical usage example Actual value assertThat( someString, is(equalTo(someOtherString)) ); Expectation on the value, represented as a Matcher
  • 4. Wait – but what’s wrong with assertEquals? assertEquals(someString, someOtherString) This looks just as good, doesn’t it? assertEquals( cat.getName(), otherCat.getName()) Not so bad, either
  • 5. However, What about collections? assertEquals(someKitten, cat.getKittens().iterator().next()) This works if our kitten is the first element in the collection, but what about asserting that the kitten exists anywhere in the collection?
  • 6. Well, we can do this: boolean found = false; for (Kitten kitten : cat.getKittens()) { if (kitten.equals(someKitten)) found = true; } assertTrue(found);
  • 7. But don’t you prefer this? Iterable<Kitten> assertThat( cat.getKittens(), hasItem(someKitten)) Matcher on Iterable<Kitten> that accepts a Matcher<Kitten>
  • 8. OK, so how does this work?
  • 9. Basic Matchers A Matcher is initialized with the expected values, which are compared against the actual object we’re matching against when invoking the matcher.
  • 10. IsEqual Matcher class IsEqual<T> extends BaseMatcher<T> { private final Object object; // c’tor omitted for readability public boolean matches(Object arg) { return object.equals(arg); } }
  • 11. StringEndsWith Matcher class StringEndsWith <T> extends BaseMatcher<T> { private final String suffix; // c’tor omitted for readability public boolean matches(String s) { return s.endsWith(suffix); } }
  • 13. Mockito in one slide CatShop catShop = mock(CatShop.class); when(catShop.purchase(somePurchaseRequest ).thenReturn(someCat) Creating the mock ... do some work Stubbing the mock verify(catShop) Behavior verification .purchase(expectedPurchaseRequest)
  • 14. Without Hamcrest CatPurchase catPurchase = new CatPurchase(); catPurchase.setBreed(“Brittish”); when(catShop.purchase(catPurchase)) ).thenReturn(somePreviouslyStubbedCat) However, this will force us to set all other fields of the CatPurchase class, since Mockito will perform an exact match comparison between our instance and the actual one
  • 15. Of course, you could do this: when( catShop.purchase( any(CatPurchaseDTO.class)) ).thenReturn(somePreviouslyStubbedCat) This works, but lacks the benefit of asserting that our operation is only valid for the expected input
  • 16. The solution: use argThat() Mockito helper that creates an argument matcher from when( a Hamcrest matcher catShop.purchase(argThat( hasPropertyWithValue( “breed”, startsWith(“Brittish”)))) ).thenReturn(somePreviouslyStubbedCat) Hamcrest matcher that accepts a Java Bean property name and a nested value matcher
  • 17. Using for behavioral verification CatDao catDao = mock(CatDao.class); CatStore catStore = new CatStore (catDao);with a Catcall to Verify that there was a CatDao.update() instance, catStore.saveOrUpdate(existingCat); the ‘name’ property is for which “felix” and the ‘kittens’ property is an verify(catDao).update(argThat( Iterable containing two kittens, kitten1 and kitten2 allOf( hasPropertyWithValue(“name”, “felix”), hasPropertyWithValue(“kittens”, hasItems(kitten1, kitten2)))));
  • 19. Writing your own matchers In the previous examples, we used the hasPropertyWithValue() matcher, which, while allowing for fluent assertions or stubbing, has the disadvantage of not being type-safe. This is where writing custom matchers becomes useful (or, as some would say, necessary).
  • 20. The Matcher<T> hierarchy abstract class TypeSafeMatcher<T> extends BaseMatcher<T> { boolean matchesSafely(T item); } interface Matcher<T> extends SelfDescribing { boolean matches(Object item); } interface SelfDescribing { void describeTo(Description description); }
  • 21. Dissecting some Wix matchers class HostMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<WixUrl> { private final Matcher<String> host; // c’tor omitted for readability public boolean matchesSafely(WixUrl url) { return host.matches(; Nested matcher that } will be replayed on the Actual value being actual value matched against public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("Host that matches ").appendValue(host); we write a Here } readable description of our expected value public static HostMatcher hasHost(Matcher<String> host)A utility factory method for { return new HostMatcher(host); fluently creating this } matcher. Not mandatory } but very convenient.
  • 22. Using our matcher WixUrl url = new WixUrl(“”); assertThat(url, hasHost(is(“”))); ✔ assertThat(url, hasHost(endsWith(“”))); ✔ assertThat(url, hasHost(is(“”))); ✗ java.lang.AssertionError: Expected: Host that matches <is ”"> got: <>
  • 23. Another URL matcher class WixUrlParamMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<WixUrl> { private final Matcher<String> name; // c’tor omitted for readability url.params is a Map<String, String>, so private final Matcher<String> value; we create a matcher for a map entry around our name and value matchers public boolean matchesSafely(WixUrl url) { replay it against the actual value and return hasEntry(name, value).matches(url.params); } public void describeTo(Description description) { description .appendText("Param with name ").appendValue(name) .appendText(" and value ").appendValue(value); } }
  • 24. Using the two matchers together String s = “”; WixUrl url = new WixUrl(s); assertThat(url, allOf( hasHost(is(“”)), hasParam(is(“p”), anyOf(is(“v1”), is(“v2”))), hasParam(is(“p3”), startsWith(“v”))));
  • 25. But wait – my URL is a String! Sometimes you’ll have matchers that accept a specific type, such as WixUrl or XML Document. For this purpose, use a wrapping matcher that performs the conversion for you: class StringAsUrlMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<String> { private final Matcher<WixUrl> urlMatcher; public boolean matchesSafely(String urlString) { return matcher.matches(new WixUrl(urlString)); } public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("Url that matches ") .appendDescriptionOf(urlMatcher); } }
  • 26. Ad-Hoc matchers for readable tests
  • 27. Consider the following class class Proxy { private final HttpClient httpClient; private String targetUrl; public String handle (String path) { httpClient.execute(// some HttpGet); } }
  • 28. The HttpClient interface public HttpResponse execute(HttpGet get); Our class under test is expected to replace the domain in path with targetUrl, thus serving as an HTTP Proxy. We would like to stub and verify the HttpGet parameter to make sure it builds the proxy URL properly.
  • 29. My test looks something like this HttpClient client = mock(HttpClient.class); String url = “”; {…} handler = new Proxy(client, url); when(client.execute({})) .thenReturn(someResponse); handler.handle(“”); verify(client).execute({});
  • 30. The solution Matcher<HttpGet> HttpGet(final Matcher<String> urlMatcher) { return new TypeSafeMatcher<HttpGet>() { public boolean matchesSafely(HttpGet httpGet) { return urlMatcher.matches(httpGet.getURI().toString())); } public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("HttpGet with url ") .appendDescriptionOf(urlMatcher); } }; }
  • 31. Usage of the HttpGet matcher when(handler.execute(argThat( is(HttpGet(startsWith(“”)))))) .thenReturn(response); handler.handle(“”); verify(client).execute(argThat(is(HttpGet( is(“”)))));
  • 32. The plot thickens Moments after triumphantly running the test I realized that in addition to verifying that the request went to the appropriate URL, I had to verify that some – but not all – HTTP headers were copied to the proxy request and some new ones were added to it.
  • 33. Ad-hoc matchers to the rescue 1) Add the following parameter to the HttpGet method: final Matcher<Header[]> headersMatcher 2) Change the matchesSafetly() method: public boolean matchesSafely(HttpGet httpGet) { return urlMatcher.matches(httpGet.getURI().toString()) && headersMatcher.matches(httpGet.getAllHeaders()); }
  • 34. Ad-hoc matchers to the rescue 3) Write a matcher for the Header class: Matcher<Header> Header( final Matcher<String> name, final Matcher<String> value) { return new TypeSafeMatcher<Header>() { public boolean matchesSafely(Header header) { return name.matches(header.getName()) && value.matches(header.getValue()); } } }
  • 35. Putting it all together verify(client).execute(argThat(is(HttpGet( that the X-Wix-Base-Uri header Asserts contains the expected value (using the is({URL matcher omitted for readability}), WixUrl matchers we’ve seen before). allOf( hasItemInArray( Header( is("X-Wix-Base-Uri"), Asserts that there’s no header by isUrlThat( the name of X-Seen-By, no matter what value it has hasHost(“”), hasPath(myPath)))), not(hasItemInArray( Header(is("X-Seen-By"), any(String.class)))) )))));
  • 36. Questions?

Editor's Notes

  1. This is a simplified version of the actual matcher from Hamcrest Core
  2. For those of you who’re not familiar with Mockito, here’s how you use it
  3. This has the disadvantage of being type-unsafe, but we’ll get back to this point later on.
  4. Like the previous example, this is type-unsafe because we’re not sure that the Cat class even has a field named “kittens”, let alone its type
  5. Matcher is the common ancestor for all Hamcrest matchers. Note that I removed a warning urging you not to implement Matcher&lt;T&gt;, extending BaseMatcher&lt;T&gt; instead.In most cases, you’ll want to extend TypeSafeMatcher&lt;T&gt;
  6. This matcher works on the WixUrl class, which is a type-safe URL builder class from the Wix infrastructure.It’s a good example for the simple, yet somewhat confusing, structure of a matcher. Note that this matcher has one member, which is another string matcher for specifying the expected value. We could’ve used a string here, but using a Matcher&lt;String&gt; allows us to be more flexible when using this matcher.This pattern of replaying a matcher against the actual value is a core principle of Matcher programming.Note that our matcher extends TypeSafeMatcher, which implements the Matcher.matches() method and delegates to the matchesSafely() method after performing a type assertion followed by a cast.
  7. Why do we need a Url matcher? Sometimes we don’t care about the query string, the host, the port, the protocol, etc. We could’ve used a string matcher such as contains() or endsWith() but this is more type safe, readable and illustrates the tested behavior more clearly.Note how the assertion error is much more readable than the one produced by assertEquals()
  8. This one takes two matchers, one for the parameter name and one for the parameter value.Note another principle introduced here, that of creating a new matcher wrapping our matchers and replaying it against the actual value. Thus, we abstract away from the test the fact the WixUrl.params is a map. In fact, we lately changed it from a Map&lt;String, String&gt; to a Multimap&lt;String, String&gt; without breaking any test – I just changed the field type and the appropriate matcher class.
  9. Note the use of the allOf() and anyOf() aggregate matchers that represent boolean AND and OR operations, respectively.
  10. Based on a true storyThis class accepts an instance of HttpClient (Apache HttpComponents 4.0). I wanted to give it a mock of HttpClient, then stub and verify it.
  11. I needed to be able to write matchers for the HttpGet class, for two reasons:1) It was much more readable than constructing an instance of it2) HttpGet takes on parameter, URI, and contains logic that deals with the HTTP protocol itself – not something that’s relevant for the test
  12. Note, again, how we replay the expected value matcher against the actual value. This prevents the need to construct our own instance on HttpGet and populate it with the expected value. Also note that this is a factory method, creating an anonymous class. The method starts with a capital letter and is named according to the name of the class we’re matching against. This is a convention we developed here at Wix, but we find it useful and clear.
  13. The use case here is that the proxy should send all traffic from to theproxied server, appending any nested path.Note that response can be either a real object constructed beforehand or a mock, but the mock must also be constructed before calling the when() method because of some Mockito limitation.Also note the reuse of our matcher both for stubbing the mock and verifying the desired behavior.
  14. The matcher is for a Header array because HttpGet.getAllHeaders() returns an array
  15. Note that without using Hamcrest, there’s no straightforward way to test for the inexistence of a value