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Arabic Baby Names

If you’re looking for a baby name with Arabic origins, SheKnows is here to help. Check out our list of Arabic baby names today.

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Name Meaning Origin
Abba Father. Arabic Baby Names, Biblical Baby Names, Hebrew Baby Names
Abbas Stern; lion. Arabic Baby Names, Muslim Baby Names
Abbud Worshiper of Allah. Arabic Baby Names
Abd al Alim Servant of the all knowing. Arabic Baby Names
Abd al Bari Servant of Allah. Arabic Baby Names
Abd al Hakim Servant of the wise. Arabic Baby Names
Abd al Jabbar Servant of the mighty. Arabic Baby Names
Abd al Matin Servant of the strong. Arabic Baby Names
Abd al Qadir Servant of the capable. Arabic Baby Names
Abd al Rashid Servant of the guided. Arabic Baby Names
Abd al Sami Servant of the all hearing. Arabic Baby Names
Abd er Rahman Servant of the merciful one. Arabic Baby Names
Abdal Ati Servant of Allah. Arabic Baby Names
Abdal Aziz Servant of the Mighty One. Arabic Baby Names
Abdal Fattah Servant of the one who gives nourishment. Arabic Baby Names
Abdal Hadi Servant of the leader. Arabic Baby Names
Abdal Hakim Servant of the wise one. Arabic Baby Names
Abdal Halim Servant of the patient one. Arabic Baby Names
Abdal Hamid Servant of the praiseworthy one. Arabic Baby Names
Abdal Jabbar Servant of the comforter. Arabic Baby Names

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