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What They’re Saying About the
Warner-Blunt REPAIR Act
The 31 national associations and construction trade unions of the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) applaud your bipartisan efforts in crafting the Reinventing Economic Partnerships And Infrastructure Redevelopment Act (REPAIR) Act. We support your proposal as a means to supplement the core federal transportation investment programs by utilizing an array of financing tools to encourage private sector investment in needed transportation infrastructure improvements. As Congress and the Administration move forward on the infrastructure package promised by President Trump, the TCC believes a permanent solution to the Highway Trust Fund revenue shortfall should finally be addressed and included in such a legislative package. Additionally, all options, including alternative project delivery and finance methods like the REPAIR Act, to address the nation's infrastructure deficit need to be considered as well. The REPAIR Act represents an innovative approach that would provide the ability to support nationally and regionally significant infrastructure projects that require innovative financing outside the existing core federal programs. -
The Transportation Construction Coalition, representing 31 national associations and construction trade unions
If we are to improve our nation’s infrastructure, graded a D+ in ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report
Card, we can no longer afford to defer needed investment in modernization and maintenance. Under Se
n. Warner’s leadership, the
REPAIR Act would make a significant step toward this increased, sustained investment, establishing a new, innovative funding authority designed to attract billions of
dollars in private sector investment in our nation’s water, t
ransportation, and energy sectors. Sen.
Blunt’s co
-sponsorship demonstrates once again that infrastructure is a bipartisan issue that impacts the lives of all Americans. Through the REPAIR
Act, our nation’s infrastructure will receive much
-needed additional funding to help narrow the $2 trillion infrastructure investment gap that currently costs every American family $3,400 a year out of their discretionary income. -
 Robin A. Kemper, P.E., President, American Society of Civil Engineers
The reintroduction of Senator Warner's Reinventing Economic Partnerships And Infrastructure Redevelopment Act (REPAIR) Act reaffirms his commitment to address the challenge of rebuilding
America’s crumbling infrastructure. Investing in the repair and improvement of America’s physical
infrastructure, from roads to bridges to pipelines to water systems to buildings, has consistently
 proven to be the most effective platform upon which sustained economic growth will occur. Such investments were the key driver
that fueled our nation’s industrial dominance in the 20th century,
and through efforts like Senator's Warner's bill, we can achieve levels of economic growth and  prosperity, while simultaneously protecting family sustaining wage and benefit standards. -
Sean McGarvey, President, North America's Building Trades Unions (national and international unions that collectively represent approximately 3 million skilled craft men and women in the United States and Canada)
Senators Roy Blunt of Missouri and Mark Warner of Virginia, should be commended for their
ongoing effort to strengthen our nation’s investment in critical infrastructure. Their legislation, The
Reinventing Economic Partnerships And Infrastructure Redevelopment Act (REPAIR) Act establishes a set of creative tools and incentives to draw private capital off the sidelines and promote effective public private partnerships. There is at least a $1.4 trillion shortfall in funding needed to adequately support infrastructure needs between now and 2025. The REPAIR Act is key to unlocking private investment necessary to support long-term economic growth and a more competitive nation. -
 Jason Grumet, President, Bipartisan Policy Center
I applaud Senators Warner and Blunt for re-introducing the REPAIR Act
 an ambitious plan to
improve America’s highways, bridges, ports, transit and aviation system. This bi
-partisan legislation
recognizes the United States’ urgent need to improve our infrastructure, so that we may once again
 be a global competitor in t
oday’s interconnected marketplace. The
REPAIR Act employs a creative financing mechanism which leverages private investments with those from the federal, state and local sources. Fixing our state, local, and national infrastructure is a large task, and one that calls for a large-scale plan that leverages all financing options, from the public to the private sector. The REPAIR Act is a first-rate example of the type of legislation that could help tackle this issue.
 Ed Rendell, Co-
Chair of Building America’s Future, Former Governor of Pennsylvania
Bills designed to increase investments in our country’s infrastructure, such as
the REPAIR Act, are vital to continued American strength. We must take steps now to inves
t in our country’s
infrastructure, sustaining economic growth and creating American jobs. ... Together with their  private-sector partners, ports will invest over $155 billion annually in marine terminal infrastructure  between 2016 and 2020. For America to remain globally competitive, however, we need the federal government not only to invest directly to infrastructure projects but also to create incentives for  private and local investments as well. Investments now will pay dividends in the long run by reversing the widening gap in freight movement infrastructure spending between our country and spending levels of our competitors. ... America can and must do better. It is for this reason that legislation such as the REPAIR Act is so important. -
Kurt J. Nagle, President and CEO, American Association of Port Authorities
I applaud the leadership of Senator Warner and Senator Blunt in their efforts to rebuild our nation’s
infrastructure by encouraging private sector investment. While increased federal funding remains most critical to expanding and improving transportation infrastructure, financing options
 such as the one proposed under the REPAIR Act
 are important tools that are useful in developing infrastructure projects. If paired with freight-focused federal grant programs, like INFRA and BUILD, the REPAIR Act could
 be an important piece of the solution needed to bolster America’s
economic engine
 our freight network. -
 Elaine Nessle, Executive Director, Coalition for America’s Gateways and Trade Corridors
The creation of an Infrastructure Financing Authority (IFA) to supplement existing government-sponsored infrastructure funding has the advantage of further leveraging private sector investment. This authority will also offer greater opportunities for private sector investment beyond traditional transportation projects to other infrastructure needs including water and other utilities such as
electric transmission and gas pipelines. …The independent nature of the proposed authority will
also will stimulate responsible investment that is good for the U.S. taxpayer by prioritizing projects
with strong public benefits and clear financing plans.”
 Jane F. Garvey, North America Chairman of Meridiam Infrastructure, Former  Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration
We must fix and improve our existing infrastructure first to ensure economic development for years to come and provide access to jobs and opportunity. By prioritizing maintenance and providing local communities with every available resource to support necessary investments, we can help our cities, towns, and suburbs stay competitive. The Infrastructure Financing Authority created by the REPAIR Act would provide another valuable tool to support thoughtful policy and critical investments communities need to make repairs and to build a modern network. -
 Beth Osborne, Director, Transportation for America

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