Not Yet Extinct

What are the daily thoughts of animals, unaware of their being observed? This series of mixed media drawings on African animals explores this concept.

These drawing are based on many hours viewing live webcams in African nature preserves. Wildlife shows and films are very dramatic and often violent. In reality, most of the time wild animals are doing nothing much. It’s wonderful to watch an elephant leisurely drinking water, or a crocodile floating for hours. I appreciate the mundaneness of their lives.

Watching through the camera, I feel like a primordial eye in the sky, silently viewing from far away.  Although I am removed from the animals physically, the watching them seems intimate and personal.

For each drawing, I study about the animals and try to understand what life is life for them. What does the crocodile see through their eyes, and from their very low viewpoint for such a large animal? Does the elephant feel its immense size and weight? I try to find a way into the animal’s mind, and from their decide how to draw them.

These animals range from Endangered to Least Concern, with most of them being considered Vulnerable. I’m viewing them in a very particular moment in time: they are not extinct yet, and technology lets me watch them from the other side of the world.

All drawings are 22″ x 30″ (24w” x 36w” framed) except for Steenbok and Spotted Eagle Owl which are 9″ x 12″.

Graphite/gouache/ink on paper.
Large works are $1000.
Small works are $400.

Sold artwork from this series