News & Events

ArtSpan’s GOLDEN Juried Benefit Art Auction
May 17, 2024

Join me at this year’s ArtSpan auction! My piece
Gay! The Gobies has been selected for the online auction, and I’ll be attending the in-person event.

It’s a milestone year, as both ArtSpan and SF Open Studios are turning 50 this year!

This piece includes graphite, ink, gouache, and collage. With each piece in this series and in my current one Souhouette, I know which animal I want to depict and I know the basic layout. The rest is happens on the fly. There’s often a time while I am creating each work that it looks like a mess to me and I have no idea how I will pull it all together. In the end, it always seems to work out, so I’m continuing with this method.

These gobies (Gobiodon aoyagii) have the ability to changes gender in either direction, known as “bidirectional sex change”.

Heron Arts
7 Heron St
San Francisco

I. We. They. Celebrations of Gender
June 1 – July 21, 2024
Thea Quiray Tagle, Juror

Opening Reception:
June 1, 2024

I’m very pleased to announce that I’ve been invited to show several of my drawings from my Gay! The Animals series.

Benecia is a town I’ve wanted to explore for a long time, and now I have a great reason to go there. Come see what it’s all about at the opening!

There’s a false construct in our culture that queerness is solely a human trait. In fact, same-sex attraction and gender transformation is widespread and well-documented among other non-human animals

My goal in this series is to debunk and disempower the false paradigm that queerness is unnatural — in fact, the whole world is queerer than you know.

Arts Benicia
1 Commandant’s Lane
Benicia, CA 94510

Street Art

Here’s something new I’m doing — street art! Inspired by a photo exhibit I saw about street art in Europe, I realized that what we have in the U.S. is very weak in comparison. My artist pal Cass Frayer and I decided to improve this situation by installing our own on in San Francisco. I created a version of a small drawing from my latest Soulhouette series, Year of the Dragonfly, and used colors to match the print she was installing. It looked so big in my studio and so small on the street. Next time I’ll make something even bigger!

This piece has since been torn down, hopefully by someone who wanted it for their own.

I’ve decided that I need an artist name to go along with this new exploration, so I’m taking on the name “Artemis Jones” as my public-facing name for all my artistic endeavors. Because no one can pronounce or spell “Schatzkin” anyway.

These gobies (Gobiodon aoyagii) have the ability to changes gender in either direction, known as “bidirectional sex change”.
Gay! The Gobies ©2023

Both these lizards are female. Actually, *all* NM Whiptail Lizards are female. All of them! They reproduce through pathenogenesis, or asexual reproduction. Does that mean there is no sexual activity? Nope! Like many animals, they still engage in mating behavior.
Gay! The Whiptails ©2023

Artemis Jones, street artist, with Year of the Dragonfly 2 and art by Cass Frayer

Retail Sources


Panorama Framing & Gallery sells prints of my art. Please visit them at:

3350 Grand Avenue,
Oakland, CA 94610


Please feel free to contact me to purchase any art that you see on this site.
Limited edition prints and originals are available.