Who is Sand Castles

Sand Castles is a little tiny studio based in Barcelona, Spain. It was founded by 3 all-time friends that wanted to take on creative projects and love video games since, ever.

COVID happens, 3 guys get super bored and decide to try a gamejam. The gamejam was fun, so at the end of this year, they decided to embark on a slightly bigger project (It turned out VERY big). A little tiny rage-game about two penguins attached to each other with a rope.

We officially began Bread & Fred, and with that a devlog series on our Youtube channel. We had a good rhythm with the gamedev but balancing this and the devlogs was getting pretty hard, so we decided to stop doing devlogs and focus only on the development. Also we made a pitch presentation and began looking for a publisher. It didn’t workout and the search gave us a pretty burnout feeling to the 3 of us.

Around June this year we were contacted by Scott Miller, Apogee’s founder, for a publishing deal. We didn’t expect it so it was fantastic that someone was interested in B&F. As you know, we ended up signing with Apogee and the development process was on fire since then. We officially made the company and founded the studio.

One of the best years for Sand Castles! Bread and Fred was launched, and was a success! We are able to live from game development and the studio will continue exploring Bread and Fred and other new games. Our team grew from 3 to 6 people, we rented an office and this year was the one where we established as an official studio.

This current year we dedicated most of the time on porting Bread & Fred to other consoles, and expanding our studio and game visibility, growing the team with Lara, our Social Media and Marketing Manager. It’s going to be a big year for Sand Castles so let’s hope for the best!


During the short time for the studio, we already received amazing awards and achieved many incredible things. Bread & Fred is obviously guilty for these!

2023 - Best Platform Game // Bread & Fred

Devuego Awards 2023

2023 - Hidden Gem // Bread & Fred

Indie Burger Awards 2023

2024 - Best game to play with friends // Bread & Fred

Guadalindie Awards

Our team

The team grew quite a lot in a short time, and we are super happy to collect so many incredible people, old and new friends. Together I’m sure we are going to make some very interesting projects

David Lozano
Lead programmer

David Lozano David Lozano

He’s tired, like all the time. But we don’t know how he manages to control the project and do whatever is necessary. A one man army that loves art and design, but decided to be the lead programmer instead.

Guillem Romero
Lead designer

Guillem Romero Guillem Romero

A brilliant mind trapped in a bundle of nerves. He’s a big fan of puzzle games and always tries to implement some “puzzlesque” aspects to his designs. He LOVES seeing players try and confirm his good design decisions

Victor Valiente
Lead artist

Victor Valiente Victor Valiente

An art and graphic design enthusiast, always wanting the best in terms of looks, feels and vibes for his projects. Loves making cute characters and bringing them to life. A creative person that won’t stop thinking about new things to explore.

Manel Mourelo

Manel Mourelo Manel Mourelo

Our personal gym bro. A huge person, from outside to inside. He didn’t want to, but he ended up in charge of the online system and networking. He is the bug-solver (when David is not around). Snorlax is his spirit animal.

Sergio Gómez

Sergio Gómez Sergio Gómez

A chill man until somebody begins to talk about game design. He’s always trying to incorporate more things in the project just because it’s fun. If he begins a game, he will get all of the achievements no matter what. OCD enjoyer.

Didac Maroto

Didac Maroto Didac Maroto

A complete beast in terms of artistic skills, whatever you have in mind he is capable of representing perfectly. He’s very quiet but will always deliver the best punchlines. He loves Nintendo games and original soundtracks.

Lara Velasco
Social manager

Lara Velasco Lara Velasco

She’s cute and cozy, just like the games she loves to play and talk about. She’s always trying to be aware of everything social-wise and sharing a positive mind-set. If she’s not playing a little game or on socials, she’s probably on her siesta.

No extra vacancy yet

But this could be you in a future, who knows, maybe we need someone else to jump in and help us develop new games and projects.