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Are you privacy compliant?
Are your vendors?

SafeGuard Privacy is the only auditable next-generation privacy compliance platform that answers the questions others don’t.

TransUnion Announcement
TransUnion Logo

SafeGuard Privacy helps TransUnion scrutinize third-party data providers’ adherence to regulations.

IAB Diligence Blog Post
Privacy Seal

SafeGuard Privacy CEO Richy Glassberg and IAB General Counsel Michael Hahn's discuss the need for industry diligence standards and how the IAB Diligence Platform can help.

OneTrust Integration Announcement
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The first-of-its-kind integration simplifies vendor due diligence for the digital advertising industry.

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Reduce privacy compliance complexity.

Assess once, remediate, and share your compliance quickly and easily. No more spreadsheets. No more email chasing. Have a lot of vendors? No problem.

Learn more >

SafeGuard Privacy Compliance Platform Features and Marketecture

What are the benefits?


Speed to Compliance

Get the work done in
weeks, not months


Hours Saved

Versus starting from scratch
or using a framework


Range of Savings

Both your time and money
of doing the work yourself

The world’s top companies are saving time and money on privacy compliance with SafeGuard Privacy.

The world’s top companies are saving time
and money on privacy compliance with SafeGuard Privacy.

Vendor compliance is complex and tedious. It doesn’t have to be.

Whether you have 10 or 1,000 vendors, our Vendor Compliance Hub will save you time and money.

Many companies don’t sign contracts with vendors without verifying their InfoSec practices. You shouldn’t work with vendors without verifying their privacy compliance practices either.

Take your vendor compliance from this:

To this:

Managing vendor compliance is a problem.
We fixed that too.

Whether you have 10 or 1,000, our Vendor Compliance Hub will save you time and money.

Take your vendor compliance from this:

To this:

What’s new?

Ready to accelerate your compliance?

Give us 15 minutes to show you how to save time
and money on privacy compliance.