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Rappler Communities: Tech FAQs

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Rappler Communities: Tech FAQs
Rappler Communities runs on the Matrix protocol. What is it, and what does it seek to do?
What is the Matrix protocol? Why are you following its manifesto?

Matrix is an open protocol meant to allow for secure, decentralized communications. The protocol allows developers to build an ecosystem of applications that function and work with one another. We are using Matrix to build a community that has the ability to control its communications and converse with others securely and privately.

Rappler believes in the ethos of the Matrix manifesto, which wants users to be able to have secure conversations with others on a network that is more people-centric –  meaning people are able to choose who hosts their communication without limiting the reach of their message.

More information on the Matrix Manifesto and its beliefs are available here.

How are you using AI for Rappler Communities?

Artificial intelligence is used on the Rappler Communities app to help moderate messages and alert human moderators to improper use on the app. 

Is my data safe on the app?

The Rappler Communities app asks primarily for an email address to connect your account to for the purpose of identification for logins and enforcement of chat moderation. To protect and safeguard your privacy, we employ stringent standards in data management and security. Please refer to our privacy statement for more information on what data are collected, and how we protect them.

What can we expect in the future?

Future iterations of the Rappler Communities app will add further features to improve interoperability with other chat apps through the Matrix protocol. 

You can read our other FAQs here:

Rappler Communities: Platform FAQs

Rappler Communities: FAQs on community-building initiatives


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