Creating a Remarkable Employee Journey

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Insights from a Benchmarking Study on Employee Experience in the US, UK, and Germany.

As the world continues to change rapidly, understanding employee needs and perspectives is crucial to create the best workplaces. This study examines key factors that impact employee experience and provides a guide for employers to prevent retention or performance challenges and create a thriving workplace that employees love to be a part of.

Use the results of our study as a roadmap to understand the factors impacting your organization and ensure you are creating a workplace that helps employees show up as their best selves.

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A sneak peek into our study…

Feelings of inclusion and belonging were strong determinants of retention. Employees who most strongly felt like they belonged at their current company were two times less likely to say they have been applying for jobs in the past three months, and those who most strongly agreed that they are comfortable with others from work regardless of their title or position were 2.2 times less likely to say that they have been applying for jobs.

benchmark study

Insights from 3,000 workers across the US, the UK and Germany.

From more than 20 different industries, including: Automotive, Banking, Construction, Education, Financial Services, Food, Healthcare, Hospitality, Information Technology, Public Service, Retail, and Transportation.

Read all of our insights

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