Google’s Impact in Sweden 2023

Public First conducted consumer and business polling, and economic modelling, to determine Google’s Economic Impact in Sweden in 2023.

You can find the polling and modelling claims here. Among our findings, we found:

  • In total, Google products have been supporting at least 149 billion kr. in economic activity in Sweden.
  • In total, Google products supported over 142,000 jobs in Sweden during the last year.
  • Google’s products Google Search, Google Maps, and YouTube were named among the ten most helpful innovations of the last thirty years, as judged by the general public in Sweden.
  • Every year, the digital skills people have learned through Google Search boosts the economy in Sweden by 48 billion kr.

Polling Tables

Public First conducted anonymous surveys of 1,019 Consumers in Sweden from 6th June – 27th June 2023, and of 515 senior business decision makers from 6th June – 29th June 2023. The consumer survey was weighted by interlocking age and gender, region, and education level to nationally representative proportions; the business survey was weighted by employee size (business count) and region to nationally representative proportions.

Public First is a member of the British Polling Council (BPC) and abides by its rules. For more information please contact the Public First polling team:

Consumer Tables
Business Tables