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Distributor Benefits

We Cater To You

Building strong relationships within this industry is a must and we understand the challenges you face when trying to schedule meetings with suppliers around the nation to stay on top of the new products and services they offer. Print & Promo Marketing Power Meetings is the solution! We fly you to an elite location to meet with the top suppliers in the industry. We secure your hotel reservation, provide fun networking events, and all meals are taken care of throughout the event. You will create new business opportunities, network and create new relationships with the industry’s elite!

Your Benefits Include

Print & Promo Marketing Power Meetings provide a top-notch meeting experience that you will not find at another industry event. Qualified distributors will receive airfare, hotel, meals, and networking events that are carefully scheduled to assure your time away from the office is time well spent. While attending you will have the opportunity to:

  • Meet 1:1 with top suppliers in the industry to freely discuss your projects and clients in a private suite.
  • Build long-term relationships with top industry suppliers during networking events.
  • Heading back to the office, you’ll feel revitalized with new product ideas, new relationships formed and new marketing and sales solutions to offer your clients.

Each Component is Designed For Your Success

with powerful industry leaders and align your business with the industry’s best of the best.
with key sales executives who are qualified to handle top-tiered distributors.
new partnerships and expand your strategic, long-term relationships.
These events are so memorable, especially for the distributors, that's why I think it's fantastic. You'll talk to somebody four years later that you met in Florida and they remember the event, they remember what you did. I think there's a real connection right away because of the networking events that go on. You start to build these relationships that last for years off of a three day event.”
Eldy Miller, Stoneycreek
Nothing comes close to the quality one-on-one time you receive with Supplier Sales Leaders and the experiential connection of a Power House event to build relationships and grow my business.”
Heather Comerford, 1338Tryon