Terrence malick

Delve into the mesmerizing world of Terrence Malick's films. Discover his unique storytelling style and be captivated by the stunning visuals and thought-provoking narratives.
It's Wonder Wednesday!! Create your own Tree of #Environmentalism and discover more about your #ecological identity. Enhance your #teaching and your environmental ethic with today's #lesson!   http://wingswormsandwonder.com/2014/02/wonder-wednesday-18-trees-of-environmentalism/ Tumblr, Terrence Malick, Ali Michael, Movie Shots, Best Director, The Tree Of Life, Great Films, Parkour, Film Stills

Wonder Wednesday #18: Trees of Environmentalism

Are you ready to make your trees? Have you been thinking about the seeds planted and roots grown deep that have made you the inspired environmentalists, naturalist, eco educator/parent you are today? Yes? No? Either way that’s okay! That’s what this activity is for! Do you have no idea what I am talking about? Well, […]
