new video loaded: Biden Tells Allies That NATO Is ‘More Powerful Than Ever’



Biden Tells Allies That NATO Is ‘More Powerful Than Ever’

President Biden welcomed NATO allies to a summit in Washington with a speech highlighting the alliance’s history and its unity in modern times.

It’s a pleasure to host you in this milestone year, to look back with pride at all we’ve achieved and look ahead to our shared future, with strength and with resolve. Together we rebuilt Europe from the ruins of war, held high the torch of liberty during long decades of the Cold War. Today, NATO is more powerful than ever, 32 nations strong. The fact that NATO remains the bulwark of global security did not happen by accident. It wasn’t inevitable. Again and again, at critical moments, we chose unity over disunion, progress over retreat, freedom over tyranny and hope over fear. Again and again, we stood behind our shared vision of a peaceful and prosperous trans-Atlantic community. Here at this summit, we gather to proclaim NATO is ready and able to secure that vision today and well into the future.

Biden Tells Allies That NATO Is ‘More Powerful Than Ever’

By The Associated PressJuly 9, 2024

President Biden welcomed NATO allies to a summit in Washington with a speech highlighting the alliance’s history and its unity in modern times.

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