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House Tour | Adam Wallacavage

The artist, best known for his handmade octopus chandeliers, shows off his Victorian Gothic brownstone in South Philadelphia.

My name is Adam Wallacavage, and this is my house in South Philadelphia. The house was built in the 1890s. When I bought it in 2000, I changed it back to the fantasy idea of a Victorian freak show house. This is the Jules Verne room. One of my octopus chandeliers. This is the front parlor room. Gong. [GONG ECHOS] Paint tag by Philadelphia’s own Cornbread. “Neptune’s Revenge.” This is my “Pasta Cat.” [LAUGHS] Ceiling skeleton light. Fiberglass alligator. These are fun to bring to the beach. The kitchen. Trash-picked sign from Bambi Dry Cleaners. Homage to the late, great Becky Westcott. One of the guest bedrooms. Chinese wedding bed that I’m babysitting for a friend. This is my lamp mirror. This is going to be the Gothic Bollywood room, but it hasn’t really gotten there yet. [CLOCK CHIMES] My studio where I make all my lamps and chandeliers. Original print from artist Shepard Fairey. This is a lamp I’m making that’s in progress. My bedroom. My book collection, including my own book, “Monster Size Monsters.” Thanks for coming by.

House Tour | Adam Wallacavage

By Scott J. RossMarch 25, 2020

The artist, best known for his handmade octopus chandeliers, shows off his Victorian Gothic brownstone in South Philadelphia.

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