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On Achill Island in Ireland, Cian hopes to spend the summer playing soccer with his friends. But his grandfather thinks it’s about time to pass down a family tradition.

[WHISTLING] [SHEEP BLEATING] “Come by. Come by. Away, way. Come by. Come by.” [WHISTLING] “Come by. Away. Come by. Come by.” [SHEEP BLEATING] [WHISTLING] [CLAPS] “Come by. Oi, that’ll do. That’ll do.” [DOG PANTING] [WHISTLING] “Come by. Come by. Come by. Watch me. When you catch them — when you catch them, right, be down like this. Don’t be up like this, no. Be down like this and running.” [SHEEP BLEATING] “There’s one there right beside you. See it? Oi. OK, you see your knee here? This, right, bring her in. Get her against your knee.” [SHEEP SNORTS] “Right? Now look. Look at her eye, nice and clear. Nice and healthy, see? She’s OK. She’s OK there. Feet — perfect. See? Now do you see the sheep across the river? I want you to put Thomas across the water and insist that he goes in the water, he swims across for her. And he might bring her around that way. And he might bring her straight across.” “Is he going to do it? Come here, Thomas. Come here, Thomas. Thomas, come here. Stand here. Stay there. Lie down there. Thomas, lie down! Thomas! Thomas!” “Go on, let him across. Go on, quick.” “Thomas, go. Thomas, look. Look, Thomas. Thomas, here. Thomas, go in. Go in, Thomas. Go in. Thomas, go in.” “Let him go. Let him go!” “Go, Thomas! Get her, Thomas. Get her. Get her, Thomas. Get her.” “Way, way.” “Way, Thomas. Way, Thomas. Way, Thomas. Way, Thomas. Get her. Get her. Way, Thomas. Way. Way, Thomas. Way, Thomas. Way, Thomas! Away! Away, Thomas! Away! Away, Thomas! Thomas! Look. Look here. Look, look, look.” “I can’t see her. I can’t see the dog.” “Come by, Thomas. Come back.” “He’s not listening to you. Look, look. He’s not listening to you, see?” “Way, way, way, way. That’s it. Come by. Come by. Thomas! That’ll do! Come here. Come here. Come on.” [CLICKS TONGUE] [SERIOUS MUSIC] [INAUDIBLE] “My grandfather Martin Calvey, he is a farmer. Definitely, he likes to say he’s one of the biggest. I like to think that, as well.” [BAGPIPE MUSIC IN DISTANCE] “I help him whenever he needs help. So when I’m finished school, then it’s a full-time help.” [WIND BLOWING] [SHEEP BLEATING] [BREATHING HEAVILY] [PHONE VIBRATES] “At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press —” [SHARPLY INHALES] “Come on! Today, not tomorrow. Come on! Everybody’s head up.” [RINGS DOORBELL ONCE] [RINGS DOORBELL QUICKLY] “Cian?” “Yeah?” “Four more rams when you’re ready.” “OK.” “Shh! Go on. Go, go. Go on. Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Go on. [WHISTLES] Ugh.” [BLEATING ECHOING] [WATER SPLASHING] [BIRDS’ WINGS FLAPPING] [DOG WHINING] “Hey!” [SHEEP BLEATING] [DOOR OPENS, CLOSES] [FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING] [WATER SPLASHING] “Bad report.” “Bad report?” “Bad report. Bad, bad.” “What about the rest of the place? It’s all spotless. The one thing that wasn’t relevant.” “Everything is relevant in here.” “There’s nothing else —” “Everything, everything. It’s all equipment. And the [INAUDIBLE] comes, and they inspect every little thing.” “OK.” “Mm-hm. So if everything here isn’t kept 100 percent correct, I won’t get my license. Everything has to be 100 percent clean and in working condition. In working condition. You’re there yawning and spluttering, not a bit interested in what I’m saying.” “I am, of course. It’s just a bit of an overreaction, I think.” “No [CHUCKLES], no. It’s not an overreaction.” [CHUCKLES] “I don’t know.” “Whoa!” “No! No! No! That was the one like at my house.” “Jesus!” [SUBTLE UPBEAT MUSIC] [FLUTTERS LIPS] “Come on.” [LAUGHS] [FRIENDLY CHATTER] “You see, I think when he was younger, a lot of parents would be more strict. And they’d tell kids how to walk. And if you walk this way, you know, it wouldn’t be right. So Grandad, as I think he’s lived through that, and you wouldn’t see him walking wonky as if he was drunk.” “Come on.” “He’s fully shoulders back and straight forward. He doesn’t stop.” [TALKING INDISTINCTLY TO DOG] [SHEEP BLEATS] [WIND BLOWING] [WHISTLING] “Lie down. Lie down. Lie down. Lie down. Lie down now, Thomas. [INAUDIBLE] That’ll do. Wait. Wait. Wait. OK, OK, take them all out. All out. Down the right, this side here. The right side, quick. Smartly, clap your hands. Clap your hands. Clap your hands. Push them on. Push them on.” [RUMBLING] “That’s it. Hold on to him. Hold on to him. [INAUDIBLE] a pot of gold. OK, push them down here, Cian. That’s the idea now, OK. Just — you want to back him into the corner, Cian. Back him into the corner. Right into the corner. Right. Now hold on to him tightly. Now get this off. A long, steady stroke. Nice and — don’t rush it. Slowly.” [RAM GRUNTS] [THUDS] “Sit down.” “Come on, stick with him. A bit more effort. And keep it straight. Keep it out. Go on. A long stroke.” “[EXPLETIVE] sake.” “Don’t break the blade. OK, hold on. Let me show you.” “Sure, you’re on a stronger angle.” “Listen, listen. I wouldn’t have that problem. See? You see that? It’s no problem if you made an effort. Look.” “I know, but —” “Shut up. Shut up, shut up.” “Look at your angle, though.” “None of your — You see that?” “I know, I know. I understand. But you’re — you have to look. You’re on that side.” “Ah.” “You know, I’m on a totally different angle.” “OK, get on that side, you, as well. Get over there. Now. Let’s see your excuse now. Go on. Don’t dog it. Nice and steady. Long, steady stroke. Don’t be hitting his face with the handle of the saw.” “OK, OK, I understand that now.” “I think I’ll write it down for you.” “Hold on.” “I’ll write it down for you.” “Are we getting anywhere? That’s the question.” [RAM BLOWS AIR] [EXPLETIVE] [THUDDING] “[EXPLETIVE] of a ram” [BREATHING HEAVILY] [EXHALES HEAVILY] [SOCCER WHISTLE ON TV] [FANS CHEERING] [DEEP MUSIC] “I remember getting up in the middle of the night.” [WIND BLOWING] “There was this thing I was dreaming about. And then I kind of got into the dream. But not too far into the dream.” [MYSTERIOUS MUSIC] “I went outside, and I whistled.” [MUSIC HALTS] [WIND BLOWING EERILY] “And then it ran off.” [SILENCE] “He’s been waiting for you, OK. Come on, lads. Tune in. Come on. This should be — we’ll have to go there now in a minute.” “Can you wait, then?” “First thing, Cian is captain tonight, OK?” [CLAPPING] “I’ll take it.” [COACH CALLING INSTRUCTIONS] “Rory. Rory. Bounce it in front of the keeper. Make him save it. Follow it, Joe.” “Get in there! Get in there!” “It’s a great ball.” “Get in there!” “Don’t, Joe.” “Hit it.” “Time, time.” “Don’t give up, Joe! Now, Cian! Come on!” [SHOUTING] “Get in there, Gerald!” “Ah, come on!” [WHISTLE] “Hey!” [WHISTLE] “Guys, guys, guys!” “John! John, get off!” “Guys, guys, guys! OK, sort it out, OK?” [BOYS MUTTERING] [WHISTLE] “OK, Edwin, you’re trying to keep the ball. Get the ball at the same —” [RAIN FALLING, WIND BLOWING] [RAIN PATTERING] “So, uh —” “So tomorrow, busy day.” “Oh, well, we’ll — enjoy it and —” “Yeah.” “— get it done and —” “We won’t think about it too much. We won’t stress about it.” “Mm, no, no. I won’t get stressed out. But you won’t get stressed out.” [STAMMERING] “No, I have a stress-free mind.” “Yeah, but don’t bring the phone with you, because the girls will be calling you, and that’s interruption. It should be —” [CHUCKLES] “Interruption to the lesson?” “Yes.” [LAUGHING] “There should be no, uh — no third party.” “OK.” “Just you and me. And the phone is the third party.” “Yeah.” [WIND BLOWING] [MUFFLED TALKING] [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC] “Oh, I don’t like when —” “[INAUDIBLE] Thomas!” “Thomas!” “Thomas! Thomas! Away. Come here, Thomas. Come here. Thomas, [WHISTLES] come by here. Thomas, here. Come by, come by, come by. Come by.” “Daddy, we got the sheep!” [CLAPS] [SHOOING] [SHEEP BLEATING] “Get in.” [SHEEP PANTING] [SHEEP BLEATS] [SHEEP BREATHING CALMLY] [WATER SPLASHING] [INAUDIBLE] [SPLASH] “Woo! Woo, ha. Ah. OK, come and sit.” [SHEEP BLEATING] [MOTOR DRONING] [INAUDIBLE] “OK.” “Walk beside it. It will walk for you, yeah. OK.” [SHOOING] [THOUGHTFUL MUSIC] “What I’d like to do is actually what my dad does in the business. He’s abroad. All these Google, Facebook, all these linked-up things. It seems like a good job. But then, obviously, come back now and then with sheep, maybe buy some sheep of my own in a few years and keep going with that, hopefully. We don’t want to let it go.” [DOG BARKING] “Away, Thomas. Away. Away, Thomas. Away, Thomas. That’ll do! Lie down! Lie down! Come by. Come by. Come by. Way! Way! Way, Thomas. Way, Thomas. Way, way, way, here. Way, way, way, way. Lie down. Lie down! Way. Way, way, way. Lie down! Lie down! Come by. Come by. Look here. Come here. Come here, Thomas. Come by, come by. Lie down. Away, Thomas. Away. Way, way, way. Away, Thomas. Way, Thomas. Way, Thomas. Sh, sh.” [SEAGULLS CALLING] [SPLASHES, LAUGHS] “Here, Thomas. [KISSES] Thomas, here. Come on. Good boy. [CHUCKLES] Good boy.” [LIGHT INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC] [LAUGHS] “You know, the one thing in life you really need, you guys? You?” “A pen?” “You?” “Love?” “Money?” “Hm?” “Money?” [CHUCKLING] “No. A good alarm clock.” [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC]


By Matthias Joulaud and Lucien RouxNovember 28, 2023

On Achill Island in Ireland, Cian hopes to spend the summer playing soccer with his friends. But his grandfather thinks it’s about time to pass down a family tradition.

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Op-Docs is the New York Times’ award-winning series of short documentaries by independent filmmakers. From emerging directors to Oscar winners, Op-Docs brings you the very best nonfiction filmmaking from around the world.
