

The 11.12.23 Issue


  1. A Beginner’s Guide to Looking at the Universe

    A stunning advancement in a long history of stargazing, the James Webb telescope reveals light where once we saw only darkness. Our view of the universe will never be the same.


    CreditIllustration by Daniel Zvereff, Photo by NASA
  2. The Space Issue

    The Traffic Jam in Low Earth Orbit

    Elon Musk's satellites. Stuffed animals. Tomatoes? You wouldn't believe what's circling Earth these days.


    CreditIllustrations by Sean Dong
  3. The Space Issue

    Befouling the Final Frontier

    As humanity rushes back to space, we seem to be repeating some of the mistakes we’ve made on Earth.


    CreditIllustration by Pablo Delcan
  1. What Does the U.S. Space Force Actually Do?

    Inside the highly secretive military branch responsible for protecting American interests in a vulnerable new domain.


    A patch for the Assured Access to Space Directorate, the Space Force division in charge of space mobility and logistics.
    CreditChristopher Payne for The New York Times
    The Space issue
