

11.28.21 — The Tech and Design Issue


  1. The Tech and Design Issue

    Could Covid Lead to Progress?

    Mass tragedies sometimes have unexpected consequences.


    CreditIllustration by Christoph Niemann
  2. The Tech and Design Issue

    Inside the C.D.C.’s Pandemic ‘Weather Service’

    The agency has created an ambitious $200 million center to predict future outbreaks — but diseases are a lot harder to model than storms.


    CreditIllustration by Julia Dufossé
  3. The Tech and Design Issue

    You Should Be Afraid of the Next ‘Lab Leak’

    Covid might not have come out of a medical research lab, but it raises some urgent questions about how those facilities operate.


    CreditIllustration by Rachel Levit Ruiz
  1. The Gene-Synthesis Revolution

    Researchers can now design and mass-produce genetic material — a technique that helped build the mRNA vaccines. What could it give us next?


    CreditIllustration by Jaedoo Lee
    The Tech and Design Issue
  2. How the $4 Trillion Flood of Covid Relief Is Funding the Future

    From broadband to transportation to high-tech medical manufacturing, benefits from America’s pandemic money infusion will linger.

     By Charley Locke and

    CreditChristopher Payne for The New York Times
    The Tech and Design Issue
  3. Dr. Becky Doesn’t Think the Goal of Parenting Is to Make Your Kid Happy

    “Because there are so many ways right now to get around frustration, you have to be mindful to raise kids who learn how to tolerate it.”


    CreditMamadi Doumbouya for The New York Times
  4. What Should I Do With My Big Fat Inheritance?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on the burdens of philanthropy — and more.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  5. How Alienation Became My Superpower

    Feeling like an outsider can be painful. But it comes with secret gifts of perception.


    CreditBarbara Bosworth
    Letter of Recommendation
  1. Just How Optimized Can Your Life Be?

    An app seeks the outermost limits of productivity.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Max-o-matic
  2. Making Fresh Cheese at Home Is Worth It. This Recipe Proves It.

    Homemade paneer is tender and delicate and extremely creamy — and the star of this simple tikka.


    CreditLinda Xiao for The New York Times. Food stylist: Maggie Ruggiero. Prop stylist: Sophie Leng.
  3. Vaping Is Risky. Why Is the F.D.A. Authorizing E-Cigarettes?

    The agency has taken a controversial stand on vaping as a way to quit tobacco. This is what the research shows.


    CreditIllustration by Ori Toor
    Studies Show
  4. How to Stand Correctly

    Advice from the director of the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York.


    CreditIllustration by Radio
  5. Poem: Buried Abecedary for Intensive Care

    A poem does its thing when you leave it regretting, just a little bit, learning something you’d swear you already knew.

     By Laura Kolbe and

    CreditIllustration by R.O. Blechman




