

The 4.18.21 Issue


  1. Feature

    Andrew Cuomo’s White-Knuckle Ride

    Amid scandals, accusations and calls for his resignation, the New York governor seems determined to prove that the instincts that have gotten him into trouble can get him out of it too.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Devin Oktar Yalkin for The New York Times
  2. Feature

    The Woman Who Made van Gogh

    Neglected by art history for decades, Jo van Gogh-Bonger, the painter’s sister-in-law, is finally being recognized as the force who opened the world’s eyes to his genius.


    CreditF. W. Deutmann, Zwolle. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
  3. Feature

    The ‘Herald Square Bomber’ Who Wasn’t

    After 9/11, U.S. authorities used informants to secure hundreds of terror convictions. But did they help create plots where none existed?


    Shahawar Matin Siraj, who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for terrorism-related charges despite concerns of entrapment.
    CreditTaryn Simon for The New York Times
  1. Is It OK to Use Money Raised for a Child’s Cancer Care on a Car?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on the limits of GoFundMe, whether to identify as L.G.B.T.Q. and unequal inheritances.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  2. Nothing Could Make Her Body Stop Itching. Would It Ever End?

    It felt like the itch was coming from somehow under her skin. The cause ended up being even deeper.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Ina Jang
  3. How a Burst of Light in the Sky Illuminated Something Primal

    Videos of a mysterious celestial phenomenon captured a once-common human emotion: awe at the wonder of the heavens.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Najeebah Al-Ghadban
  4. A Classic Venetian Dish That Doesn’t Need Improvement

    With some trepidation, Gabrielle Hamilton puts her own spin on risi e bisi — rice and peas.


    Venetian rice and peas, with zucchini and Parmigiano-Reggiano-rind broth.
    CreditHeami Lee for The New York Times. Food stylist: Maggie Ruggiero. Prop stylist: Amy Wilson.
  5. The Joy of Playing Soccer With Strangers

    Joining a pickup game can be a way of freeing yourself from the fear of failure.


    CreditGiles Price for The New York Times
    Letter of Recommendation
  1. Judge John Hodgman on What Constitutes Time Travel

    One dad thinks he knows better than the director of "Back to the Future."


    CreditIllustration by Louise Zergaeng Pomeroy
    Judge John Hodgman
  2. Poem: Impossible Friendships

    Adam Zagajewski, a poet of immigrants and exile, remains with us in verse.

     By Reginald Dwayne Betts and

  3. How to Hang Your Laundry

    Drying your clothes in the sun is easy to do and saves electricity.


    CreditIllustration by Radio
