

The 5.24.20 Issue


  1. The Truth About Cocoons

    What caterpillars really go through in there has applications for our moment.


    CreditIllustration by Brian Rea
  2. ‘I Have to Make Use of What Is at My Disposal.’

    What Zanele Muholi, Titus Kaphar, Kara Walker and other artists are creating during quarantine.


    Aphelile IV, Durban (detail), 2020
    CreditZanele Muholi. From Yancey Richardson, New York, and Stevenson, Cape Town/Johannesburg
  3. You’re Never Alone in a Dusty Apartment

    Your dust is you, and the life outside your window, and the life of every tenant before you. Gross — but who right now can turn down company?


    CreditIllustration by Brian Rea
  1. When the World Went Away, We Made a New One

    I lost many things during the quarantine. But there can be an unexpected abundance inside a state of loss.


  2. We Can’t Comprehend This Much Sorrow

    History’s first draft is almost always wrong — but we still have to try and write it.


    CreditIllustration by Brian Rea
  3. Quarantine Was Driving Me Crazy — So I Decided to Lose My Mind on Purpose

    If you can't live normally, why not find little harebrained ways to warp reality?


  4. I'm Usually a Conflict Photographer. Now, I'm Documenting My Family.

    For the first time in my career I decided not to cover a major event. I'm seeing something more timeless and universal.

     Photographs by

    Luna standing in a field by the farmhouse we stayed in, near Chateau d’Oex, Switzerland. Tree trimmings smolder in the background, as the farmers continued to work the land around us.
    CreditPaolo Pellegrin/Magnum, for The New York Times
  5. How a Game With My Daughter Helped Us Cope With Quarantine and the Past

    Playing hours of pretend with my 5-year-old showed me how coronavirus was re-activating old medical traumas in our family.


  1. When the World Unravels, Braid Your Own Hair

    I’ve worn my hair in the same exact style for six years. Learning to style it myself has brought some comfort of normalcy.


    CreditIllustration by Brian Rea
  2. Visiting the Museum in My Mind

    A consideration of artworks that ask the question: What world will we find on the other side of this?


    CreditIllustration by Brian Rea
  3. How Animal Observation Can Free Us From Ourselves

    Watching birds is a way of mobilizing attention, to turn it into a means of imaginative escape.


    CreditIllustration by Brian Rea
  4. Inequality Has Been Laid Bare by the Outbreak. Now What?

    We're seeing how what we have compares with what others have, and the differences can matter a lot.


    CreditIllustration by Brian Rea
  5. You Can Be Homesick at Home

    The lockdown revealed an uncanny and alienating version of my surroundings


    CreditIllustration by Brian Rea
