

The 2.9.20 Issue


  1. Feature

    The Money Behind Trump’s Money

    The inside story of the president and Deutsche Bank, his lender of last resort.


    CreditIllustration by Paul Sahre
  2. Feature

    How to Write Fiction When the Planet Is Falling Apart

    Jenny Offill is the master of novels told in sly, burnished fragments. In her latest, ‘Weather,’ she uses this small form to address the climate collapse.


    CreditEva O'Leary for The New York Times
  1. The Sensuous Pleasures of Handmade Marshmallows

    They are sturdy enough to stack, sandwich in s’mores or melt in hot chocolate, but tender, with skin as soft as a petal.


    Vanilla marshmallows.
    CreditSarah Anne Ward for The New York Times. Food stylist: Maggie Ruggiero. Prop stylist: Pamela Duncan Silver.
  2. Letter of Recommendation: Framing

    The practice — and aesthetics — 
of preservation.


    CreditIllustration by Max Guther
    Letter of Recommendation
  3. Hudson Yards Is Coming for Your Soul

    The comedian Conner O’Malley indicts the greed that built Manhattan’s $25 billion corporate fantasia.


    CreditPhoto Illustration by Joan Wong
  4. Henry Louis Gates Jr. on What Really Happened at Obama’s ‘Beer Summit’

    Why is Biden at the table? He was there to be the second white guy.


    CreditMamadi Doumbouya for The New York Times
  5. How to Dress for a Job Interview

    Choose an outfit for a version of you that already has the job. Try it on several days in advance. Take “the sit-down test.”


    CreditIllustration by Radio
  1. Poem: Parrot

    A moment on a sidewalk becomes a koan, a fragment bearing a mysterious pronoun.

     By Nick Flynn and

  2. Judge John Hodgman on Inspecting Your Wife’s Garbage

    Should a man be digging through his wife’s refuse?


    CreditIllustration by Louise Zergaeng Pomeroy
    Judge John Hodgman
  3. Behind the Cover: Deutsche Bank and Trump

    For this issue, a look at Trump's lender of last resort.


    Issue 2.9.20
