

The 1.12.20 Issue


  1. Is the Viral Non-Ad Ad the Future of Advertising?

    A “branded narrative” from Renault pushes the boundary of just how far an ad can go to avoid selling its product.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Mike McQuade. Source: Getty Images; YouTube.
  2. Letter of Recommendation: Ginger Gum

    A solution for digestive distress — and the more existential kind as well.


    CreditIllustration by Carlín Díaz
    Letter of Recommendation
  3. The Perfect Cake for Your Coffee Break

    This almond cake is just right for indulging in the Swedish ritual of coffee, sweets and conversation.


    Swedish almond cake.
    CreditSarah Anne Ward for The New York Times. Food stylist: Maggie Ruggiero. Prop stylist: Amy Elise Wilson.
  4. How to Enjoy Snowflakes

    Their shapes will depend on humidity and temperature. Go out on cold, windless nights and wear dark clothing.


    CreditIllustration by Tina Smith
  5. Is It O.K. to Buy a TV From a Pawnshop?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on whether to purchase items from a pawnbroker, intervene in another family’s conflict and more.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  1. Judge John Hodgman on Eating Pizza With a Knife and Fork

    Should our neighbors to the north be compelled to eat with their hands?


    CreditIllustration by Louise Zergaeng Pomeroy
    Judge John Hodgman
  2. Poem: Practice

    Susan Barba's poem echoes our current moment and offers relief, strongly suggesting we not let the anger overtake us.

     By Susan Barba and

