

The 12.29.19 Issue


  1. The Lives They Lived

    Leah Chase Showed the World the Power of Gumbo

    She fed presidents and paupers alike and made her New Orleans restaurant into a kind of church.


    Leah Chase and her husband, Edgar, at their restaurant in the 1980s.
    CreditThe Historic New Orleans Collection, Gift of Harold F. Baquet and Cheron Brylski
  1. Rosie Ruiz Was a Marathon Champion ... for a Moment

    She stunned everyone when she won the Boston Marathon. But it didn’t take long to uncover the truth: She cheated.


    Rosie Ruiz crossing the finish line of the Boston Marathon in 1980.
    CreditBill Brett/The Boston Globe, via Getty Images
    The Lives They Lived
  2. Luke Perry, a Heartthrob Who Led With His Heart

    He played a smoldering cool boy on TV. In real life, he wanted to make the world a better place.


    Luke Perry in a Gap ad in 1992.
    CreditAnnie Leibovitz/Trunk Archive
    The Lives They Lived
  3. Unita Blackwell Risked It All So Black Mississippians Could Vote

    She was arrested dozens of times, and Klan members threw Molotov cocktails into her yard — but that didn’t stop her fight for civil rights.


    Unita Blackwell speaking at a Mississippi Senate hearing in 1967.
    CreditJim Peppler/Alabama Department of Archives and History
    The Lives They Lived
  4. Dick Todd Was the Kind of Editor Writers Never Forget

    He worked as a book and magazine editor for nearly 50 years. Five of his writers remember his gifts.


    Richard Todd in his office at Houghton Mifflin.
    CreditFrom the Todd family
    The Lives They Lived
  5. Karl Lagerfeld, the Fashion Designer Who Revolutionized Chanel

    He created up to 17 collections a year for 54 years, but his greatest invention may have been himself.


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    CreditThe Helmut Newton Estate/Maconochie Photography
    The Lives They Lived
  1. Elijah Cummings’s American Dream, and American Obstacles

    The Maryland congressman pledged his service to a country that from his earliest years tried to thwart his ambitions.


    Representative Elijah Cummings of Maryland in May 2019.
    CreditJustin T. Gellerson for The New York Times
    The Lives They Lived
  2. Robert Frank, an Artist for the Corporate Age

    He changed photography and helped us to see New York and the rest of the country with fresh eyes.


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    CreditDanny Lyon/Magnum Photos
    The Lives They Lived
  3. Kathryn Johnson, a Reporter With a Gift for Gaining Trust

    She knew that the secret to getting a great story was not telling the whole thing.


    CreditCharles Kelly/Associated Press
    The Lives They Lived
  4. Carrie Ann Lucas Fought for Disability Rights, Including Her Own

    She refused to let anything keep her from protecting disabled children.


    Carrie Ann Lucas with her son, Anthony, in the early 2010s.
    CreditFrom the Lucas family
    The Lives They Lived
  5. Angus McQueen Enlisted the N.R.A. in the Culture Wars

    He remade the National Rifle Association’s brand, and he made a fortune doing it.


    Ads for Angus McQueen’s “I’m the N.R.A.” campaign from the 1980s, featuring Bryan Hardin, left, and Charlton Heston.
    The Lives They Lived




