

The 7.14.19 Issue


  1. Feature

    The Dangerous Art of Pyotr Pavlensky

    His spectacular acts of self-mutilation and vandalism have landed him in jail in both Russia and France — and blurred the lines among art, protest and crime.


    “Seam,” 2012, St. Petersburg.
    CreditTrend Photo Agency/Reuters
  2. Feature

    The Great Race to Rule Streaming TV

    In their rush to match Netflix, competitors like HBO, Hulu and Amazon are ordering a slew of content — ushering out the age of “prestige TV” and ushering in an age of anything goes.


  1. A Crime Scene at the Border

    Images of brutality should do more than provide a quick emotional fix. They should indict the viewer.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Najeebah Al-Ghadban. Source photographs from Getty Images.
  2. Letter of Recommendation: Bird Feeders

    A simple cure for solipsism.


    CreditDavid La Spina for The New York Times
    Letter of Recommendation
  3. Why Wouldn’t My Doctor Tell Me What Treatment to Get?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on physicians who refer patients to Dr. Google and more.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  4. Judge John Hodgman on Handling the Pans of Others

    If you spill cooking fat all over yourself at a house party, whose fault is that?


    CreditIllustration by Louise Zergaeng Pomeroy
    Judge John Hodgman
  5. My Summer Jam: An Update of the French Fruit Tart

    This strawberry version is all pleasure, no pretense.


    Tumble-Jumble Strawberry Tart.
    CreditBobby Doherty for The New York Times
  1. How to Escape a Rip Current

    Wave an arm, yell for help — but don’t freak out — and tread water.


    CreditIllustration by Radio
