

The 7.7.19 Issue


  1. Feature

    Why Is There So Much Saudi Money in American Universities?

    Saudi Arabia has quietly directed tens of millions of dollars a year to American universities from M.I.T. to Northern Kentucky. What are the nation’s rulers getting out of it?


    CreditPhoto illustration by Joan Wong
  2. Feature

    Digital Jail: How Electronic Monitoring Drives Defendants Into Debt

    Ankle bracelets are promoted as a humane alternative to jail. But private companies charge defendants hundreds of dollars a month to wear the surveillance devices. If people can’t pay, they may end up behind bars.


    An ankle monitor.
    CreditPhotograph by Zora J Murff for The New York Times
  1. Why Do Sports Fans Watch, and Rewatch, Injury Footage?

    The N.B.A. season ended in a whirl of torn connective tissue. Sports fans see those dramatic injuries replayed just as often as the usual game highlights.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Mike McQuade
  2. What Should I Do About My Racially Obtuse Co-Worker?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on handling bigotry and intellectual property claims in the workplace.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  3. Routine Testing for Life Insurance Turns Up Potential Liver Problems

    A healthy man spends his vacation worrying. Was it worth it?


    CreditPhoto illustration by Ina Jang
  4. Letter of Recommendation: Dinghy Rowing

    Dinghies are a means to salvation, not just from a shipwreck, but as an escape from the catastrophes of life — including one’s own family.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Susan Derges
    Letter of Recommendation
  5. Forget the Pork. Add Some Flower Power to Your Quesadillas.

    A Mexican chef takes hibiscus beyond drinks, syrups and jellies and returns it to the center of the plate.


    Hibiscus quesadilla.
    CreditBobby Doherty for The New York Times. Food stylist: Maggie Ruggiero. Prop stylist: Margaret MacMillan Jones.
  1. How to Remember a License Plate

    Break down the characters into chunks and repeat them over and over. Write them down ASAP, even if only in the dirt.


    CreditIllustration by Radio
  2. Poem: Willa Cather’s Ride

    What’s more titillating than news spread mouth to mouth, hearsay crystallizing into legend?

     By Kim Stafford and

  3. Judge John Hodgman on Proper Borrowing Etiquette

    Can you just sell something that someone lends to you, so long as they forgot that they lent it to you?


    Judge John Hodgman
