

The 7.22.18 Issue


  1. Feature

    Young Jean Lee’s Unsafe Spaces

    The first female Asian-American playwright on Broadway takes aim at identity and watches the audience squirm.


    Young Jean Lee.
    CreditPaola Kudacki for The New York Times
  2. Feature

    The Water Wars of Arizona

    Attracted by lax regulations, industrial agriculture has descended on a remote valley, depleting its aquifer — leaving many residents with no water at all.


    Homes in the Sulphur Springs Valley in Arizona stand just outside a corn field with a large irrigation system.
    CreditLucas Foglia for The New York Times
  1. What Can Odd, Interesting Medical Case Studies Teach Us?

    Doctors can get so focused on explanation that they lose sight of the importance of description.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Cristiana Couceiro
    On Medicine
  2. How Can I Make My Partner’s Parents More Woke?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on handling racially insensitive remarks from a partner’s parents and keeping a bad actor off the board of directors.


    CreditTomi Um
    The Ethicist
  3. Parents Aren’t Good Judges of Their Kids’ Sugar Intake

    Three-quarters of parents underestimated the total amount of sugar in common foods like juice, yogurt and pizza.


    CreditIllustration by Celia Jacobs
  4. Letter of Recommendation: Used Clothing

    You might want to forget that a stranger once owned that jacket you bought — but you shouldn’t.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Ina Jang
    Letter of Recommendation
  5. The Case for Canned Tuna

    Tasting your way to a deeply summery salad.


    Scarlett’s Tuna Salad
    CreditGentl and Hyers for The New York Times.
  1. Parker Posey Still Loves Generation X

    The actress and author on the precariousness of the movie business and shouting at people from her car.

     Interview by

    Parker Posey
    CreditCeleste Sloman for The New York Times
  2. How to Go Back to a Flip Phone

    Wean yourself slowly from the smartphone. Pay more attention to geography.


    CreditIllustration by Radio
  3. Judge John Hodgman on Steampunk Convention Etiquette

    The complex mechanics of picking a costume.


    CreditKyle Hilton
    Judge John Hodgman
  4. New Sentences: From Joseph O’Neill’s ‘Good Trouble’

    The joys of a good parenthetical cannot be overstated.


    New Sentences
  5. Behind the Cover: The Billionaire’s Losses

    Inside the process for creating the covers of The New York Times Magazine. For this issue, an emotional portrait of George Soros staring off into the future.


    Issue 7.22.18




