

6.3.18 Issue


  1. At War

    Who Killed the Kiev Protesters? A 3-D Model Holds the Clues

    A team of civilian investigators used cellphone videos, autopsy reports and surveillance footage to reconstruct a virtual crime scene.


    CreditIllustration by Michael Houtz. Source materials from SITU Research.
  1. Who Gets to Decide What Belongs in the ‘Canon’?

    With cultural hierarchies under reconstruction, traditionalists and dissenters alike are frantically defending their views of what counts as art.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Derek Brahney
    First Words
  2. China Won’t Play in This World Cup. It Still Hopes to Profit.

    Scandals involving the host, Russia and soccer’s governing body, FIFA, offer opportunities for Chinese soft-power ambitions.


    CreditIllustration by Andrew Rae
    On Money
  3. Had Two Diseases Struck at Once?

    Extreme fatigue and muscle pain led to one diagnosis. Enlarged lymph nodes led to another.


    CreditIllustration by Andreas Samuelsson
  4. Should I Tell My Hosts About My Medical Marijuana?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on visiting friends and family with pain-relieving drugs in tow, and on how to deal with an aging friend’s dementia.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  5. The Corporate Delivery Pie You Secretly Love — but Better

    A honeyed and tomato-rich sauce topped with pepperoni releases its ruddy grease, acting like threads of saffron in a paella.


    Pan pizza.
    CreditGentl and Hyers for The New York Times
  1. Letter of Recommendation: Airport Layovers

    A good layover can be a healthful, restorative bore — free of goals, free of threats, you become a true human animal.


    CreditIllustration by Manshen Lo
    Letter of Recommendation
  2. Malcolm Gladwell Likes Things Better in Canada

    The journalist on mass shootings, not believing in prisons and if Donald Trump has gotten in his 10,000 hours of practice for presidential greatness.

     Interview by

    Malcolm Gladwell.
    CreditCeleste Sloman for The New York Times
  3. New Sentences: From Christine Schutt’s ‘Pure Hollywood’

    Change the image you use to describe reality, and reality might change along with it.


    New Sentences
  4. How to Pose for a Photograph

    Elongate your neck. Find your good side. Don’t say “cheese.”


    CreditIllustration by Radio
  5. Poem: [ Death’s Dictionary ]

    Selected by Terrance Hayes.


    CreditIllustration by R. O. Blechman
