

11.26.17 Issue


  1. Feature

    The Coast Guard’s ‘Floating Guantánamos’

    In an expansion of the war on drugs, the U.S. Coast Guard is targeting low-level smugglers in international waters — shackling them on ships for weeks or even months before arraignment in American courts.


    The open waters between Ecuador and Colombia, from which Jhonny Arcentales departed.
    CreditGlenna Gordon for The New York Times
  2. Feature

    The Voices in Blue America’s Head

    For years, liberals have tried, and failed, to create their own version of conservative talk radio. Has Crooked Media finally figured it out?


    From left: Tommy Vietor, Jon Lovett and Jon Favreau backstage before a “Pod Tours America” event in November.
    CreditBrian Finke for The New York Times
  3. Feature

    Can A.I. Be Taught to Explain Itself?

    As machine learning becomes more powerful, the field’s researchers increasingly find themselves unable to account for what their algorithms know — or how they know it.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Derek Brahney
  1. ‘Exposure’ Is About Truth, Sure, but Mostly About Power

    This fall, the balance of that power has shifted, with exhilarating, destabilizing results.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Derek Brahney
    First Words
  2. Letter of Recommendation: In-Flight Movies

    There’s more than one ritual that provides cover for public weeping.


    There’s more than one ritual that provides cover for public weeping.
    CreditIllustration by Javier Jaén
    Letter of Recommendation
  3. China’s Revealing Spin on the ‘Sharing Economy’

    Beijing has fully embraced the concept — but in ways that show just how cynical it can become.


    CreditIllustration by Andrew Rae
    On Money
  4. Activity Trackers Don’t Always Work the Way We Want Them To

    "You can’t just give a child a Fitbit for Christmas and expect them to be active,” one expert said.


    CreditIllustration by Ping Zhu
  5. Thanksgiving Leftovers Fit for a King

    Enjoy an elegant yet comforting meal after the festivities have died down.


    CreditGentl and Hyers for The New York Times.
  1. What Children — and Parents — Can Learn From Baking Together

    A bonding activity that builds joy and character.


    CreditGentl and Hyers for The New York Times. Food stylist: Maggie Ruggiero. Prop stylist: Amy Wilson.
    On Dessert
  2. Preet Bharara Is Not Running for Office

    The former United States attorney on not being part of “the resistance” and what he’ll do if President Trump gets impeached.

     Interview by

    Preet Bharara
    CreditEva O’Leary for The New York Times
  3. Can I Let My Friend Pay Off My Mortgages?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on accepting a large monetary gift from a friend and voicing concerns about the medical treatment of a friend’s child.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  4. New Sentences: From Anne Fadiman’s ‘The Wine Lover’s Daughter’

    A writer finds, in her father’s desk drawer, an envelope with a touchingly formal label.


    New Sentences
  5. Poem: Roly-Poly Bug

    Selected by Terrance Hayes.


