

10.01.17 Issue


  1. Feature

    When ‘Not Guilty’ Is a Life Sentence

    What happens after a defendant is found not guilty by reason of insanity? Often the answer is involuntary confinement in a state psychiatric hospital — with no end in sight.


    Houston Herczog with his father, Mark.
    CreditFrom the family of Houston Herczog
  2. Feature

    How Fake News Turned a Small Town Upside Down

    At the height of the 2016 election, exaggerated reports of a juvenile sex crime brought a media maelstrom to Twin Falls — one the Idaho city still hasn’t recovered from.


    Main Avenue East in Twin Falls, Idaho.
    CreditHarris Mizrahi for The New York Times
  3. Feature

    The Mind of John McPhee

    A deeply private writer reveals his obsessive process.


    CreditAndrea Modica for The New York Times
  1. What I Care About Is Important. What You Care About Is a ‘Distraction.’

    It’s a clever way to write off other points of view: Just suggest they’re getting in the way of what truly matters.


    CreditPhoto illustration by Derek Brahney
    First Words
  2. Letter of Recommendation: ‘Shark Tank’

    Trickle-down economics that works, at least on TV.


    A show that reimagines capitalism as it ought to be.
    CreditPhoto illustration by Matt Dorfman
    Letter of Recommendation
  3. Franklin Leonard Wants to Diversify the Box Office

    The film executive on foreign crossover appeal and passing on “Slumdog Millionaire.”

     Interview by

    Franklin Leonard
    CreditJessica Chou for The New York Times
  4. Have Your Date and Your Garlic Too

    How you should — and should not — cook with garlic.


    CreditGentl and Hyers for The New York Times
  5. What We Learn When Two Ruthless Killers, Heart Disease and Cancer, Reveal a Common Root

    Understanding the link will involve unraveling the mysteries of inflammation.


    On Medicine
  1. Can I Spread the Word About an Unvaccinated Child?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on whether to reveal another parent is an anti-vaxxer and more.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  2. All Signs Pointed to a Stroke. Then the Tests Come Back Negative.

    When, at 94, she suddenly found it difficult to speak and swallow, the doctors had to explore more unusual possibilities.


  3. Poem: Last Photograph of My Mother Laughing

    Selected by Terrance Hayes.


  4. Judge John Hodgman on Decluttering Your Mother’s Love

    When it comes to converting to minimalism, parents just don’t understand.


    CreditIllustration by Kyle Hilton
    Judge John Hodgman
  5. How to Eat Spicy Food

    Practice a benign masochism. Keep a dairy product nearby.


    CreditIllustration by Radio
