

The 6.18.17 Issue


  1. Feature

    The Long, Lonely Road of Chelsea Manning

    Her disclosure of classified documents in 2010 ushered in the age of leaks. Now, freed from prison, she talks about why she did it — and the isolation that followed.


    CreditInez and Vinoodh for The New York Times. Stylist: Alex White.
  2. Feature

    The Man Behind Trump’s Voter-Fraud Obsession

    How Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state, plans to remake America through restrictive voting and immigration laws.


    Kris Kobach.
    CreditJonno Rattman for The New York Times
  3. Feature

    A Whimsical Wordsmith Charts a Course Beyond Twitter

    Jonny Sun’s online personality — a sentimental alien — has attracted a huge following. Now he’s trying to figure out what comes next.


    Jonny Sun.
    CreditChris Buck for The New York Times
  1. How ‘Snowflake’ Became America’s Inescapable Tough-Guy Taunt

    It’s the catchiest political insult of the year — and it’s infantilizing for everyone involved.


    CreditIllustration by Derek Brahney
    First Words
  2. Getting Others Right

    Four photographers — three outsiders, one insider — and the perils of appropriation.


    Trecil Poolaw Unap.
    CreditHorace Poolaw
    On Photography
  3. Naomi Klein Is Sick of Benevolent Billionaires

    The Canadian author and critic of capitalism lays down her case against President Trump’s wealth-and-power brand.

     Interview by

    Naomi Klein.
    CreditSandy Nicholson for The New York Times
  4. Letter of Recommendation: The Canadian Football League

    Those same rules that make the Canadian game more Canadian also make it more dynamic.


    Canadian football is like American football in the way Canada itself is like America: similar, but a little different.
    CreditPhoto illustration by Matt Dorfman
    Letter of Recommendation
  5. Should I Report the Biased Remarks of a Campus Cop?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on giving productive feedback after being troubled by a police officer’s comments.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  1. The Pleasure of a Chilled Soup on a Sweltering Day

    Ice-cold schav — salty, tart made from sorrel — offers heat-wave relief.


    Ice-cold schav.
    CreditGentl and Hyers for The New York Times
  2. How to Read Aloud to Children

    Encourage listeners to ask questions. Perform all the voices.


    CreditIllustration by Radio
  3. Judge John Hodgman on a Co-Worker’s Odorous Health Regimen

    How do you get through to an office mate who believes in aromatherapy as a cure for everything?


    CreditIllustration by Kyle Hilton
    Judge John Hodgman
  4. Losing Fat, Gaining Brain Power, on the Playground

    In children, exercise may help to improve cognition by first improving waistlines.


    CreditIllustration by Igor Bastidas
  5. New Sentences: From ‘The Idiot,’ by Elif Batuman

    A playful joke about airports reveals an unexpected truth about the power of the state.


    CreditIllustration by Kyle Hilton
    New Sentences
