

The 5.14.17 Issue


  1. Feature

    Is an Open Marriage a Happier Marriage?

    What the experiences of nonmonogamous couples can tell us about jealousy, love, desire and trust.


    CreditHolly Andres for The New York Times
  2. Feature

    Can Prairie Dogs Talk?

    An Arizona biologist believes that their sounds should be considered language — and that someday we’ll understand what they have to say.


    A Gunnison’s prairie dog on the grounds of the Museum of Northern Arizona in Flagstaff.
    CreditRonan Donovan for The New York Times
  3. Feature

    The Scarily Profitable Hits of Jason Blum

    The film “Get Out” is the latest horror blockbuster in an eight-year run of lean, inventive films from the Hollywood producer.


    Jason Blum.
    CreditEmily Shur for The New York Times
  1. How Privacy Became a Commodity for the Rich and Powerful

    It used to signal a quiet, anonymous life. Now privacy is a premium that may be out of reach for ordinary citizens.


    CreditIllustration by Derek Brahney
    First Words
  2. The Intimacy Behind Jazz’s Seminal Image

    Roy DeCarava wasn’t photographing giants of jazz. He was photographing the people and places he knew and understood.


    Ben Webster and John Coltrane.
    CreditRoy DeCarava. Copyright: Sherry Turner DeCarava/RSD Foundation
    On Photography
  3. Letter of Recommendation: Talking About the Weather

    Chatting about that heat wave isn’t banal. It’s an art form.


    Often considered a dull conversation topic, the weather actually leaves room for creativity and panache.
    CreditIllustration by Erik Carter
    Letter of Recommendation
  4. He Was on Blood Thinners and Supplements. Could He Still Have Had a Stroke?

    The man had suffered two strokes and was actively trying to prevent more. So why was he slurring his words and his face drooping?


    CreditIllustration by Andreas Samuelsson
  5. Can Dad Bring His Second Wife to Mom’s Funeral?

    The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on what is owed the bereaved and how doctors should handle onerous insurance preapprovals.


    CreditIllustration by Tomi Um
    The Ethicist
  1. The Case for Hard-Shell Tacos

    Gringo tacos, some people call them. But they remain well loved, in surprising quarters.


    Middle-school tacos.
    CreditGentl and Hyers for The New York Times
  2. Heather Ann Thompson Thinks the Justice System Is Unfair

    The Pulitzer Prize-winner on the Attica prison uprising, criminal-justice reform and the war on crime.

     Interview by

    Heather Ann Thompson
    CreditAndrew T. Warman for The New York Times
  3. 73

    Selected by Matthew Zapruder.


    CreditIllustration by R.O. Blechman
  4. How to Get Rid of Lice

    Don’t be ashamed. Don’t apply mayonnaise, vodka, WD-40 or kerosene.


    CreditIllustration by Radio
  5. Judge John Hodgman on the Vegan Lunch Spot

    The court will now hear the expert witness describe the composition of the “egg” salad.


    CreditIllustration by Kyle Hilton
    Judge John Hodgman
