
“We sleep fearing we might be dead”Skip to Comments
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Jason Shawa
Samar Abu Elouf for The New York Times
Hatem Ali/Associated Press
Yousef Masoud for The New York Times
Samar Abu Elouf for The New York Times
Samar Abu Elouf for The New York Times

“We sleep fearing we might be dead”

60 days in Gaza

In a tiny strip of land where more than two million people are trapped, death can feel imminent.

This is life in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli airstrikes, which have resumed after a brief truce, can come at any time. They could hit anywhere. Food and water remain scarce.

More than 16,000 people have been killed in the Hamas-run territory, according to the health ministry. Half the buildings in the north have been damaged or destroyed.

Damaged buildings as of Nov. 22, according to satellite analysis

Houses are flattened. Mosques are destroyed. Entire neighborhoods are unrecognizable.

Israel says civilian casualties are inevitable because Hamas embeds within Gaza’s population. The war began after Hamas rampaged across southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people, by Israeli estimates.

No Place to Go

In the weeks after Israel ordered civilians to evacuate to the south, it continued to strike there too.

Sondos Badawi and her family heeded the order to flee, leaving their home in Gaza City to stay with friends south of the evacuated area.

But airstrikes followed them, pounding the neighborhood they were staying in.

So they returned home.

Two days later, bombs began crashing into their own neighborhood. They ran out, barefoot and bloodied, before their own home collapsed, seeking help at a nearby hospital.

When the hospital was ordered to evacuate, they made their way back south.

“There is no safe place,” Ms. Badawi said.

Now, the next phase of Israel’s offensive against Hamas is focused on the south, where most of Gaza’s population has fled. Israel has told many civilians there to move again.

“You don’t know where to go,” said Abu Yousef, 42, whose family moved for a third time on Saturday night.

Days without water

Parents skip meals so their children can eat. Taps have run dry. U.N. shelters are so crowded that there is a single toilet for every 160 people.

Before the war, some 500 trucks with essential supplies came into Gaza every day, many from Egypt via the Rafah crossing. Far fewer have made it across since the bombardment began, even during the ceasefire. The trucks slowed to a trickle once the fighting resumed.

Searching for a Doctor

The World Health Organization said last month that none of Gaza’s hospitals were functional enough to treat critical trauma cases or perform surgery anymore.

Hospitals functioning before Oct. 7

Many closed after they were hit by airstrikes, ran out of fuel or were surrounded by Israeli troops. Some of those that managed to remain open are too overwhelmed to admit new patients.

Hospitals functioning before Oct. 7

In the first days of the airstrikes, Talaat Oudah’s kidneys began to fail. He tried Al-Quds Hospital, but it had no room. He tried Al-Shifa, but was also turned away. Two days later, he was dead.

Weeks later, there was even less space. One by one, generators shut down, supplies ran out and hospitals had to close their doors. Bombs continued to rain down, but now patients with burns, shattered limbs or severe head trauma had nowhere to go.

After a strike in northern Gaza sent shrapnel into her abdomen, one woman sought treatment at a hospital near her home. Services there had collapsed, so clutching a towel to her wounds, she began the more than seven-mile journey to southern Gaza, according to a U.N. report.

But hospitals in the south, too, are turning patients away. Some of those who do get in are treated on the floor. And with no space and few medical supplies, many are discharged quickly — while still healing — into neighborhoods in ruins.

During the cease-fire, more medical supplies and other aid made it into Gaza, and some hospitals were able to resume some treatments, like dialysis. For the first time in seven weeks, patients with traumatic injuries were not arriving at emergency rooms in waves after airstrikes.

Gazans were able to go out to stock up on essentials, though long lines remained and goods were in short supply. Some returned to their homes to see if they were still intact, check on relatives left behind or bury the dead.

On Friday, the cease-fire fell apart and Israel resumed airstrikes across Gaza.

“Our feeling of safety, even for a moment, is over,” said Yousef Hammash, an advocacy officer for the Norwegian Refugee Council in Gaza. “I don’t know what’s waiting for us now. It seems we are going to hell again.”

Additional work by K.K. Rebecca Lai. Reporting was contributed by Raja Abdulrahim, Rachel Abrams, Iyad Abuheweila, Yousur Al-Hlou, Abu Bakr Bashir, Anna Betts, Axel Boada, Aaron Boxerman, Abu Bakr Bashir, Emma Bubola, Chevaz Clarke, Ameera Harouda, Ang Li, Anushka Patil, Hiba Yazbek, Vivian Yee and Karen Zraick.

The quoted accounts of life in Gaza are drawn from direct interviews and, in a few instances, video footage from Reuters. For further detail on the situation in Gaza, see additional coverage from The Times:

Trapped in Gaza, Palestinian Americans Say They Feel Abandoned

In Southern Gaza, Finding Water is Now ‘the Hardest Thing.’

Despite the Risk, a Gazan Family Chooses to Stay Put.

‘No More Safe Places in Gaza’: Evacuees Face Airstrikes in North and South

Israeli Strikes in Southern Gaza Prompt Palestinians to Return North

A Sudden Blast, Then Carnage in a Hospital Courtyard

Pregnant Women in Gaza Face Dangerous Births on Their Own.

‘There Is No Safe Place’: Some Gazans Have Been Forced to Flee Again and Again.

An Audio Diary of Despair

‘You Think of Dying at Any Time’

A Young Woman Describes the Crisis in Gaza: ‘If the Bombs Didn’t Kill Us, Our Living Situation Will.’

In Gazan Neighborhood Hit by Airstrikes, Death and Despair Reign

‘We Went Back to the Stone Age’

Estimates of damaged buildings in Gaza are from an analysis of Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite data by Jamon Van Den Hoek of Oregon State University and Corey Scher of the CUNY Graduate Center.

Damage photos are by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images, Mohammad Ahmad/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images, Yahya Hassouna/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images, Reuters, Omar El-Qattaa/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images, Mahmud Hams/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images, Mohammed Abed/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images