The Best of Car Talk America's funniest auto mechanics take calls from weary car owners all over the country, and crack wise while they diagnose Dodges and dismiss Diahatsus. You don't have to know anything about cars to love this one hour weekly laugh fest.
Car Talk

The Best of Car Talk

From NPR

America's funniest auto mechanics take calls from weary car owners all over the country, and crack wise while they diagnose Dodges and dismiss Diahatsus. You don't have to know anything about cars to love this one hour weekly laugh fest.

Most Recent Episodes

#2460: The Antmobile

Christine's hubby has a habit of eating sesame bagels in his Honda. A delighted colony of ants has taken notice and taken up residence somewhere inside the car. Can Click and Clack the entomologists solve this one? Find out on this episode of the Best of Car Talk.

#2460: The Antmobile

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#2459: The Neatnik Mechanic Hypothesis

Leif fr Pennsylvania has a theory that if he cleans his car thoroughly inside and out before bringing it in for service he'll get a better result at his local repair shop. Is he right? And why not? Check it out on this episode of the Best of Car Talk.

#2459: The Neatnik Mechanic Hypothesis

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#2458: Who Gets the Mechanic in the Divorce?

Sarah Volvo and Mr. Mercedes shared everything -including a wonderful car mechanic- until Mr. Mercedes was caught looking under someone else's hood. Now that she and Mercedes are kaput, Sarah wants to know who gets to keep the mechanic? Oye, oye, Divorce court is now in session with the honorable Click and Clack presiding on this episode of the Best of Car Talk.

#2458: Who Gets the Mechanic in the Divorce?

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#2457: Dad Sold the Car!

When she was growing up, Linda's family went everywhere in their '66 Rambler Station Wagon. But just the other day, her dad sold it to a neighbor instead of offering it to Linda. Should she just let it go and be satisfied with eyeing it in the neighbor's driveway? Find out what Click and Clack think on this episode of the Best of Car Talk.

#2457: Dad Sold the Car!

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#2456: Mr. Leadfoot

It's bad enough that Gayle's new boyfriend hogs the tv remote all the time. Now he's speeding around in her car and Gayle is worried that he's wrecking the engine. Can Click and Clack help Gayle talk some sense into Mr. Leadfoot? Find out on this episode of the Best of Car Talk.

#2456: Mr. Leadfoot

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#2455: Kevorkian Motors

Jaime from Virginia must be a longtime listener because he's asking Click and Clack how to put an old Hyundai out of his misery. Creatively euthanizing cars on this episode of the best of Car Talk.

#2455: Kevorkian Motors

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#2454: Shark Attack

Scott from Scottsdale is an attorney suing a local mechanic who cracked the engine block on his client's car. The mechanic fessed up immediately and offered to fix it with epoxy. Will Click and Clack side with a lawyer preparing to pounce on a fellow mechanic? It's shark vs grease monkey on this episode of the Best of Car Talk.

#2454: Shark Attack

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#2453: A 50/50/50 Mixture

Greg from Long Island is pretty sure that his radiator is now holding a mixture of equal parts water, coolant and sealant resulting from his vain attempts to plug up his leaking heater core. Is there any hope for Greg or should he just relocate the cat's litter box to catch the drips? Find out on this episode of the Best of Car Talk.

#2453: A 50/50/50 Mixture

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#2452: Go Ahead, Touch 'em!

Spencer from Florida was riding down the highway in his Honda without a care in the world when he was hit with an urgent need to touch his lug nuts. How normal is that? Find out on this episode of the Best of Car Talk.

#2452: Go Ahead, Touch 'em!

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#2451: From the Shores of Lake Titicaca

Dr. Christine scored herself a plum gig in South America digging up ancient ruins, but unless her stalling Landcruiser gets fixed she might just bury it for a future Indiana Jones to dig up. Can Click and Clack help her explain to Titicaca Toyota's service manager what it needs? Find out on this episode of the Best of Car Talk.

#2451: From the Shores of Lake Titicaca

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