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Hello Witchers and Sorceresses! ❤️
I hope your holidays has been pleasantly and you all are healthy. By the way, I also want to wish you a happy new year! It's been over 3 months since the release of version 12.0 (it was a really incredible moment for me, I love premieres  :D), and now it's time to show you some new surprises (yes, again :) ). I just want to mention that I am constantly surprised how amazing the Witcher community is, your support motivates me and is really the main reason to continue my adventure with the Wicher 3, just a big thank you! As you can see, I'm currently working on the next version of HDRP (called currently NextGen), but I'm also waiting for a response from CDPR regarding possible cooperation (or something) about The Witcher 3 for new consoles and PC upgrade, so we'll see what happens in the future. Also I have plans for Cyberpunk in the future (Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked Project maybe? :) ), it's a really outstanding looking game, but I found some poor quality assets, so I can make them "high quality" . So for this occasion, I have a small survey:
That's all for now, thank you everyone and see you soon! Greetings!


  1. WackyUncharateristicDoge
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    You may already have encountered this one yourself, but in case you haven't, I'd recommend you retexture the rat if you ever get around to doing CP77 HDRP (referring to this). It looks like a proxymesh, but I think there's actually no higher-poly version. Obviously the next-gen patch, whenever that comes, will improve some things, but I have a feeling this stuff will be overlooked. I can't remember the model/texture paths for it, but I'm sure you'll find it no problem.
    1. soulm444te
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      There's other mods that do change the rats
  2. HalkHogan
    • premium
    • 1,847 kudos
    Thanks for good words and opinions! :)
  3. Alwaleed9Lodi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I know the the votes for the witcher are more but please read this,

    If you work on Cyberpunk your work will gain so much attention and appreciation and will be viable for a long time because CDPR are not planning on upgrading the visuals for it,

    On the other hand if you go with the votes and put time and effort for months working on a game that is already confirmed to get a visual upgrade somewhere around next spring maybe then your work will be less viable and maybe even gain little attention, not to mention that you have already done so much for the witcher 3.

    Thank you for everything you have done for the witcher and please consider my opinion
  4. T1cksandLeeches
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you so much from someone who has replayed this game 2 extra times just because of your hard work!  I thought I was done, and then HDRP 10.  I thought I was done again....HDRP 12.  
  5. Strahlimeier
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    *sigh* I'm almost done with my current playthrough.. But Halk forces me to start a new one again..
  6. Zowbaid
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    Amazing work man! Outstanding!

    And yes, CP77 has some pretty crappy assets, like food of course. They must hate food over there at CDPR or something.
  7. WitcherSeb
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    Honestly think CP2077 needs your visual upgrade more, W3 is getting a remaster, so it might already get reworked assets.
  8. eNoodles
    • premium
    • 142 kudos