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This user's image description contains 7 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. AndreizNexus
    • member
    • 4 kudos

    Please can you give a download link with that Ciri Tattoo?
    That Tattoo is amazing. :)
  2. koz0r
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Die Tatoos sind der wahnsinn, schade das es keinerlei Mods dafür gibt :(
  3. Niktitanas
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I might end up being stupid for asking but can u give me the link for downloading that tattoo mod cause its awesome!
  4. turboknee
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    had to comment on your handle ritchie....i'm a long time Blackmore's Night fan as well.....and who doesnt love Deep Purple
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos

  5. Vinovat
    • supporter
    • 276 kudos
    i may sound rude, to others, when i say this...
    but i usually come ot the witcher 3 nexus only to see your work sometimes.
    i've also gotten some inspiration from you (which i will apply on fallout 4).
    well done!

    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      What an honour. Thank you very much. For that you get a kudos. :-) Still, I'm a bit surprised that you're looking for inspiration at TW 3. At FO 4 there are so many mods to be able to do something new regularly.
      Thanks again for your kind words and the many endorsements. :-)

  6. dancingcurve
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    I don't care who the tattooer was but he must had been busy day for 2 beautiful ladies.
    Seeing them with smiling faces and drinking wines(gif) make me feel happy so much.
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      There you can become envious. The two have so much fun and we are allowed to watch only from a distance. ;-) Cheers!
  7. Halor
    • member
    • 42 kudos
    Nice set and awesome tattoos :O
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Vielen Dank. Kaum habe ich die Tattoos fertig, könnte ich sie auch schon wieder ändern. So richtig zufrieden ist man selbst wohl nie. ;-)
  8. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Just the two having a leisurely day ending with the tavern. They look fabulous and the .gif is awesome.
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Many thanks! As you can see, the ladies are a bit more mature and a little wider around their hips. ;-)
  9. legendss3000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    А сам мод есть как персонажы выглядят на рисунки )) а то очень красиво выглядит 10 из 10 балов))) Хотелось мод увидеть ))) Спасибо за хороший Рисунок ))
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Many Thanks! These are several mods. The outfit is Ciri in leather 2.2.2 from the Curvy Ciri mod, a body swap mod Yennefer to Ciri (only the body, not the head) and then the tattoo mod. I made the last two mods myself and use these only for the screenshots. So I don't know if they work everywhere in the game.
    2. legendss3000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Спасибо боьшое моды работают играть стало интересне))) Только 1 вопрос остался , я не понел как поставить тату на риснке ))) А то бегают в игре в костюме но без тату ))) Большое спасибо за ране)))) а так все 10 из 10 балов устраевает и работает))))
    3. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      I have not been playing Witcher 3 for a long time, just make a few pics every now and then and try new mods.
    4. legendss3000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ок ясно))) спасибо)))
  10. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    And a fun dance and drinking session at the end. You may recall that Billy Joel was married to Christie Brinkley. I once said to my wife, "What a lucky guy." Her retort, "Nope, what a lucky girl!"
    1. ritchieblackmore
      • BANNED
      • 298 kudos
      Many thanks! After a long day, the two earned a cool drink. Or two, or three .......!
      Quick-witted reacts by your wife. lol