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About this mod

Adds buffs and (mostly) debuffs to primary stat (Health/Stam/Mag) consumption. Makes Stamina more important.

Introduces an Encumbrance system, a Magicka skill based mechanic, Adrenaline System, as well as a player Weight/Height system.

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Disclaimer/Message to you.

Hi all. First and foremost i'd like to say Thanks for expressing an interest in my mod!

I've been a modder and spectator to modding communities since the early 90's and a TES fan and modder since morrowind. I'm not however well known as I tend to Noface my way about (See what i did there?)

Please note that I create mods solely by myself, for my personal use and enjoyment, as such they're to my tastes and I understand that they may not appeal to everyone. The majority of my mods were not intended to be made publicly available, so they may not be as polished as expected or have features to everyones liking. SPAM (This mod) Is my first release of what i'd call a "big" mod of mine (One of several in the works, honestly).

I would like to remind everyone that any mods I do release are voluntary, just as is the case for the majority of modders. I am under no obligation to update, bugfix, alter or change my mods at request.
Friendly, respectful and constructive criticism is always welcome, as long as it is considerate of these facts.

If you also wish to mod my modifications then release it, you're plenty welcome on the basis you give me credit where due.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Now, incoming more SPAM!:

SPAM - Stat Progression and Management:

Initially, this mod aimed to simply add a stamina drain when the player ran and a slow health bleed after the player's stamina was depleted, representing overexertion. I didn't really plan any further ahead then this.

However, the mod has since expanded to include ALL the primary player attributes: Health, Stamina, and Magicka, as well as a few secondary (Weight, carry capacity) AND even to a lesser extent magical Skills (Destruction, Conjuration, etc) and their associated levels, creating a relationship between them whereby their levels slightly effect the other through buffs and debuffs.

Here's a few bullet points detailing what this mod does:

. stats (Health, Magicka, Stamina, Encumbrance, and player weight/height/Skills) now add buffs and debuffs depending on current quantity/consumed.
. On level up and choosing a stat to increase, you now gain a quantity (5 points instead of vanilla 10 points) + a 2% percentage quantity on top to the BASE value EACH time.
. Stamina is slowly drained upon running AND/OR sprinting, walking (or stopping) is now required to regenerate it. Depleted stamina slowly drains health.
. Level of Stamina drain is dependant upon worn items and how much the player is currently carrying as a percentage of their total carry capacity.
. Swimming drains stamina and influences Stamina Regen, and on zero stamina, you begin to drown. The rate of drain is determined by worn armor (Heavy etc) and carried capacity. Swimming Drain Penalty is steep.
. an encumbrance system that adds further stamina drain and other debuffs (Such as reduced Stamina Regen) depending upon quantity carried. It is percentage based upon maximum carrying capacity.
. A Weight and Height system, your weight now has certain pros/cons. you can also specify your height.
. A Weight change mechanic -- The more or less you eat (or exercise) the more your weight changes.
. Adds a new Novice Stamina Restore (Restoration) Concentration Spell/tome, can be found in most stores.
. New Magicka Allocation system:
Starting Magicka quantity & Magical skills reduced massively, Magicka quantity now determined by your skill level in the magical skills/abilities (Destruction, Restoration, etc) as well as whatever you invest in it on level ups. Magicka Buffs have an inverse relationship to other stats.
. An "Adrenaline" State - very low health, or low Stamina Regen, can trigger an Adrenal response which improves the suffering Stat which triggered it (At the immediate cost of the opposing stat) but also causing penalties down the line.
. Vanilla potions that fortify/replenish base stats are now more commonplace. (I suggest a mod that makes them cheaper &/or runs for much longer too)
. An immersive weight gain/loss potion, can be found in alchemy stores or crafted. Also works on NPC's!
. An advanced (yet lightweight) Tumble mechanic - you risk a "tumble" / Trip the more your stamina or health drops & Carried weight increases. Also occurs on fall damage.
. Movement speeds reduced/revised to be more in-line with realistic values. This can be safely overwritten by other mods if desired.
. Majority of buffs/debuffs effect NPC's with SPID
(although do Note that the health drain aspects do NOT effect NPCs, as AI mods are beyond the scope of this mod which would be necessary so they do not kill themselves. Assume that every effect mentioned later will affect NPCs unless otherwise stated)

So, although Stamina is one big change introduced to this mod (particularly making Stamina Regeneration a more important thing) it now encompasses all the primary and some secondary attributes!

Each stat effects the other with various bonuses and debuffs (mostly debuffs - in fact you could argue this is a DEBUFF mod) depending on the current level. No longer are the three primary stats a static, boring thing. They're now much more organic and indicative of life and vitality, and require consideration and management when you undertake tasks, whether that be slaying a dragon, crossing a river, or just a casual jog/walk - but not too much to be distracting (At least not when you get some levels under your belt).

Speaking of life and vitality, the vanilla system seemed better suited for Vampires and other afflictions (Because it's so bland and dead...), as such Vampires will NOT recieve alot of the buffs this mod introduces, However, as they still retain some mortality, they will recieve a good portion of the debuffs. I will clearly state if vampires are excluded of a certain effect.

Also, with an optional addon esp, the mod enhances the functionality of other mods like Last Seed and Frostfall.
For example, in Frostfall, if the player is freezing to death, with my mod health starts to bleed 0.5 points per second.
Stamina regen stops and slowly bleeds stamina, which, when depleted, will cause a larger health bleed! This makes the whole experience of finding shelter more immersive and urgent, rather then an abrupt "collapse" cutscene or being "saved".

Vampires/vamp lords are immune to health bleed from freezing to death effects.

This mod mostly relies on magic/spell conditions for it's effects, and uses scripts sparingly to keep things as lightweight and compatible as posible.

NOTE!! Regen Rates:
As a result of the changes this mod introduces, i feel base regen rates need to be altered/lowered dramatically, else it leads to rather unbalanced and fast gameplay due to all the buffs this mod gives.
Although my mod does NOT change regen rates, My preferred regen rates are as follows:

Health: 0.20    /Game default is 0.7
Magicka: 1.75   /Game default is 3.0
Stamina: 2.5    /Game default is 5.0

As you can see, i favor MUCH slower rates/gameplay, this mod is tailored to these values (i may even incorporate it into the base SPAM mod). You may however feel default or higher is fine so i leave that entirely down to you and your preferences.

Anyway, back to SPAM, Lets start with listing the buff/debuff effects and their thresholds, starting with Health:

Health is without question, one of the primary stats that has the most far reaching effects and consequences.
Health related buffs and debuffs occur at the following thresholds:

High Health (>=75% to 100%)--------
BONUS: 15% bonus to Stamina Regen.   (Undead/Vamp/Automaton EXCLUDED.)
BONUS: 15% Bonus to Disease Resist.  (Undead/Vamp/Automaton EXCLUDED.)
BONUS: 2% magic resistance, with additional +2% for every 100 health points, to a maximum of 10%. Active only when current health exceeds 75%. Stacks with Magickas.(Undead/Vamp/Automaton EXCLUDED.)

Medium-high(>=50% to <75%)--------
***BONUS: 15% bonus to magicka regen.   (Undead/Vamp/Automaton EXCLUDED.)
LOSS: Reduces Stamina Regen by 10% (Undead/Vamp/Automaton excluded. does NOT stack with other stamina debuffs from health, but will with Staminas)

Medium-Low Health (>=20 - <50%)
***BONUS: 25% bonus to magicka regen.   (Undead/Vamp/Automaton EXCLUDED.)
LOSS: Reduces Stamina Regen by 30% (Undead/Vamp/Automaton excluded. does NOT stack with other stamina debuffs from health, but will with Staminas)
LOSS: reduces movement speed by 15%. Stacks with Staminas.
LOSS: Disease Resist loss of 25% (Undead/Vamp/Automaton excluded. Stacks with Magickas)
LOSS: Magicka Resist Loss of 10% (Stacks with Magickas)

VERY LOW Health (<20%)---------
***BONUS: 30% bonus to magicka regen.   (Undead/Vamp/Automaton EXCLUDED.)
LOSS: Reduces Stamina Regen by 50% (Undead/Vamp/Automaton immune. does NOT stack with other stamina debuffs from health level, but will with Staminas)
LOSS: reduces jump height by 50% (Stacks with Stamina variant)
LOSS: Reduces Movement Speed by 25% (does NOT stack with medium-low health loss, but stacks with Staminas.)
LOSS: Disease Resist loss of 50% (Undead/Vamp/Automaton excluded. Stacks with Magickas)
LOSS: Magicka Resist Loss of 15% (Stacks with Magickas)

Additional Health infomation:
ALL HEALTH REGENERATION is disabled UNLESS the player/actor has a stamina level at >50% of their maximum Stamina.

Health Regeneration Rate goes up by 10% for every BASE 50hp the player has (ie, does NOT include health buffs - rather BASE level up increases), to a maximum of 100% increase to regen. Starts from 100 Health (So at 150 BASE health points, you get the first 10% bonus - last 10% being given at 600)

Adrenaline (Stamina Regen Rate/Health Level) Function (SPAM 9.0) - Player Only
The Adrenaline state is a passive ability/temporary boost/debuff activated by low health or Stamina REGEN MULTIPLIER, It provides increased health regeneration/Stamina Regeneration (depending on the trigger). Its purpose is to offer an immersive awareness of these critical stats and their status, plus a slight tactical advantage in various situations, but with a subsequent penalty to encourage (but not demand) strategic and careful use.

It aims to be non-intrusive and not require significant changes in playstyle with proper stat management - as well as offering a way for stats to communicate to the player outside of a silly green and red bar. This Feature was designed to better communicate the impact of low Stamina Regen or Health, and unite both mechanics without being too burdensome.

My SPAM - Potion Penalties mod is NOT required for this Adrenaline function to work, but it will enhance the experience as parts of it's functionality is incorporated.

Effects of Adrenaline State:

    Heartbeat sound effect and minor visual disturbance - heartbeat sound stops and starts, the interval time increases the higher player toxicity (SPAM - Potion Penalties mod)
    Everytime the Heartbeat sound starts, the player regains 1.0 or 2.5% of their total health. 2.5% if only Health Adrenaline State is active, 1% if Stamina Adrenaline is active too.
    In addition, Stamina gradually drains to 50%, but in doing so restoring health quicker to 50% - the rate of health restore (and therefore stamina drain) is increased or decreased with potion toxicity (SPAM - Potion Penalties mod). The formula is:  (((TotalHealth / 2) /  Magnitude of Adrenaline TRIGGER spell) * (1.2 - Toxicity))
    7.5% movement speed increase - stacks with Stamina Adrenaline, leading to a max 15% movement speed gain if both adrenal states are active simultaneously.
    Potions last only 2/3rds of their normal duration - BUT are 2/3rds stronger (does NOT stack with Stamina Adrenal State variant).

Conditions to Enter "Health Induced" Adrenaline State:
In Combat:

    Health ≤ (Health Threshold) (Default value of 30% - threshold will vary) & In Combat
    While Weilding a weapon/spell/fists, OR sprinting OR tripping

Out of Combat:

    Health ≤ (Health Threshold / 2) and Stamina ≤ 50% & NOT in Combat
    While Stamina <= 50%, OR Sprinting Or tripping

Note: The 30% health threshold varies with the SPAM - Potion Penalties mod installed.
Higher potion toxicity increases this value, doubling it at max toxicity, essentially making the adrenaline state much more likely to trigger with higher Toxicity levels.

Ending the "Health" Adrenaline State:

    Health exceeding 60% for a continuous 5-10 seconds (Varies with SPAM - Potion Penalties mod, higher toxicity = longer wait) with no weapons/spells/fists equipped (the timer resets otherwise)

    Health exceeding 90% instantly ends the state, and upon Health Adrenaline being removed, any active "Stamina" Adrenaline State is also removed.

    Eating or Drinking ANY food item as long as you're out of combat, will end adrenaline regardless of stat (H/S/Regen) status.

    If it runs for longer then 300 seconds (5 minutes) it auto ends.

Penalty After Adrenaline State:

    Temporary reduction to the max value of the triggering stat (e.g., max health reduction if health triggered the state)
    Penalty magnitude and duration depend on the total time spent in the Adrenaline state
        Magnitude: (Time x (Statvalue/1000) + 0.2), maxing at 50% of CURRENT health (CURRENT is to prevent being insta-killed on application of the penalty)
        Duration: (Time x 2), up to 600 seconds


    100 health character (At 100% of health) in Adrenaline for 10 seconds: -3 Health points for 20 seconds penalty issued once it finishes.
    If that same character only had 50 health at the time of the Adrenal State finishing/penalty application, it would be -1 health loss for 20 seconds
    (Note: This may sound like a rather trivial sum, but it mounts up over time and odds are you'll be in and out of this state alot, especially as a new character. It also has to be the CURRENT health value as the risk of killing the player is too great basing it on "base" health levels - in the end, the penalty will catch a high value at some point or another, and the penalty will be significant.
    a maximum 50% of total Health loss/penalty can occur.)
Cumulative Penalties:

    Adrenaline time is CUMULATIVE - total Adrenaline duration is added up, leading to more severe penalties over time
    Sleeping resets logged Adrenal time to zero.
    Total logged time halves each time a penalty "runs it's course" (Duration).
    A Cure Poison potion - ONLY if consumed while an adrenal state is active  - clears any active penalties and future ones for 5 minutes - in doing so, negates the halving benefit of the active penalty, and adrenal time will still accrue.


    Address low health/stamina regen promptly to avoid Adrenaline and penalties - or dont, and take advantage of it and deal with the increasing consequences after. The choice is yours.
    Low stamina regen can also trigger Adrenaline (see Stamina section for details)

Further Notes:

    Only one Adrenaline state of the same TYPE can be active at a time; so With an active Health Adrenal State, another Health-triggered Adrenaline state cannot be triggered (but a Stamina one can, and vice versa)
    If there is an active penality on the player, another Adrenaline State of that stat cannot trigger until the penalty has expired (So with a health penalty active, a Health Adrenal state cannot start)
    Health takes priority over Stamina - so if Stamina Adrenaline is active and then health is triggered, both Adrenaline states will be active simulatenously and make it harder to "Calm down" and break out of that state once the threat is over (unless you address the problem and heal up / unburden yourself to boost Stamina Regen) once a Health Adrenal state expires, it will also always end the Stamina one too.
    The value for the trigger of this adrenaline spell is how many seconds it takes for the adrenaline state to get your health to 55%. Default of 60.
    You really want to avoid a scenario where both Adrenal states are active as it'll be very taxing on yourself and lead to hefty penalties rapidly once you calm down.

Additional Info for SPAM - Potion Penalties (TBA):

    Higher potion toxicity increases Adrenaline trigger thresholds and penalties if you play with my yet-to-be-released mod: SPAM - Potion Penalties.


    Vampires, vamp lords, and werewolves are immune to the Adrenaline function. It is also player only.

Stamina is one of the fastest recovering stat the player has & plays a crucial role in their day to day functioning. As such, mid to low stamina can have a huge impact on abilities that require fine motor skills, such as lockpicking, sneaking, an pickpocketing. (In such cases, stop, gather your breathe, then proceed.)

Stamina was the main stat that forms the basis of this mod, consequently it see's some of the biggest changes (at least second to magicka).

--------High Stamina (>80%) --------------
BONUS: Gives a 15% bonus to health regen (Undead/Vamp/Automaton excluded.)
Medium-High Stamina (>50%) ---------------
BONUS: Enables health regen (Undead/Vamp/Automaton excluded.)
--------Medium-low STAMINA (<55%) -------------
LOSS: Reduces Pickpocket skill by 25 points
LOSS: Reduces Lockpicking skill by 25 points
LOSS: Reduces Sneak skill by 20 points
LOSS: Reduces Speech skill by 15 points
<55% Stamina: Weight Loss Occurs. See Weight section for details.
--------Near ZERO Stamina----------
LOSS: causes HEALTH LOSS @ 0.25 points a second down to approx 16 points then stops. (Undead/Vamp/Automaton excluded.)
LOSS: Jump Height reduced by 40% if stamina < 10 points. (Stacks with Healths variant, leading to a total 90% reduction)
LOSS:* TRIP HAZARD. there's a random chance you (or effected NPC's) will trip and ragdoll when in a SPRINTING OR RUNNING state while stamina is <1 points. See below for further details.
LOSS: Forced Walk: your character is forced to walk the moment you stop running or sprinting, and in doing so, restores Stamina faster to approximately 40%. Stamina is also temporarily immune to drain effects.
LOSS: Reduces Pickpocket skill by 50 points
LOSS: Reduces Lockpicking skill by 50 points
LOSS: Reduces Sneak skill by 40 points
LOSS: Reduces Speech skill by 30 points

Additional Stamina information/effects:-------
Stamina Regeneration goes up by 10% for every BASE 50 Stamina the player has (ie, does NOT include buffs, just level up/BASE increases), to a maximum of 100% increase to regen. Starts from 100 Stamina (So at 150 Stamina, you get the first 10% bonus - with the final being at 600 Stamina)

Stamina Drain (Running/Sprinting):  
Stamina Drain on Running & Sprinting, The base rate is 0.5 point of stamina every second of Running/Sprinting, you must occasionally walk to regenerate your stamina now. It also applies this drain to sprinting in addition to the vanilla Sprint drain quantity. The vanilla sprint stamina consumption value was reduced to compensate for this.

The rate is also dynamic depending on what is worn, how much you're carrying, etc:

Wearing a >=2 heavy armor items adds an additional 1 points of stamina drain per second while running OR sprinting. This is HALVED when player heavy armor skill >=25 points, then removed entirely at >= 60 points. If you swim you'll also recieve an additional 5 point stamina drain regardless of skill level.

There is an additional 1 point of stamina drain when moving while sneaking, reduced to 1 when sneak skill >= 25 points, then removed entirely >=60 points.

(Player only) The rate of drain will also increase depending on the percentage of the players maximum encumbrance, (The higher the amount carried/higher percentage, the more drain added) a maximum of 5 additional points are added at full capacity (up to 15 in total if swimming!). See the encumbrance section for further details.

As of SPAM 7.0, Stamina drain occurs at high movement speeds (or Speed Multipliers), 1 points from 115%, scaling up to a 20 point stamina drain at >=200%

As of SPAM 8.0, while your stamina is <=50%, you accumulate "points" that lead to a deduction in your body weight (A maximum weight loss of 6% per day can occur). See the WEIGHT segment for details.

Forced Walk  (SPAM v10)

When your stamina is depleted, your character will temporarily slow down (via a reduced movement speed multiplier) when you stop or walk. During this time, your stamina will regenerate slightly faster, up to approx 40% of its total, and it will be immune to any stamina drain events (except for those from other mods—see compatibility issues).

I say "Approx" as if you play with very high regen values (ie, vanilla) odds are the game wont detect the crossing of the threshold before the stamina as greatly exceeded it. Although this is fine, i do suggest playing with the h/s/m regen values i mentioned previously (around half that of vanilla)

Once your stamina reaches the approx 40% threshold, this slow/regen effect will be lifted.

Note: This effect does not occur when swimming, sprinting, or riding a mount. Additionally, swimming, riding or sprinting will cancel this effect if it is already active.

I believe that to bring Skyrim closer to modern game standards, the depleted stamina state needed to be better addressed. This behavior is somewhat similar to how stamina/fatigue works in the game "Helldivers." This way, players don’t have to constantly monitor their stamina and can intuitively ease up on running or sprinting without much thought.

Tip: Watch for the "blur" effect when your stamina reaches zero. When you see this, it’s a sign that you should ease up on movement to benefit from this minor regeneration assist.

Stamina Health Bleed: (Vampire/Undead/Automaton Excluded)
When stamina is depleted, it begins to slowly bleed health at 0.2 points per second - but ONLY down to 15hp, then STOPS. (UNLESS SWIMMING - then its TO DEATH & at a higher rate)

Zero stamina therefore wont outright kill the player (unlike drowning) but one hit/injury could potentially result in death. This, coinciding with the tripping risk this mod introduces can spell death. Vampire races will get stamina drain but are IMMUNE to health loss on stamina depletion as they're undead. but WILL experience other debuffs (including trip risks).

Swimming (Stamina Drain/regen Swimming changes):
Similar to "normal" stamina drain, You get stamina drain while swimming.
A base rate of 1 point of stamina drain when moving, that goes up to 2 points when moving at full speed.
An additional 3 points to drain are added while wearing heavy armor.
The rate of drain will also increase depending on the percentage of the players used carry weight capacity, with a maximum of 15 additional points being added to Stamina Drain as a result of encumbrance level - Swimming while heavily encumbered has significant consequences.

You'll also be immediately "Over-encumbered" should you attempt to swim while wearing any heavy armor.

see the bottom of the page for a more detailed swimming segment.

If you deplete stamina while swimming, you'll begin to drown which will make you lose health at approx 1 points per second, it WILL kill you. (Unless you've drank a waterbreathing potion, are Argonian, or a VAMPIRE). Health drain quantity is determined by total base health to keep drain consistent across levels / health quantities.

This is all alongside the vanilla drown mechanic - you wont be able to breathe underwater for eternity just by keeping your stamina up.

You'll also move 10% slower while swimming as a base reduction, no matter what (Argonians excluded). Other encumbrance movement speed changes will also stack.

Also, during swimming, Stamina regen is reduced up to 200% dependant upon worn items, it is also reduced further more depending upon quantity carried vs that of maximum carry weight - Argonians are exempt from this regen penalty.

A Restoration "Stamina Restore" spell is added to the game. The spell tome can be picked up from most stores. It's a concentration spell similar to "Healing", and it's strength increases with your restoration ability.

there's a chance you (or effected NPC's) will trip/Tumble and ragdoll when in a SPRINTING OR RUNNING state while stamina is <1 points. This is calculated every time stamina drops to <=0 points, WHILE moving at >30% movement speed/running/sprinting, and every 6-13 seconds (random) during this state.
The probability is increased to 40%+ the more you carry (ie; so when at 100% encumbrance, 40% probability is applied, if you exceed 100% carry capacity, it will continue up accordingly)
An additional 60% is applied the more your health drops below 80% its total. So when at 1 health, 59% probability is additionally applied.

HOWEVER, the MAXIMUM probability of a trip occuring is capped at 80% no matter what source.

You will also "Tumble" if you take fall damage, with higher MAX probability then above if you're heavily encumbered or low health.
"Fall damage" Tumble Dicerolls Occur when you take ANY kind of fall damage.
Fall Damage Tumbles have a maximum probably of occuring 90% of the time (when at full encumbrance/1 HP) - instead of the 80% cap for regular "Tumbles". The probability of which is also calculated by Encumbrance and Health level, and, additionally, Stamina Percent - the HIGHER your Stamina, the REDUCED chance of a Fall Tumble occuring. At 100% Stamina, you will see a maximum REDUCTION of 60% to the probability.

Therefore, moving SLOWLY (walking) while Stamina is low will mitigate most Tumble risks, ideally avoiding low stamina and health altogether is preferable -- Also, avoid carrying too much!

All of this is handled via a basic math script, and isn't heavy or complex at all. When a Tumble occurs, you will quickly restore 40 stamina points - just to prevent further fires of the tumble check.

Additional effects can be made to interact with the trip probability by adjusting the SPAM_G_TRIP_ADDITIONALPROB Global variable - For example;
having a spell effect adding 15 to this global will add an additional 15% chance of a trip occuring. Likewise, adding a negative sum will REDUCE the probability chance. Do note however any change to this global will also need to be removed when appropriate (ie, when the buff/effect adding it is removed). This is PLAYER ONLY -- the variable and its value will only effect player probability and NOT NPC trip chance.
This feature was added in SPAM 9.2 to accomodate the "Bare foot bonus" (see Encumbrance for details)

Further edits needed to occur for the vanilla "Paralysis" effect to circumvent base game bugs (Such getting glitched on standing and unable to move).

This really can make combat quite interesting and even rather amusing, and it's rare enough to not be grating or annoying. This can lead to some comical outcomes when NPC's push themselves too hard during a fight, and also help turn the tide of somewhat!

SNEAK/SNEAKING/Crouched/Sitting - When crouched/sneaking AND STATIONARY (or when sitting) Stamina regen is boosted 50%, raises to 80% if sneak skill >= 50 points.
will stack with standing still/other buffs (Vampire/undead excluded). Wanna regen Stamina fast? crouch and dont move!

Standing (not moving) INCREASES stamina regen by 10%. Stacks with ALL other bonuses. Wanna catch your breathe quickly? Stop moving! (Undead/Vamp excluded)

having NO WEAPON drawn BOOSTS stamina regen by a further 10%. Stacks with all other bonuses. Also applies to just having fists out (as long as NO weapon is wielded) - making hand to hand a viable option. Also applies to wielding magic spells as they're weightless. Putting your weapons away to get away from a threat now makes sense.  (Undead/Vamp excluded)

Last Seed (MOD): When at "Peak Condition" (player only) you no longer have stamina drain while RUNNING. all other effects still apply. (IT may still occur though at high encumbrance levels and/or in heavy armor, but it's rate will still be significantly less)

12.) (if you have the frostfall addon .esp)
Frostfall: (The mod) If (Player only) is "Freezing to death" It will drain health @ 0.3 points per second. it will STOP ALL Stamina REGENERATION (-9999%) & slowly drain stamina at 0.5 points a second. When stamina hits zero, health will drain the additional 0.2 - so 0.5 health loss in total will occur.

Health bleed from a "Freezing to death" state WILL go to zero, killing the player.

Undead/vampires will lose stamina while in a "Freezing to Death" state but NOT health. they're effectively immune to death from freezing conditions but will still get penalized on movement/debuffs.

this is how I felt Frostfall should've implimented it to begin with, as it's default "sudden blackout/die" method was just unintuitive, jarring and unecessary when using existing mechanics of health/stamina just feel vastly more natural.

13.)Adrenaline (Stamina Regen Rate/Health Level) Function (SPAM 9.0) - Player Only

The Adrenaline state is a passive ability/temporary boost/debuff activated by low health or Stamina REGEN MULTIPLIER, It provides increased health regeneration/Stamina Regeneration (depending on the trigger). Its purpose is to offer an immersive awareness of these critical stats and their status, plus a slight tactical advantage in various situations, but with a subsequent penalty to encourage (but not demand) strategic and careful use.

It aims to be non-intrusive and not require significant changes in playstyle with proper stat management - as well as offering a way for stats to communicate to the player outside of a silly green and red bar. This Feature was designed to better communicate the impact of low Stamina Regen and unite Stamina and Health mechanics without being too burdensome. Now, rather then having painfully slow regeneration of stamina, you are put into an adrenal state which boosts it at the cost of an accumulating penalty later.

My SPAM - Potion Penalties mod is NOT required for this Adrenaline function to work, but it will enhance the experience.

Effects of Stamina Adrenaline State:

    Heartbeat sound effect and minor visual disturbance - heartbeat sound stops and starts, the interval time increases with higher toxicity (SPAM - Potion Penalties mod)
    Everytime the Heartbeat sound starts, the player regains 2.5 or 5% of their total Stamina. 5% if only Stamina Adrenaline State is active, 2.5% if Health Adrenaline is active too.
    Health very slowly drains to 60%, boosting Stamina Regen to a fixed value, the base value is 50% x 2, but the multiplier can change based upon toxicity (SPAM - Potion Penalties)
    a toxicity of 100%, can reduce the multiplier to 1.0.
    7.5% movement speed increase - stacks with Healths, leading to a max 15% movement speed gain if both adrenal states are active simultaneously.
    Potions last only 2/3 of their normal duration, but are 2/3rds more powerful (Does NOT stack with Health Adrenal variant)

Conditions to Enter "Stamina Regen Adrenaline State":
In Combat:

    Stamina Regen Multiplier < SPAM_G_Adrenal_STAMR_VARThresh Global (default 50) AND Is in Combat AND
    While wielding a weapon/spell/fists, OR sprinting, OR tripping, OR Stamina <=25%

Out of Combat:

    Stamina Regen Mult < 2/3rds of SPAM_G_Adrenal_STAMR_VARThresh Global AND NOT in Combat, And
    Is Sprinting, OR is Tripping, OR Stamina <= 25%

Note: The Regen Multiplier threshold (SPAM_G_Adrenal_STAMR_VARThresh) varies from its default of 50 with the SPAM - Potion Penalties mod. Higher potion toxicity increases this value, doubling at max toxicity, making the Stamina adrenaline state MORE likely to trigger.

Ending the Stamina Regen Induced Adrenaline State:

    Total Stamina exceeds 80% for a continuous 5-20 seconds - time varies with Toxicity level (SPAM - Potion Penalties mod) and if weilding any weapon.
    A active Health Adrenaline State ends and you're NOT in combat.
    Eating or Drinking ANY food item as long as you're out of combat, will end adrenaline regardless of stat (H/S/Regen) status.
    If a Stamina Adrenaline State runs for longer then 300 seconds (5 minutes).

Penalty After Adrenaline State:

    Temporary reduction to the max value of the triggering stat (e.g., max stamina loss if stamina regen triggered the state)
    Penalty magnitude and duration depend on the total time spent in the Adrenaline state
        Magnitude: (Time x (Statvalue/1000) + 0.2), maxing at 50% of CURRENT stamina
        Duration: (Time x 2), up to 600 seconds


    100 stamina character in Adrenaline for 10 seconds: -3 Stamina points for 20 seconds.
    (Note: This may sound like a rather trivial sum, but it mounts up over time and odds are you'll be in and out of this state alot, especially as a new character!) a maximum 50% of total Stamina loss/penalty can occur.

Cumulative Penalties:

    Adrenaline time is cumulative
    Longer Adrenaline durations lead to more severe penalties over time
    Sleeping resets logged time to zero
    Total logged time halves each time a penalty duration completes
    A Cure Poison potion - ONLY if consumed while an adrenal state is active  - clears any active penalties and future ones for 5 minutes - in doing so, negates the halving benefit of the active penalty, and adrenal time will still accrue.


    Address low health/stamina regen promptly to avoid Adrenaline and penalties - or dont, and take advantage and deal with the increasing consequences after. The choice is yours.
    Low health can also trigger Adrenaline (see Health section for details)


    Only one Adrenaline state of the same TYPE can be active at a time; so With an active Stamina Adrenal State, another Stamina-triggered Adrenaline state cannot be triggered (but a Health one can, and vice versa)
    If there is an active penality on the player, another Adrenaline State of that stat cannot trigger until the penalty has expired (So with a Stamina penalty active, a Stamina Adrenal state cannot start)
    Health takes priority over Stamina - so if Stamina Adrenaline is active and then health is triggered, both Adrenaline states will be active simulatenously and make it much harder to "Calm down"once the threat is over (Exit both Adrenal states - unless you address the problem and heal up / unburden yourself to boost Stamina Regen) Also, once a Health Adrenal state expires, it will also forcibly end the Stamina one too.
    You really want to avoid a scenario where both Adrenal states are active as it'll be very taxing on yourself and lead to hefty penalties rapidly once you calm down.

Additional Info for SPAM - Potion Penalties (TBA):

    Higher potion toxicity increases Adrenaline trigger thresholds and penalties.


    Vampires, vamp lords, and werewolves are immune to the Adrenaline function. It is also player only.

I plan to make Stamina Regeneration play a huge role in the game in future mods I make. This SPAM mod is the first step towards that.
one such mod im working on is changing all food items in the game so that they give very long term passive buffs (largely boosts to health, health regen, stamina, magicka, etc) over several in-game hours, but also cause a STACKING hit to Stamina regeneration (To simulate the sluggish "fullness" after a meal, This prevents food spam consumption - As debuffs will stack - and makes alchemy a viable option for stat buffs.)

In terms of Magicka quantity buff/debuffs, I purposefully made magicka have the least impact of the three stats, as the assumption is the majority of Tamriels people arn't magically inclined (although TES lore claims this, the game doesn't really reflect it...) so having any major buffs just seems unbalanced - the very spell cast is enough benefit.
Magic and magical abilities are (Should) be a scarce thing in Skyrim. Yes, you're dragonborn and a "special" case, but, you have shouts. That IS *your* special case. Thats literally what the dragonborn is. Not spells and magicka ....unless you work to master it.

So, I want to incentivise the player to seek out Magicka buffs/items to train and build their magicka/abilities effectively, particularly in the early stages. such as usage of potions, diety blessings, and magical boosting items in order to give them the boost they need to kickstart their study/mastery of the arcane. To study magicka should require some decent barrier to entry, so the below changes are my attempt at that. Vanilla Skyrim served everything on a platter and it's precisely what lead to such a hollow and shallow experience on a multitude of fronts.

Amongst those who ARE magically inclined, magicka is likely to continually be low from spellcasting so i did not want the player/npc recieving too high a penalty (or bonus!) in the form of (de)buffs just for balance purposes.

With this in mind, I focused on attempting to give them a larger bonus for not depleting their magicka pool too low; so by keeping magicka levels around 40% allows them to keep the (limited) buffs the Magicka attribute can passively offer. Too low though, then subtle negative effects kick in. As such the Buff/Debuffs are significantly limited by comparison to the other stats:

With the above in mind, here are my changes:

HIGH MAGICKA (>=40%)-------------
BONUS: Gives a 10% bonus to HEALTH REGEN, STAMINA REGEN, MAGICKA REGEN (Undead/Vamp/Automaton EXCLUDED.)
BONUS: +2% magic resistance for >=100 Magicka points, +2% for every 100 thereafter to a maximum of 10%, active only when current Magicka exceeds 40%. (Stacks with Healths)
BONUS: Disease Resist increased by 10%  (Stacks with Healths)
BONUS: % chance of "absorbing" incoming hostile spells, % determined by your total magicka quantity - for every 100 magicka, you have a 2% absorb chance with a maximum of up to 10%. Your magicka quantity must be <70% its total to take effect.
Low/zero Magicka (<=15%)-------------
LOSS: Magicka Resist reduced by 10%. (Stacks with Healths)

Additional Magicka information/effects:-------
-90 Magicka point penalty right from the start - again, i want to encourange investment and training into the arcane abilities, this is the first step.

Magicka Regeneration goes up by 10% for every BASE 50 Magicka the player has (ie, does NOT include buffs, just level up base increases ONLY), to a maximum of 100% increase to regen. Starting from 150 Magicka Points (so at 150 magicka, you get the first 10% bonus, giving the final 10% buff at 600 base magicka)

this is my magicka "pièce de résistance":
The player will be REWARDED more magicka by leveling magicka based skills, FAR more then the initial -90 magicka penalty.

In order to maintain the theme of this mod - making the stats an organic and less static experience - I made magicka be gifted (And removed) from the player as the following skills increased or decreased:


For every skill point gain in the above schools, it adds 0.5 to their total magicka.
this is checked whenever one of the above skills is increased, you level up, access your inventory (in case you put on/remove skill enhancing items), and is checked every 30 seconds.

Doing the math, you can obtain 50 magicka points when a skill is maxed to 100, or 300 EXTRA magicka from all of them combined!  - FAR more then the initial -90 hit I took from you!  (NOTE: this is NOT to BASE magicka -- this is just a buff!) Better still, that cloak that adds 15 Destruction? it'll now ADD 7 Magicka too! Or that amulet that boosts restoration by 10? thats 5 magicka! or that potion that boosts destruction by 10? there's another 5 magicka!

But also consequently; if you have items, skills, debuffs that REDUCE these skills, your magicka level will also SUFFER - but NEVER below your base magicka  (ie, how much you've invested in Magicka on each level up). This makes the entire stat a FAR more organic experience and honestly, i'm quite proud of it.

I should reiterate that your magicka will NOT drop below the base quantity, the "base" consists of:
10 points (after the -90 penalty) + whatever points you've allocated to magicka on level ups + The Percentage bonus this mod introduces. Regardless of how far in the negative your magical skills go, they'll never make your magicka level drop below this BASE level.

This is to prevent you - for whatever reason - having a magicka value fall into the negative/zero and making it impossible to cast anything at all (Kinda a big problem if you're a mage!). This also provides good reasoning for investing points into the magicka stat, as it'll be a guaranteed reserve minimum of magicka no matter what - vital for mage classes.

I've also added a 300 magicka boost to vampire lords and werewolf forms, as well as 150 for vampires. just to avoid any potential issues with them/you having low magicka on transformation to one, particularly the vampire lord as this would effectively break them. Vampires are supernatural beings, so it makes sense for them to have a greater magicka potential.

Also, every time your skills (And therefore magicka) change by a significant quantity (>=5) you're notified with message in the upper left of the screen "I feel the magicka stirring within me.." and a small audio/visual effect on your character. This message is randomized and changes slightly, or may not always appear, the visuals on your character will though.

I should mention that This skill-based magicka change is Player ONLY, Magicka level buffs/debuffs will still effect NPC's though.

Mod suggestion: These changes will compliment another mod i love to play with: Challenging Spell Learning. I suggest you check it out for a much more dynamic magicka learning experience. ( I actually have my own modified variant of this mod that i may/may not release)

The above penalties/boosts can be edited via all of the following global variables:

SPAM_G_BaseMagickaPenalty - default -90.0
This global variable edits the base magicka penalty value of the player, deducting when first starting the game. In Vanilla, the player starts with 100 Magicka, and as this value is set to -90, the player then has just 10 base magicka left. Buffs added from enchanted items, skill boosts, blessing etc are added on top of this. This should be safe to adjust mid-game, and if done so, a notification should appear stating the change occured - however, i have not tested this. If one does NOT appear, it's likely the change hasn't applied.

SPAM_G_GiftedMagickaMult - default 0.5
This is a multiplier that determines how much magicka a magical skill gives you.
For example, if this variable is set to 1.0 and you're wearing an item that gives 10 to destruction (or any magical skill) it'll give 10 points to magicka. Likewise if you set it to 0.5, it'll give 5 points to magicka, etc. Skills similarly, if you've got 10 in destruction, with the multiplier of 1.0, that'll be 10 magicka - and so on. This is safe to change at any time mid-game.

SPAM_G_PlayerMagicalSkillPenalty - default -14
This value determines the starting penalty to the players 6 magical abilities, which is designed to provide a challenge to learning spells on new characters.
By default this is set to -14 (deducts 14 from Restoration, Destruction, Enchanting, etc), as in vanilla, the player starts with 15 in all skills. if of course you play with mods that penalize certain races (or buffs them) in these skills, these will be applied on top, so you could see skills in the negative. This global will allow you to make any changes necessary. Changing this mid-game wont update the value, so it will not work.

Also note that, again, this entire feature is a BUFF to MAGICKA - not a BASE magicka increase. As such bonuses like the Magicka Regen bonus I mentioned eariler - wont take the values added here into consideration.

====================================================Encumbrance changes:===========================================

I felt encumbrance needed some major changes and penalties/nerf'ing because not only was the starting value in vanilla skyrim so stupidly high, it also allowed the player to accumulate vast amounts of loot and therefore money; it is one big factor in why this games economy is so unbalanced because it's just far too easy to accumulate so much junk to then sell. It is, imo, one of the leading causes of Skyrim's broken/illogical/abscent economy.

Also with the abundance of "Backpack" mods, its just unecessary having it at such a high value right from the start, It devalues backpacks which are otherwise a really immersive way to carry things (Aside from offloading gear to a follower...)

So I introduced a 200 point reduction to the player from 300 - max carry weight now being 100, and then added debuffs if the player was carrying too much.

There is also the addition of a Buff whereby worn armor/clothing is 40% LIGHTER then unworn to compensate for the much lower capacity.

With these changes, having a backpack really makes a huge difference, or better still, a follower to help "carry your burdens". You will still gain carry capacity whenever you level up stamina too.

To recap/clarify:

- Player starts at a carrying capacity of 100 points, down from the ridiculous 300 in vanilla.
- Worn Armor (including clothing) is 40% lighter then unworn, this is to compensate for the huge loss of carry capacity.
- All encumbrance effects are player only, as AI lacks the means to manage their inventory.
-Carry weight gains have been reduced to 1 point per level up, A big nerf but what i felt was in line to realism, as obviously by level 100 you can gain 100 carry weight capacity which i think is more then plentiful. This does NOT impact what additional Carry Weight gains you get from buffs along your journey - so it's still plenty feasible to gain obscenely large sums of carry capacity because of idiot Bethesda logic.
- Swimming while wearing heavy armor (cuirass only) immediately makes you overencumbered.

weight/encumbrance debuffs occur at the following levels:

>25% Encumbrance:
2 additional point added to stamina drain (while moving and only when SWIMMING. argonians exempt.)
-5% movement speed (Swimming only)

35%> - <=55%
-15% Stamina Regen (total loss)

1 additional point added to stamina drain (Run/Sprint & Swimming, stacks, inactive if using the LAST SEED mod addon & at Peak Condition ) *UNDEAD/VAMP EXCLUDED
-10% jump height reduction

>55% - <=75%
-30% Stamina Regen (>55 - <=85%) (total loss)
-5% movement speed (now -10% if swimming)
5% more noise when moving

+1 additional points added to stamina drain (Run/Sprint & Swimming, stacks, inactive if using the LAST SEED mod addon & at Peak Condition)
+4 additional points added to stamina drain (Swimming only & only While swimming full speed, argonians exempt, stacks)
-20% Jump Height Reduction
-5% MOVEMENT speed (Swimming only)

>75% <=100%
-10% movement speed (now -20% if swimming)
15% More Noise on movement
-45% Stamina Regen (total loss)

+2 additional points added to stamina drain  (Swimming, Running, Sprinting stacks)
-30 Jump Height Reduction
-65% Stamina Regen (total loss)

100-150% (Overencumbered)
Can only walk (Vanilla behavior)
a continual Stamina drain of 1 points a second - even stationary. Down to 50% of max stamina, then halts.
Stamina Regen reduced by 125%
25% More Noise on movement

>150% (Overencumbered)
Stamina Drain of +7 points (Now 8) a second. Drain now occurs down to 10 points of stamina.
Health bleeds 0.5 points a second, regardless of stamina level. This WILL NOT kill the player but it will reduce health to 1 point then stop. only occurs while moving.

>200% (Overencumbered)
Stamina drain of +10 points (now 18) a second. This will drain Stamina to zero (triggering health loss when stationary)
Health bleed of stacking 0.5 added, bleeds until 1hp

Other additional Features:
1.) Bare Foot Bonus
When barefoot (No worn shoes of any type) you'll recieve a bare foot bonus, you'll recieve a buff to sneak of 15 points. Also, as long as carryweight is <=50%, you'll see a REDUCTION in "Tumble/Trip" probability by 15%.
HOWEVER - if your carry weight is >50%, you'll GAIN an increased chance of 15% probabilty.
==================================================Weight changes:==============================================

Weight (Racemenu) was boring and purely cosmetic in skyrim, but not anymore; depending on your weight, you gain (and lose!) certain benefits:

At a Heavy weight:
You Gain 20% extra health  (player only)
You LOSE 20% of your stamina  (Player only)
You make 20% more sound when sneaking  
You move 10% slower
Power Attacks are 10% stronger
You're able to carry 10% more
10% Damage Resistance

Medium-Heavy weight:
You GAIN 10% Health      (Player only)
You LOSE 10% of Stamina         (Player only)
You make 10% more sound when sneaking
You move 5% slower
Power Attacks are 5% stronger
You're able to carry 5% more
5% Damage Resistance.

Average weight:
No changes, no buffs or debuffs in any way.

Medium-Light weight
You LOSE 10% total Health    (Player Only)
You GAIN 10% total Stamina   (player only)
You make 10% less sound when sneaking
You move 5% faster
Power Attacks are 5% weaker
You carry 5% less
5% LESS Damage Resistance

You LOSE 20% total Health    (Player Only)
You GAIN 20% total Stamina    (Player Only)
You make 20% less sound when sneaking
You move 10% faster
Power Attacks are 10% weaker
You carry 10% less
10% LESS Damage Resistance.

This weight monitoring also adds a height function too, you're presented with the choice to determine your height on the closure of Racemenu or first Initialization:
Very Tall:
25% EASIER to see while sneaking
you take 30% more fall damage
Critical hits to enemies are 10% easier.
You're 20% more intimidating to others

15% EASIER to see while sneaking.
You take 15% MORE fall damage.
5% MORE likely to critically hit a target.
You're 10% MORE intimidating.

average Height:
neither gain nor lose any attributes.

15% HARDER to see while sneaking.
You take 15% LESS fall damage.
5% LESS likely to critically hit a target.
You're 10% LESS intimidating.

Very Small:
25% HARDER to see while sneaking.
you take 30% LESS fall damage.
10% LESS likely to critically hit a target.
You're 20% LESS Intimidating.

Other additional Weight infomation/Changes:
1.) A weight Change functionality:
The more you eat, the more weight you gain, conversely the less you eat (And/or, more you maintain low stamina) the more weight you shred.

This works by the following:
Each day, the player recieves a negative value of -1.0 to their *potential* weight (Not yet applied), lets call this value DailyWeight.

For every 3-12 seconds (Random) in a < 50% Stamina State (Spam_Weight_StaminaTargetPercent Global Variable), -0.01 to -0.05 is added to a globalvariable called "SPAM_Weight_Variable". Where in this range is determined by your carry weight - the CLOSER to 100% carryweight, the greater the weight loss to the -0.05 max.

Additionally, this value is MULTIPLIED the LOWER your stamina gets below 50%/Global Variable. so at the 50% threshold, it is multiplied by 1 (no value change). Yet, at 0 stamina, it is multiplied by 2, leading to a potential weight loss of -0.02 to -0.10 per random check.

When you go to sleep, this SPAM_Weight_Variable is added to the DailyWeight value. if the DailyWeight is a negative value, your weight loss is that value.

To GAIN weight, Whenever you eat food, the WEIGHT value of the food item is ADDED to the DailyWeight value, so if you eat enough food to break even (set it to zero), you do not gain weight, a postive value will lead to weight gain. This of course is based upon vanilla weight values.

When you go to sleep, the DailyWeight value (at this point, either a gain/loss value) is added to the players weight.

The MAXIMUM weight the player can gain or lose per sleep cycle, is CAPPED at -6/+6% per day.

The DailyWeight value is also changed with a "Adaptation Modifier", This multiplier changes the DailyWeight value, so if the player continually eats alot each day, it will eventually lead to a new "normal" whereby they no longer gain weight while consuming that quantity of food.
However, It'll also lead to greater weight loss once they DEVIATE (eat alot less) from that established normal.
Likewise the same for NOT eating ALOT of food - you'll lose alot of weight initially, but it'll gradually lose effect over time, leading to your weight to stabalise.

In effect, to gain or lose weight will always require some alteration to your relationship to food - just like in real life!

Note: Undead (Vampires/Vamp Lords) will not gain or lose weight. They will however still be effected by the potion mentioned below.

2.) A weight Change Potion
I do include an immersive weight gain and weight loss potion, which can be found from any potion shop in game. Upon consumption it raises/lowers the players weight by 5% every 15 seconds, (to a maximum of 15% change). If you sleep while the effect is stil active (its easy to tell; your magicka is reduced to ZERO as it's in effect) then the maximum change will be 30%.

I am quite proud of this potion as it was also scripted to work on NPC's (And it does). So feel free to give it to followers or other NPC's if you have the mod(s) that allow this.

If you abuse the potion (ie, spam it on yourself) it will kill you. If you spam it on an NPC, it'll just simply not fire.  It's also fairly expensive, so dont abuse it.


Other noteworthy changes:
I sorta felt this deserved it's own section because swimming is massively effected by the stamina drain/changes in this mod (For the better, i feel). It's essentially a "Realism" take on swimming in and of itself. Because of this i felt it all needed a recap.

With all the combined features above, it is now foolish to attempt to swim when carrying loads of gear (Again, like IRL) or worse yet, loads of gear AND wearing any heavy armor (Cuirass, boots, gloves) which is an almost guaranteed death sentence.

~ 10% base movement speed reduction for swimming (Argonian Exempt), increases up to a maximum of 20% reduction dependant upon carried weight. I didn't make this too drastic as i want to avoid the player becoming "stuck" and unable to move. Under base SPAM changes this should never happen but if you have any other movement change mods, it might.
~ While Swimming, Stamina regeneration is reduced by the following base values (Argonian/Water Breathing exempt):
   75% base reduction ie - when nude
        100% while in clothing (body only)
            125% In light armor (Cuirass/Body)
                175% in Heavy Armor (Cuirass/Body)
The above values are ADDITIONAL TO any other Stamina Regeneration losses incurred through encumbrance levels or other effects. Essentially, swimming stops stamina regen under most circumstances.
~ stamina is drained upon entering the water AND moving (Being still stops any stamina drain UNLESS you're wearing HEAVY armor and/or are heavily encumbered)
~ The rate of stamina drain/loss is determined by what the player is wearing AND how much they're carrying -- The penalty can be pretty steep.
~ Upon ZERO stamina being reached, the player begins to drown (Argonian/Water breathing/vampires exempt)
~ Wearing ANY heavy Armor (Cuirass, boots, gloves) immediately makes you over-encumbered while swimming.
~ The vanilla drown mechanic is still present and untouched, so being submerged too long will still kill you.

This opens up a few strategies to deal with this new way of traversing water:
stripping NAKED first and then carrying it seperately over water (like, ya'know, real life).

letting the current carry you, if one is present, as fighting it will exhaust you and cause drowning.

better still, delegating a follower to carry it while you cross more safely.

Paralysis effects
Attaches a script to all vanilla paralysis effect magic effects so they work more kindly with NPC use without causing any major glitches. This script is more to prevent base/vanilla game bugs such as them standing in place and not moving once recovering (Seriously Bethesda, with all your patch releases you make, how about actually addressing long standing bugs like this!???)

This was necessary to allow NPC's to be effected by the "Tumble" effect when at zero stamina. anything that changes these effects could cause glitches but shouldn't be anything majorly game breaking.

First, check you have the prerequisites. Although this mod isn't necessarily dependant upon others, i made it while running things such as "Engine fixes" and "Scrambled bugs" and the "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch". Obviously SKSE is also required.

SPID is required if you wish NPC's to be effected too.

As such, i've listed them as requirements as without there's no telling if it'll break this mod. In all fairness you should really be using these anyway.

Install the mod with your favourite mod manager, load up the esp/esl (anywhere in the load order should do)

Ideally a new game is preferable, but it should work on an existing save without issues.

load a save/Start a new game. Once loaded, wait for up to 10-60 seconds - a very brief, blue visual effect will eventually appear on your character with a small audio que. A message may also appear in the upper left of the screen. This indicates the mod has been applied.

This mod avoids editing as many base records as it possibly can. There are unavoidable things though such as movement speeds etc.
Many of the records that can get overwritten by this mod/other mods wont be game breaking, so this mod should be quite compatible with other mods. i'd just be VERY MINDFUL of any mod that tampers with:

Swimming - SPAM manages this so any othe mod changes could interfere (AVOID)
Anything that alters Movement speed (AVOID). SPAM carefully manages movement speed and anything that adds any siginficant losses to this can lead to a "standing/swimming unable to move" issue.
Any mod that adds stamina drain in any way (example; stamina drain on moving while in armor etc), this will interfere with the forced walk function of SPAM, among other issues. Watch out especially for perk overhaul mods that do this -- they'll need a patch. Mods that tamper with regen rates are fine.

Any mod that does the above, likely wont work nicely with SPAM and just ruin the game experience, unlikely to break anything though.

Other big no-no's:
Do not change your race mid-game. Changing race mid-game is known to cause all sorts of havoc and is generally advised against just because of vanilla bugs and issues.
Transformations (Vampire, werewolf) Are tested and confirmed to work fine, but changing your race via racemenu will highly likely bork your characters magicka/stamina/health values at the very LEAST, and likely wont return back to normal.
SPAM scripts are written to try and mitigate any racemenu race changes and reapply their penalties/values if it occurs, but it's not reliable so it's best avoided, you really shouldn't be doing this anyway.

Uninstallation/reinstallation/Clean Save (Updating):
Preferably, it's better you do not uninstall this mod at all, particularly mid-game as it alters so many of the players base stats, however, it IS doable, with the only lasting effect being your Health/Stamina/Magicka retaining their values earned via the SPAM level up/percentage gain mechanic (The penalties are cleanly removed, including that to skills)

(as of version 6 of SPAM, you're given the option of removing the percentage gains this mod introduces. If you're simply updating/reinstalling SPAM, i'd advise you KEEP the percentage gain values - otherwise they'll be lost forever on the reinstall.)

If you can live with that, follow the below uninstall procedure:

1.) while in-game and save loaded, open the console, and type "help SPAM"
2.) Look for the SPAMPRIMARYQUEST entry and take note of it's FormID, put that form id in the below step
3.) Type this into the console, replacing "FORMID" with the FormID mentioned above (WITHOUT "<>"):
Setstage <FormID> 200
4.)After typing the above and hitting enter, close the console and wait about 60 seconds for messages to appear in the upper left of the screen.
5.) A prompt will appear asking if you'd like to remove the percentage gains - do NOT remove if you're REINSTALLING SPAM, else your percentage bonuses will be lost forever.
5.) when told it's safe, SAVE YOUR GAME, then quit the game.
6.) completely Remove SPAM from your load order.
6.) With the SPAM mod completely removed from your load order, load up that savegame and Save again -- You now have performed a full SPAM uninstallation, and have a clean save.
7.) (OPTIONAL: only required if there's an issue) Use the RESAVER program to remove any SPAM related scripts from your save. Unlikely to ever be necessary.

If you do not follow the above procedure, the penalities SPAM introduces to Magicka and Magical skills will not be properly removed/restored. As well as potentially scripts.