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About this mod

Potions consumed lead to an accumulating toxicity over time, that can be reduced over time, sleeping, eating, or a cure poison potion.

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SPAM - Potion Penalties:
Every potion consumed leads to potion toxicity, which is a reduction in potion effectiveness - for example, A 50% Toxicity level, will reduce potion effectiveness by 50% (Both magnitude and duration).

Beyond 50% further negative effects kick in, such a decrease in disease resist, magicka and stamina regen that worsens with each 5% increase of Toxicity. A small visual and heartbeat sound plays for approx 5 seconds - this is to indicate the toxicity being high enough to cause negative effects (reduced magicka/Stamina regen, etc)

Toxicty is measured in 5% increments and Potion effectiveness reduction is capped at 80% - this is to prevent the potion itself becoming entirely useless.

The base rate is, for every 1 potion consumed, adds 5% to the players toxicity level - this varies by player weight (Below).

The maximum toxicity the player can get is 100% (reduces with Alchemy Skill - see the Toxicity Ceiling)

Toxicity can be reduced by:
Decay over time
Toxicity Decays over time (IN-GAME Time - not REALTIME) in 10% intervals. the rate of those intervals is dependant upon the Toxicity level itself - Higher percentage toxicity values take longer to decay than lower ones.
The players weight also plays a role in decay over time; The more you weigh, the LONGER the decay rate - the LESS you weigh, the shorter the decay rate. See the Decay Rate section for details
Player weight also plays a role in toxicity accumulation - the more you weigh, the SLOWER the accumulation rate, conversely, the less you weigh, the quicker toxicity goes up (See below)

By eating. For every food item consumed, toxicity is reduced by 5%, but only down to 10% toxicity level.

Sleeping; for every hour slept, you reduce toxicity by a fixed 10% (regardless of player body weight or toxicity quantity).

waiting - real time or menu (see notes below)

consuming a Cure Poison Potion - immediately reduces toxicity by 15%. Cure Poison potions are now more commonplace amongst merchant inventories.

Toxicity Ceiling:
at >=25 - <50 alchemy skill, your Toxicity Ceiling is 80% instead of 100
at >=50 - <75 Alchemy Skill, your Toxicity Ceiling is now 60%
at >=75 - <90 Alchemy Skill, your Toxicity ceiling is now 50%
At >=90 Alchemy Skill, your Toxicity Ceiling is now 40%

Dead/Undead actors are immune to toxicity and it's accumulation.

BASE Toxicity level decay rates:
At >=0 - <30% Toxicity - 1 hour base decay rate per 10% decay    (3 hours total from 30 to 0%)
At >=30 - <50% Toxocity -- 2 hour PER 10% decay.    ( 4 hours)
At >=50 - <70% -- 3 hours per 10% decay.     (6 hours)  
At >=70%> -- 4 hours    (12 hours in total waiting to get from 100 to 70)

This equals a total "base" wait time of 25 in-game hours before you clear 100% toxicity from waiting alone - obviously you'll sleep and eat between then, which will massively reduce this time.

BodyWeight influces the decay rate values above by the following:
At <20% Bodyweight: Rates are Mulitplied by 0.5 - half the time required to dissipate toxicity == 12.5 hours to get from 100 to 0% toxicity waiting.
At 20-40%: Multiplied by 0.75  == 18.75 hours to get from 100% to 0% toxicity waiting.
At 40-60%: Multiplied by 1.0  == 25 hours, times above DO NOT change.  
At 60-80%: Multiplied by 1.5  == 37.5 hours
At 80-100%: multiplied by 2 - doubled rates, 50 hours to get from 100 - 0% Toxicity

Body Weight Also influences toxicity ACCUMULATION:
At <20% Bodyweight: Rates are Mulitplied by 1.5 - you will accrue toxicity faster. ( 1 potion = 7.5% Toxicity added)
At 20-40%: Multiplied by 1.25
At 40-60%: Multiplied by 1.0 - rates do not change, 1 potion  = 5% Toxicity added.
At 60-80%: Multiplied by 0.75
At 80-100%: multiplied by 0.5

Known issues:
1. I had to forcibly kick the player out of menu's whenever they consume a potion. This *hopefully* wont effect quests or dialogues. I actually feel this is an improvement over vanilla behavior and more immersive, so i'm happy with this.
By forcing the player out of menu's, it helps prevent spam consumption, and gives the script chance to fire and calculate the necessary penalty.
If you do spam potions (like with the known exploit below) the worst that'll happen is the calculation wont "catch" some potions, but toxicity will still accumulate.

2. A known exploit is if the player adds a potion to favourites, and assigns it a key press to consume; they can spam potions this way and this will allow them to negate a portion of the issued penalties - Nothing i can do about this unfortunately.

3.  Using the wait menu to remove toxicity -- although will work, doesn't work 100% reliably because how events/functions work in the script/engine, doesn't really work well at removing the toxicity as expected - ive no real desire to fix this because of the potential for abuse of just "waiting" away your toxicity level, so in a way it being a little broken also fixes a potential exploitation. I'm completely ok with this as long as it being "broken" isn't going to be detrimental in anyway to the game/save/papyrus engine, and im confident it is not.

Should be compatible with almost everything. A new game is preferable but not required - uninstall should be just a simple remove the esp.

This mod is designed to run alongside my other SPAM mod(s), particularly SPAM - Stat Progression and Management, but is not required.