About this mod

High Poly Male Presets only inside. If your like me and play male characters, I will be updating this every once in a while with more presets, so if nothing takes your fancy now, come back later and see if there's anything new. :3

Permissions and credits
If your like me, and prefer to make male characters, the wide world of the internet is scarce on mods and resources to help you make half-decent looking characters. Its all about the female characters to everyone else. Well not to me, god dammit! To contribute to your worthy efforts, I have compiled ALL of my male characters from over the years, remade EVERY ONE of them, and published them so you can at least have some decent working material for an immersive experience for your playthrough.

Despite the simplicity of the mod, it's taken me several days to do all this. Starting from remaking each characters facial features, to writing down all the requirements for the presets.

Now, your all encouraged to experiment and find something that YOU like. And if something looks not quite right with your creation, my first suggestion would be to check the skin textures your using. Reorder them in the resource panel of your mod manager, or deactivate one. It might make a world of difference.

And lastly, needless to say, ALL of these require :
Hvergelmer's Brows and Beards
High Poly Head and HMP - High Poly Male Meshes in addition to the mods listed below. Small talk out of the way, this is what you'll need for each preset....

REQUIREMENTS: (Per preset)

Ahkbar Na-Totambu (Redguard): Apachii Skyhair (Full version), Vanilla warpaint Absolution - HD retex

Ak'taba Romanni (Khajiit): Khajiit Eye's Plus, More Khajiit Hair Styles, More Beast Race Warpaints, BRB 2k - Beast Race BodyPaints

Akolothos (Bosmer): Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, Northborn Scars, Apachii Skyhair, Barbarian Bodypaints, The Veteran Skin (Dirty), Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Face (Rugged)

Alistair Gevenard (Breton): Improved Eye's Skyrim, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Face (Rugged), Vanilla Warpaint Absolution

Aradell Stormvale (Altmer): Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, KS Hairdo's Renewal, DCE - Realistic Male Face (Rugged), Vanilla Warpaint Absolution

Athragar Benoch (Bosmer): Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, Veteran Skin (Dirty), Vanilla Warpaint Absolution, Superior Lore Friendly Hair

Azani Al-Sadeen (Redguard)
: Improved Eye's Skyrim, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Vitruvia Skin Texture Overhaul,Vanilla Warpaint Absolution, Superior Lore-Friendly Hair HD Textures

Bogakh Gro-Kash (Orsimer)Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, Apachii Skyhair, Community Overlay's 2 (31-50) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoo's, Veteran Skin (Dirty), Vitruvia Skin Texture Overhaul, HD Teeth for Orsimer, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Face (Rugged)

Brahmastra (Redguard): Improved Eye's Skyrim, Northborn Scars, KS Hairdos - Renewal, Veteran Skin, Vitruvia Skin Texture Overhaul, Fine Face Textures for Men, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution

Caius Vitellius (Imperial): KS Hairdo's Renewal, Fine Face Textures for Men, XPMSE, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution

Celedaen Silinal (Altmer): Lore Friendly Elf Eye's, Northborn Scars, Xenius Character Expansion, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Veteran Skin (Dirty), Vitruvia Skin Texture Overhaul

Deetum-Ja (Argonian):

   Hott Argonians version - Bruthish Argonian Male, Improved Eye's Skyrim, Argonian Feather Hair, More Beast Race Warpaints HD, Drachis Argonians Mod, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution, BRB - Beast Race Bodypaints
  Featherfull - Brutish Argonian Male, Improved Eye's Skyrim, BeastHHBB LE - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow, More Beast Race Warpaints HD, Drachis Argonian Mod, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution, BRB - Beast Race Bodypaints

Durgash Gro-Shurkul (Orsimer): Improved Eye's Skyrim, Northborn Scars, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Barbarian Bodypaints, HD Teeth for Orsimer, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Face (Rugged), Superior Lore Friendly Hair, 

Edrelbor Agwen (Falmer)Ancient Falmer - Snow Elf Race, Apachii Skyhair Full, Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, Ethereal Elven Overhaul

Gonnric Teivan (Breton): Iridium Eye's, Northborn Scars, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Tempered Skins for Males

Grach Udraga (Reachman): Improved Eye's Skyrim, Northborn Scars, Xenius Character Expansion, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Barbarian Bodypaints, Community Overlay (51-70)Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoo's, Veteran Skin (Dirty), Vitruvia Skin Texture Overhaul, SC - Men Faces, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Rugged)

Leotykedes (Nord): Improved Eyes Skyrim, Northborn Scars, KS Hairdo's Renewal or Apachii Skyhair, Veteran Skin (Dirty), Vitruvia Skin Texture Overhaul, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Rugged), Vanilla Warpaint Absolution

Lombok Gro-Gorzog (Orsimer): Improved Skyrim Eyes - Alternate Default, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Barbarian Body Paints, Veteran Skin (Clean), HD Teeth for Orsimer, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Rugged), Vanilla Warpaint Absolution

Lucifer (Argonian): Improved Eyes Skyrim, Beast HHBB - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow, More Beast Race Warpaints, Drachis Argonian Mod

Lyber Artoria (Imperial): Improved Eye's Skyrim, KS Hairdo's Renewal, SC Mens Faces, Fine Face Textures for Men, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution

Meldue (Dunmer): Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, Xenius Character Expansion (+ Morrowind Edition), Skysight Skins - Hires, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Dark Elf), Superior Lore Friendly Hair - HD retexture

Mojeld Honey-Hand (Nord):
 Beards of Power LE, Improved Eye's Skyrim, Northborn Scars, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Tempered Skins for Males

Murkub Gro-Bargol (Orsimer)
: Loks Eye's Standalone, Northborn Scars, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Yyvengar Bodypaint, Niohoggr Warpaints

Nivhyre Telvinith (Dunmer): Lore Friendly Elf Eye's, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution, KS Hairdos Renewal, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Dark Elf)

Omidil Uunrivi (Maomer): Sea Elf Subraces, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Barbarian Bodypaints, Community Overlays 2 (31-50) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution
(Note the neck seem in the screenshot is caused by the armor not a problem with the preset)

Othreloth Dalis (Dunmer): Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, Northborn Scars, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Dark Elf), Vanilla Warpaints Absolution, Superior Lore Friendly Hair

Plautis Navale (Imperial)
: Improved Eye's Skyrim, Northborn Scars, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Vitruvia Skin Texture Overhaul,  Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Rugged), SV Beards

Ra'jirr Sikar (Khajiit): Khajiit Eyes Plus, BeastHHBB - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution

Rindir Gloomwood (Bosmer): Lore Friendly Elf Eye's, Northborn Scars, Xenius Character Expansion, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Community Overlay 3 (51-70), Windsong Skyrim Character Overhaul, Vitruvia - Skin Texture Overhaul, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution

Satan (Altmer): Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, Northborn Scars, Xenius Character Expansion, KS Hairdos Renewal, Vitruvia Skin Texture Overhaul, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Rugged), Vanilla Warpaint Absolution, Superior Lore Friendly Hair

Talion of Minas Morgul (Nord): Kala's Eye's LE, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Tempered Skins for Males, Community Overlay's 3 (51-70) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos 

Ukirutet (Xivilai): Xivilai Race, Northborn Scars, KS Hairdo's Renewal, Community Overlay 3 (51-70) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos

Vanik Ice-Heart (Nord): Kala's Eye's LE, Apachii Skyhair, Yyvengar Warpaints and Bodypaints, Tempered Skins for Males

Veezava Xilanja-Jeeta (Argonian)
: Improved Eyes Skyrim, Northborn Scars, Beast HHBB - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow, Dragonic Argonian Textures 2k, Vanilla Warpaint Absolution, BRB 2k - Beast Race Bodypaints

Vingaril Aedal (Altmer):

  Short Hair - Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, KS Hairdos Renewal, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Rugged)

  Long Hair - Lore Friendly Elf Eyes, Apachii Skyhair, Fine Face Textures for Men, DCE - Realistic Male Faces (Rugged)

Xebalba (Khajiit): Khajiit Eyes Plus, BeastHHBB - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow, More Beast Race Warpaint, SC Mens Faces +
Khajiit Improvement, Superior Lore Friendly Hair, BRB - Beast Race Bodypaint 2k

Zyllumaeus (Dremora): Dremora Overhaul and Playable, Community Overlay 3 (51-70), Daedrastep-Dremora race with SOS skin (found on sse nexus, ignore if you dont use SOS)