What Remains of Edith Finch

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  1. Ashnur
    • premium
    • 282 kudos
    Very cool set Dib.
    The visuals and mood of this game looks indeed very interesting! Thanks for showing us this! \o/
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      Thanks Ash! It's quite an odd game about an even stranger family lol
      And I'm just glad that someone cares about these occasional random posts :p
  2. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,119 kudos
    Looking cool Dylan :)
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      Thanks Izzy :)
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Lovely shots from this game, have it on my wish list to get later on.  Always did like "explore and solve the mystery" type games (after playing Myst in the far distant past, the next one was Amber:  Journeys Beyond, which I loved at the time ).
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      My buddy recommended it to me, I had never heard of it.
      Definitely an interesting and memorable experience. It's clear they had some fun making it :p
      It's pretty short though, so don't expect a big 20+ hour adventure
  4. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Ok, I got it. Col. Mustard did it in the parlor with the candlestick.
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      Close to the idea of the game, but not quite ;)
  5. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 130 kudos
    Makes you wonder whats behind all of this.
    Amazing set bro :)
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      A very unfortunate family and a poor mother trying to hide her pain. Too real? haha
      Thanks Moe
  6. Alenzar1
    • supporter
    • 109 kudos
    This game is looking really cool my friend! It looks like something were you can solve a lot of mysteries and learn about the story thru investigations. On my way to see videos about the story and gameplay!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      Well, not a lot of mysteries but you do learn a lot about this strange, and terribly unfortunate family. Quite a fun and detailed house to explore though ;)
  7. RemmyKun
    • premium
    • 563 kudos
    Where am I?? Where did you take me Dylan?! D:
    I don’t have idea but those pics look great! All of them! Assorted and pretty :33
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      To a weird looking house set surprisingly close to where I actually live haha
      glad you enjoyed them :)
  8. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Wow looks awesome!!!!!!
    1. Dibthelegend
      • supporter
      • 310 kudos
      Thanks Michael :)