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Spawn test for  a Vanilla+ gameplay mod I'm working on.

A problem I always had with the vanilla Bandit/Marauder ("Mook") leveled lists, and a lot of mods that attempt to address the broader issues with them, is the reptitive and predictable nature of their gear

In my design, low level Mooks have few options for items to to spawn with, and may even only have clothing or nothing for certain slots; as they get higher in level, they have more chances to roll for higher quality and more complete sets of gear.

I actually use a number of empty leveled lists in the gear leveled lists in order to better simulate higher level Mooks having more gear, rather than just relying on the flat Chance of None.
(Though there is a flat 1% chance they may spawn without any pants or greaves. Because it's funny when it happens and occasionaly even fashionable with certain armor.)

I've elected to break the rule of "Bandits == Light and Blunt / Marauder == Heavy and Blade" for the sake of gear diversity. A lot of times my lists have generated pretty cool looking armor combos, but there is the occasional Fashion Disaster. That's just the reality of Dwarven/Elven clashing so hard with the other styles.