Trevas Watch Captains Tower Office

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I hope she is not scared of heights !! Standinng on the top there made - you know - I am a man I can't admit that. Scared of heights?
You can see parts of the stairs built piece by piece from the bottom and up :) Thank you Washington  - 38055-1-0 !!

!::! Fred wishes you the best for the summer and on. I will still be here. I love heights :)

Thank you spyrowarner
You, me and the summer on different playgrounds but we have a childish mind in common. I trust Kynareth when she praises Malakath for his childish pranks !!


  1. spyrowarner
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Keep it up, Fred👍
    1. readyfready
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      I will !! I promise !!

      !::! Fred