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About this mod

The Sweet 6 Shooter perk pack adds 99 perks and 22 traits in a vanilla friendly, immersive way. Featuring specialization perks for many weapon and armor types, this perk pack aims to flesh out the perk selection throughout the game for just about every playstyle, with a heavy focus on proper balance and role-playing.

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Designed for TTW and (optionally) a re-implemented Big Guns skill, the Sweet 6 Shooter perk pack features 99 new balanced perks and 22 new interesting traits.
NV Version available!

I strongly recommend against use of any respec/trait removal mods, as well as the psych eval in OWB. They can cause issues with mod-added or altered perks, and I have no intention of trying to account for these circumstances.

Most of these perks are compatible with JAM/JBT Bullet Time, and the ones that aren't are compatible via JBT Improved.

Some traits in this mod have a higher level than 1, with the intent for usage with mods which allow for taking traits on levelup after level 1. By default, all traits are available at level 1. There is a config option which makes these traits retain their original intended level requirement.

Req: PER 6+, Unarmed Tagged
Through meditation, you've touched the fibers which connect all life, and you've sworn not to sever them; preservation of the beauty of life is the highest moral imperative.You've gained +2 Endurance, and +2 Strength while in combat, but your carry weight is reduced by 50, and you may only fight using non-lethal unarmed techniques.

Assassin's Step
Req: CHA < 5, AGI 7+, Sneak Tagged
Stealth and discretion come second nature to you, but due to your... suspicious demeanor, people really lock onto you as soon as you've been spotted. You gain +10 Sneak, +8% run speed, and +45 AP while sneaking and undetected, but you suffer an inverse penalty to those stats while detected.

Breakin' A Sweat
Req: END 4
Gotta keep th+at heart rate up! You gain +1 AGI and +15% AP regen. while running, but suffer -1 and -15% while not running.
Intended to synchronize with Agility based run speed modifiers and JAM Sprint.

Req: CHA < 5, CHA 1+
You don't care what the person you're bartering with thinks of you, you just gotta get them to agree to the lowest price possible. Your Charisma is reduced by 1, but your purchase prices are multiplied by 0.98x for every 10 points of Survival.
Multiplicative bonus, maxing out at -19% prices.

Carpet Bomber
Req: AGI 6+, Big Guns Tagged or Explosives Tagged
Carpet Bomber increases Big Guns' explosion radius, attack speed, and spread by 25%.

Crouching Turtle
Req: END 6+, AGI < 5
You may not sneak anywhere quickly, but you'll definitely get there safe. When crouched, you gain +3 DR per point of Endurance above 5, up to a maximum of +15. However, your sneaking move speed is reduced by 20%.
Mostly useful for Endurance focused characters.

Req: END 4+, Hardcore Mode
It's a desolate wasteland out there, but you know how to subsist on just the bare necessities. Your Dehydration advances twice as quickly, but your Hunger advances only one-third as quickly.
Incompatible with Progressive Hardcore Needs. Highlights the value of water, aligning with TTW's F3 main quest themes regarding clean water, while also allowing the player to not bother carrying so much food.

Hurt Me More
Req: Level 6, END 69
It's all about pain; your DT has been reduced by 5, but your DR has increased by 5 and 1% of your AP is restored each time you are hit.

Req: No Twisted
It's not about the methods, it's about the ideals. Your addiction chance is doubled, and you always lose health equal to any karma loss, but you gain 4% more experience, +1 skill point from skill books and per level, 6% lower buying prices, and +1 Luck while your Karma is Good or Very Good. However, while your Karma is Evil or Very Evil, you suffer a harsher penalty to the same factors.
The malus for being evil or very evil is generally worse than the bonus, though the skill points for books has no penalty, else it would result in no skill increase if you're evil.

Lucky Accident
Req: Luck 6+
You've always been lucky, so you never learned to aim properly; your crit. chance is increased by 25%, but your crit. damage is reduced by 50%.
Only available at level 1.

Right Handed
Your right hand could shoot the wings off a fly, but your left hand ruins your stability. When using one-handed weapons, you gain +20% accuracy, but you suffer -40% accuracy when using two-handed weapons.
Applies via checking weapon animation type internally. As such, kNVSE sets and such that make you hold pistols and the like with two hands instead of one will still qualify, and vice versa.
Only available at level 1.

Risky Business
Req: Level 10
Bring the roof down! You've gained +15% to your explosives' radius while indoors.
While this doesn't have a "conventional" downside, I consider the risk of the player hurting themselves with the increased radius the downside.

Rocket Girl/Guy*
Req: Level 12
It's T minus 1! Rocket Girl grants you +15 Explosives, and 25% more damage with rocket weapons. However, you are 3x more likely to be critically hit by energy weapons.
The increased energy weapon crit. rate is very rough, and will likely need to be compensated for with factors increasing energy resistance.

Rules Of Nature
Req: Level 14
You're fiercer when you're on the brink of death; but so is everyone else. When your health is below 25%, you gain +8% crit chance, which increases to +13% when using a melee or unarmed weapon, but your enemies also gain the same bonus while they're below 25% health.
Global low health lethality increase for the later part of the game.

Scientific Method*
Req: PER 3+, INT 7+, Science and Energy Weapons tagged
Your dedication to science and technology is admirable, if bordering on obsessive. Standing in front of monitors and taking samples from irradiated puddles has started to take its toll, but it's all in the name of progress.You've gained +2 INT and +20 Science, but you've lost -2 PER and -10 Radiation Resistance, and you've become obsessed with using nothing but the most advanced of weapons.
All energy weapons, mad science weapons, and mandatory weapons like Loyal's Detonator and the camera. 

Sex Appeal
Req: CHA 3+
You've always been able to rely on your looks to get your way, not your words. You have +1 Charisma, but -10 Barter and Speech.
Only available at level 1.

Req: CHA < 5, AGI 4+
You're more the sneakin' type, than the speakin' type. You suffer -7 to Speech and Barter, but gain +10 Sneak.
Only available at level 1.

Silver Tongue, Lead Pocket
Req: CHA 6+
You're excellent at convincing others to do you favors, but your words weigh little when compared to material assets. You've gained +20 Barter, but your purchase prices are also increased by 15%.
Intended to help you pass barter speech checks at cost of regular purchase price.

Theories and Hypotheses
Req: INT 7+, No Typing Tutor
You're more comfortable in front of a chalkboard than a set of keys. You gain +15 Science, but suffer -15 Science when hacking.(Exclusive from Typing Tutor)

Typing Tutor
Req: INT < 8, AGI 5+, No Theories and Hypotheses
You're not concerned with formulas and numbers and the scientific method. You just gotta get your fingers tapping on a keyboard, and you feel right at home. You gain +15 Science while hacking, but suffer -10 at all other times.(Exclusive from Theories and Hypotheses)

Trader's Touch
Req: CHA 7+, INT 5+, Luck 3+, Barter and Speech Tagged
Your understanding of the markets is second-to-none, and you intend to prove it to the entire Mojave, though your pack brahmin is long dead. You suffer -45 carry weight, but you gain +15 Barter after each transaction, which lasts until you barter with a merchant twice in a row.
This will be an explicit downside unless you abide its bonus criteria. Intended to incentivize more "social" characters choosing a player home or place to sell loot with multiple vendors, rather than always going to the Gun Runners or The Sink or such.

"Birdshot" is practically a profanity to you. When using shotguns, your spread is reduced by 20%, but your attack speed is reduced by 20% as well.

Req: No Idealogue
You're sick and twisted, seeing suffering delights you. Your addiction duration is doubled, and while Evil or Very Evil, you gain +5/10% XP and AP regeneration, +6/15% positive chem duration, +5/10% healing, and +1 Luck, though you suffer an extra harsh penalty to those stats while Good or Very Good.
The penalty is comparatively harsher than Idealogue's, to help try to enforce the need to choose evil options and not choose good options that are more beneficial for the player.
Use this mod with healing systems to make addiction duration an actual thing.

Req: CHA 5+, INT < 8
You're obsessed with perfection of your appearance. You gain +1 Charisma and Luck while your health is above 90%, but suffer -2 while your health is below 90%.

War Child
If your adrenaline isn't pumping, you're not performing your best. You gain +1 to all SPECIAL stats while in combat, but suffer -1 while outside combat.

Perks marked with a * can be clicked in the Pip-Boy perk menu once taken or in the Perk menu, which will pop up a prompt asking if you'd like to see a list of the qualifying items. All items in the relevant formlists will be shown, regardless of how they're added to each list.

A Solitary Soul
Req: Level 10
Traveling with a crowd just isn't for you. When not accompanied by any companions, you recover 10% more health from healing sources, gain 15% more experience, and while facing more than one target at once, the adrenaline rush from any non-fatal critical hit will restore the hit's health damage by 2% per point of Endurance, if you have an equal amount of AP available.

A Stranger I Remain
Req: Level 2, CHA < 6
You don't belong here; the fewer factions that know of you, the higher your sneak bonus. (+26 Sneak, reduced by 2 for each faction that knows you)
This perk is intended to make sneaking less of a fool's errand in the early game, and its value diminishes as the player gains fame or infamy with factions as the game progresses.
Strongly recommended for use with TTW Reputations, as it will be a substantial sneak bonus until NV without it.

Anodized Armor*
Req: Level 10, Science 40+
Holding onto all those scrap electronics has begun to magnetize your armor. When wearing any metal armor and carrying 10+ scrap electronics, your item condition damage is reduced by 35%, and you gain +8% DR.
Not crazy appealing on its own, but i's a pre-req for Anodized Arsenal, which is great.

Anodized Arsenal*
Req: Level 16, Energy Weapons 65+, Science 50+
You've devised a way to focus the anodized charge of your armor into your energy weapons. While carrying your scrap metal and an additional 3+ fission batteries, your energy weapon projectile speed is increased by 25%, and you gain 25% DT penetration with energy weapons.
The velocity increase is more appealing to plasma, but the DT penetration is also appealing to laser weapons' relatively lower damage, but lower ammo consumption.

Applied Ballistics
Req: Level 12, STR 7+, INT 5+, Guns 60 or Explosives 60
Your experience with conventionally sized weaponry has taught you fundamental skills that can be applied to more powerful weapons. You've gained +25 Big Guns.
This is intended to be able to boost you enough to use certain big guns weapons which you aren't quiiite able to pass the reqs for. Most relevant for users of a big guns restoration and Weapon Requirements System.

Atom Bomb Baby
Req: STR < 9, END 8+ or[/] AGI 8+, Big Guns 50+ [i]or Big Guns tagged
It's hard to operate heavy weaponry while also wearing heavy armor! You gain increased equip and reload speed (30/20/10%), as well as increased Big Guns (+15/10/5), while wearing clothes/light, medium, or heavy (non-power) armors.

Balanced Load
Req: Level 2, STR 6+, END 6+ or PER 6+
You're experienced with leverage and fulcrums. With a little attention to the finer details, you've gained +10% carry weight!
Synchronizes strongly with backpacks, the carry weight option of Dynamic Level Stat Choice, and other carry weight increasing perks.

Big Iron
Req: Level 14, AGI 8+, Guns 60+
Like the legendary ranger of old, your handgun handling is extraordinary - only when you face your opponent in a fair fight. During combat, while not sneaking and using a handgun, you gain +20% draw speed, as well as +35% attack speed for three seconds after unholstering your weapon.
Like (at least the trope of) a western duel, wait for your opponent to draw and initiate combat before unholstering your weapon to get this perk's benefit.

Blade In The Shadow*
Req: Level 2, Melee Weapons 30+, Sneak 30+
You're most devastating when unnoticed. Your bladed weapon attacks gain +10 damage while outside of your target's line of sight, and another +10 and +50% crit. damage if they are also outside of combat.
While this perk has the most appeal to sneak crits, it does also add the secondary "objective" of going for targets which are facing away or toward companions.

Blue Moon
Req: Level 24, PER 7+, Luck 7+
Under the calming gaze of the moon, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., you gain +5% crit. chance, and +50% crit. damage while also using a scope.
Compatible with True Scopes. Meant to convey a mechanical synchronicity with the intro movie's ranger sniping a raider.

Blunt Force Trauma*
Req: Level 6, STR 7+, Melee Weapons 35+ or Unarmed 35+
Your crit. chance and attack speed with blunt weapons are increased by 10%, and the second rank increases your damage and crit. damage by 15%.

Bolt-Action Hero*
Req: Level 8, PER 7+, AGI 5+, Guns 65+
Rack em up! Bolt-action weapons gain 10% attack speed and +5 DT penetration. The second rank grants a 15% damage bonus and 5% faster attack speed.
Only applies to 6 weapons without TTW, though any mod added weapon which abides the standard bolt-action weapon and animation type will apply. Available early in leveling for those which specialize in Guns.

Req: Level 16, END 6+, INT < 6
When under the effects of alcohol, your addiction duration is halved, and prices are reduced by 10%.
For balance, this perk could be earlier, but its bonus is strong, and the level requirement being something of a simulacrum of age convince me to leave it at 16. Applies to any liquor in the vanilla AlcoholicDrinks list.
In vanilla, addictions don't have a duration. Use Sweet Healing Systems to have it actually affect addiction duration.

Req: Level 6, AGI 5+, END 5+, Unarmed 35+
You gotta roll with the punches. You've gained +10% attack speed with unarmed weapons, and +1 unarmed damage per point of Agility.

Burning Wasteland Sun*
Req: Level 14, END 6+, Energy Weapons 50+
Can you feel that blazing sun, beating down on you? Then your fire based weapons have +8% crit. chance and +15% crit. damage, and they deal bonus limb and fatigue damage!
1 fatigue damage per hit, double limb damage.

Coiled Snake*
Req: Level 10, AGI 8+, Survival 35+
You're extra dangerous when cornered or unseen. You gain +15% throwing velocity and attack speed with throwing weapons while crouched.
Modded throwing weapons must be added to the sssFLSTThrowingWeapons formlist. There is no systemic check for throwing weapons in play.

Collective Consciousness
Req: Level 20, CHA 6+
You're a master of manipulation. As you gain positive reputation with each faction, your Speech increases by +2 for each faction that likes you, and your barter purchase prices are also reduced by 2% each if your karma is Evil or Very Evil.
Maximum of +24 speech and -22% prices. Hold off on maxing your speech if you plan to be evil and make everyone like you. You can bypass barter increases and perks in favor of this if you're willing to handle the delicate balance of making as many factions as possible like you.

Combustion Kid
Req: Level 6, AGI 6+, Explosives 30+
Wait, where did you get that grenade from? You gain +25% throwable explosives equip speed and +15% attack speed with explosive throwables and the detonator.
Makes thrown explosives substantially less sluggish.

Contents Under Pressure*
Req: Level 10, Explosives 50+
You're absolutely bursting at the seams with pyrotechnic pressure! While using a ranged fire-based weapon, you gain +20% attack speed, at the cost of 15% more condition damage. The second rank reduces the condition damage by 5%, and increases the attack speed bonus by 5%.
While this perk comes with a downside like a trait, it's a pretty substantial DPS bonus, and the second rank slims the difference between the downside and benefit notably.

Critter Cruncher
Req: Level 2, STR 6+, END 6+
The puny creatures of the wasteland can hardly scratch you. You suffer 50% less limb damage when being attacked by an insect or an animal.
Playing with (or without) BLEED and sick of radroaches and dogs crippling your limbs on nearly every hit? Here's your early game amelioration.

Cyborg Justice*
Req: Level 16, AGI 8+, Melee Weapons 75+, Science 50+, has Cyborg perk (if TTW is installed, no perk requirement if it isn't)
Your cybernetically enhanced arms vibrate your blade so finely that it can't be perceived by the naked eye. You've gained +15 DT penetration and doubled limb damage when using a bladed weapon, and +15% damage when attacking a a robot with your bladed weapon.

Req: Level 12, PER 7+, has Cowboy or Sweet Six Shooter
You're a true desperado with impeccable precision. When using a cowboy weapon, you gain a crit. chance bonus that scales with your Perception (1% per point), an additional 3% crit. chance bonus if you're alone and facing more than three enemies at once, and you deal +20% damage against targets using ranged cowboy weapons.
Helps ameliorate the DPS difficulty with the manually cycled cowboy weapons when outnumbered.

Devil's Advocate
Req: 14, CHA 8+, Very Evil
You're most convincing when you lie; people immediately mistrust you when you're being truthful. You've gained +25 Speech, but only while your karma is Very Evil.
An enormous 25% bonus to speech for achieving and maintaing Very Evil karma.

Discus Champ
Req: Level 2, STR 5+, Explosives 25+
There's nobody quite as good at throwing heavy, flat objects as you are! Your thrown mines travel with 2x/1.75x/1.5x speed while moving forward/backward/sideways, respectively.You also gain +50% attack speed with mines, which increases to +75% while moving!
Makes mines a more viable active combat tool, rather than just a sluggish premeditated factor to combat.

Duck And Cover
Req: Level 2, INT > 5
When danger threatens you, you never get hurt, you know just what to do! Duck.. and cover!
You've gained 15% damage resistance against explosions.
Applies after all other factors which affect explosion damage.

Req: Level 10
Fight 'em on fair ground. When you kill an enemy using a weapon of the same skill as you, you gain +15 XP. For every 150 kills in this manner per each weapon type, you will gain +1 to that skill.
A powerful perk which grants the ability to increase any weapon skill to 100, this perk incentivizes keeping a weapon of each preferred type in the inventory and switching to a matching weapon type as their adversary whenever they get the chance to do so without compromising survivability.

Fatal Counter
Req: Level 30, PER 5+, STR 5+, Melee Weapons 75+ or Unarmed 75+
You're excellent at capitalizing on your enemy's vulnerabilities. When using unarmed or melee, you deal double damage and have doubled critical chance when attacking an enemy that has been staggered by a block.
Synergizes well with Friction Addiction.

Fight Hungry
Req: Level 2, Hardcore
Desperation is your strongest motivator. In combat, when you have any level of starvation, you gain +20% damage and +3 Endurance.
Has a high stat bonus to compensate for the natural behavior of clearing hardcore needs immediately as they arise.

Req: Level 2, END 7+, AGI 5+
While moving, you gain +10 fire resistance. While walking, not running, you gain an additional +15.
Use that walk toggle/limited use of the movement thumbstick.

Friction Addiction
Req: Level 8, END 7+, Can also be granted by blocking 100 attacks)
The best offense is a good defense, and you're at your toughest when taking punishment. You gain +1 DT and your enemy crit chance is reduced by 3% per each point in Strength while you're blocking, and a percentage of your action points are restored each time you are hit. ((Luck / 20) * Max AP)
Further blocks the damage from blocked attacks, and provides the AP needed for power attacks when using mods that require AP for such.

Full Metal Jacket*
Req: Level 18, PER 7+, END 6+, Grunt
Full Metal Jacket grants 8 DT penetration, +10% crit. chance, +15% reload speed, and -15% enemy crit. chance when using a Grunt weapon and wearing medium armor.
Generally intended for use with combat armor, but I went with an armor class req. instead of making a combat armor formlist.

Gun Guru
Req: Level 10, INT 6+, Guns 60+
You're so good with brass and powders that they'd hire you at the Gun Runners as a reloader. You gain +30 Repair while using a physical Reloading Bench.
Does not apply to companions who can provide a reloading bench. Bonus points if you can abstract the very specific song that this title obliquely references. Intended for use with Spare's increases to high caliber weapon crafting reqs.

Gun Juggler
Req: Level 8, AGI 7+
Who needs to reload when you've got so many loaded guns? You've gained +50% equip speed with ranged weapons, but suffer 30% reduced reload speed.
Explicitly intended for use with lStewieAl's bRememberWeaponAmmos tweak. Without it, it's a raw DPS increase for players carrying multiple weapons that they like to use.

Req: AGI 9+, STR 4+, Guns 55+, Melee Weapons 40+

Needs fancy scripted implementation, not done yet. Hidden and nonplayable.

Req: Level 6, END 5+, Survival 25+, Hardcore Mode
The natural healing power of the human body is your greatest resource. While your Hunger or Dehydration are over 150, you gain +15 Survival and +15% to recovered health.

Handgun Hotshot
Req: Level 10, STR 6+, Guns 40+ or Big Guns 40+
The Handgun Hotshot perk grants 5 DT penetration to ballistic handguns and 15% attack speed with non-automatic, ballistic handguns. The second rank grants an additional +20% damage, at cost of increasing strength requirements by 1.

Headless Courier
Req: Level 10, Survival 50+
Ride on through the night, chasing that perfect helmet that doesn't exist. When not wearing any headgear, your head takes half damage and you gain +2 Perception.
The PER bonus is intended to offset the bonus that can be acquired during the day and outside while wearing headgear. The head damage change is accomplished via script, and it will reduce enemies' likelihood to target the head.

Heavy Gunner
Req: Level 12, STR 8+, AGI 6+, Big Guns 55+, Guns 30+
Heavy Gunner grants +15% improved equip speed and chance to hit with Big Guns, your movement spread penalty is reduced by 20%, and your automatic weapon spread is reduced by 5% per second while continuously firing, to a max of -25%.

Hidden Weapons*
Req: Level 8, Survival 40+, Sneak 40+
Whether your weapon jams, or it gets shot out of your hand, you'll be ready. Basic holdout weapons are granted additional 5/10/15/20/25/30/35% crit. chance and damage for 0-15/16-25/26-35/36-50/51-65/66-80/81-100 points in the Survival skill. Your equip speed with basic holdout weapons is also increased by 35%.
The description sure is ugly and bloated, but you do like to know the specifics of the stats, don't you? This perk buffs the relatively weak base holdout weapons pretty well. The stat timing is a lil' awkward, but it is what it is.

High Roller
Req: Level 30, Luck 7+
All those chips have got you feeling lucky! You gain +2% critical chance per when holding 2500+ Tops, Ultra-Luxe, Sierra Madre, Atomic Wrangler, or Gomorrah chips, up to a maximum of +10%.
12,500 caps for 10% crit. chance. NV only players may think that's trivial, but players with a more reasonable economy (like TTW or PTWB's F3 economy) will find that more strenuous.

Indirect Bartering
Req: Level 2, STR 6+
You're not actually threatening any violence, but anybody with a pair of eyes can tell that you could if you chose to. You gain +1 to Barter and Speech for each point of STR while your Karma is Evil or Very Evil.

Inertial Dampening
Req: Level 20, AGI 8+, END 8+
You've learned to avoid damage by diving away from it at just the right time. Whenever you're in the air, you gain +7 DT and +20% damage resistance.
High reqs, but it's literally free resistance just for jumping.

Req: Level 12, PER < 7
If you can't see the whites of their eyes, you can't put a bullet between them. While close to your target, your DT is increased by 5 and damage is improved by 10%, your enemy's crit chance is reduced by 30%, and their DT is reduced by 5.
Won't apply when you're scoping, it seems. "Close" means ~11 yards.

Iron Focus
Req: Level 24, END 8+, Big Guns 75+
Iron Focus grants 10% DR while aiming with any ranged weapon, as well as -20% spread and +25% crit. chance while aiming with Big Guns.
Aiming already improves spread by a large degree, this perk makes you incredibly precise and extra durable while aiming.

Mad Science*
Req: INT 8+, Science 80+, Energy Weapons 75+
Harness the power of your intellect with the Mad Science perk! You've gained 15% damage, reload speed, and attack speed with mad science weapons, and your luck is increased by 1 for the duration of combat for each critical kill you deal in a battle, up to a max of +10.

Req: Level 20, CHA 8+
When struck, you're inclined to simply turn the other cheek, rather than strike back. Your divine Luck grants you a small chance for each wound's health loss to be partially restored.
200/Luck chance to have health rebate of END/20% on each hit.

Maze Runner
Req: Level 10, AGI 6+, INT 6+
You're most agile when cornered; you gain +10% movement speed while indoors and not sneaking. You also gain an additional +2 Agility while in combat in an interior.
Useful with lStewie tweaks like bReloadJamsAffectedByAgility and bAgilityScalesMovementSpeed and/or other mods/perks which provide bonuses for Agility. Partly intended to make backtracking/exiting interiors a bit faster.

Metacarpal Mayhem
Req: Level 50, STR 8+, END 8+, Unarmed 100
Your fists are practically weapons of mass destruction! Your unarmed power attack speed is increased by 15%, your unarmed crit chance increases with your Strength, and your unarmed crit damage increases with Endurance, both applying a multiplicative x1.01 per point, up to a maximum of +21%.
The power attack speed boost is more noticeable for slower weapons like power fists, it's almost imperceptible without a weapon equipped and attacking with empty fists.
A patch is available to reduce this perk to level 30 for users with a lower level cap.

Monkey Wrench
Req: Level 12, Repair 60+
You're familiar enough with robots that taking them apart is a snap - doubly so if you don't care about putting them back together again. You deal 50% more damage against robots when using melee weapons.

My Own Master Now
Req: Level 10, Shunned by NCR and Legion and Strip
You've worked under the shackles of the wasteland factions long enough! You're your own master! You gain +1 Endurance, and for each faction that dislikes you you gain +1% damage, and -1% limb damage.
Bonus maxes at 13 factions.

Req: Level 2
It's not your fight, you're just trying to stay alive. You gain +8 DT and +15% damage resistance while your weapon is holstered in combat.

Notorious E.V.I.L.
Req: Level 16, Evil or Very Evil, Miss Fortune or Mysterious Stranger
While you are Evil or Very Evil, Miss Fortune and the Mysterious Stranger will appear to help you twice as often.

Nowhere To Hide
Req: Level 2, PER 6+
Where do you think you're going? Nobody gets away. You deal double damage to fleeing targets.
Particularly useful with BURN.

Req: Level 18, STR 8, Big Guns 80, Melee Weapons 80
Big guns, big muscles, big melee. When using a heavy melee weapon, you gain 15% damage, +20% power attack damage, and any hits that cripple a limb will knock your target down.
Intended for characters that just wanna use the biggest weapons possible.

Overt Coercion
Req: Level 24, STR 7+, CHA < 5, Indirect Bartering, Evil or Very Evil
Implication and insinuation has given way to explicit threats. Each point of STR above 5 grants -5% to purchase prices while your Karma is Evil or Very Evil, up to a maximum of -25%.
A very powerful reduction in prices for non-barter focused evil characters.

Overwhelming Odds
Req: Level 16, INT 8+
You've learned how to tilt the odds in your favor when outnumbered. Your weapon damage and V.A.T.S. accuracy are increased by 15% and you gain +5 DT penetration while fighting a group of five or more enemies.

Play With Fire*
Req: Level 2, END 5+, Explosives 25+
You've got a habit of playing with fire; your burns have increased your fire resistance. You've gained +15% fire resistance and +10% attack speed while using a fire-based weapon.
This will particularly help with things like molotovs and the incinerator, which have a chance to hit yourself due to their radius.

Radiation Renegade*
Req: Level 8, Science 50+
Why forgo radiation protection in favor of damage protection when you could have both? While wearing a radiation suit, you gain the following benefits:+10% carry weight+10 DT/+20% DR+25 AP-20% limb damage-25% enemy crit. chanceYou also don't suffer a sneaking detection penalty while running!
Intended to be quite strong to make rad suits more viable as a primary armor. Does not apply to space suits.

Red Sun*
Req: Level 10, Energy Weapons 40+
Can you feel the rays of the glorious sunshine? When you're charged by the rays of the sun (outside, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.) your laser weapons will penetrate 5 DT and gain a moderate damage bonus which increases the further away your target is. (+3-7 damage)
This bonus will be proportionally most useful with things like laser pistols that have a high fire rate, but low damage.

Repair Rascal*
Req: Level 6, Survival 40+, Repair 40+
Repair Rascal grants +15% damage, equip and attack speed with repair-related weapons, and reduces their strength requirement by 1. The second rank grants an additional +10% damage and crit. damage, and +15% crit. chance.
Most crafted weapons and explosives fit in here, along with things like nail guns, chainsaws, rebar clubs, and arc welders.

Return To Ashes*
Req: Level 6, END 7+, Energy Weapons 50+ or Explosives 50+
Your flames burn hotter than anyone else's! You gain +50% damage when you and your enemy are both using fire-based weapons.
Synergizes strongly with Duelist.

Road Rage*
Req: Level 12, END 6+, Guns 35+, Unarmed 25+, Survival 50+
Redden the road, release the rage! With the Road Rage perk, you gain +25% attack speed, +10% damage, and -10% spread when using knuckle weapons, Chinese/.32 pistols, tire irons, throwing spears, single and double barrel shotguns, lead pipes, and other wasteland weapons.
Pretty much any non-modern or makeshift weapon you'd see in a Mad Max movie qualifies. Other antiques that haven't been featured in a Mad Max movie still qualify.

Rolling With The Punches
Req: Level 2, END 5+, Unarmed 25+
When your fists are out, you float like a bloatfly. You gain +12% speed for 5 seconds whenever you're hit by a melee attack with an unarmed weapon equipped. (This effect does not stack)
Will not change movement speed while blocking, blocking movement speed is controlled by a very specific gamesetting that applies to all characters and isn't affected by any method of move speed increase.

Saguaro Stalker
Req: Level 12, Sneak 50+, Survival 50+
Like the silent spectres of the Sonoran desert, you blend in most effectively when staying still. You gain +10 Sneak and +15% silenced weapon spread crit. chance while not moving, and +15% damage against targets which do not have you anywhere in their line of sight.

Req: Level 30, PER 10+
Your visual acuity borders on clairvoyance. With this perk, the spread of all ranged weapons is decreased by 25%.

Shell Shock*
Req: Level 8, AGI 6+, Guns 50+
You've always got a shotgun handy for close encounters, and you'll never get caught with it unloaded. You've gained +35% equip speed and +25% reload speed with shotguns.

Slick Shooter
Req: Level 10+, INT 7+
You know to target an enemy when they're most vulnerable. You gain a 50% boost to your crit. chance while your target is reloading.

Sneaking Tiger
Req: Level 16 END 4+, AGI 8+, Sneak 50+
Lithe and nimble, you move so quickly that you only take glancing hits. While crouched and moving, you gain +1 DT per point of Agility up to 5, and +2 DT for each point of Agility above 5.
Max of +15.

Social Drinker
Req: Level 2, CHA 8+
You're not drinking to get drunk, you're drinking to have a good time with your friends. You have -20% addiction chance when traveling with at least one companion.

Strong Swimmer
Req: Level 2, STR 4+, END 4+, AGI 6+
You're practically an irradiated mako shark! While not wearing power armor, you gain bonus swim speed based on your armor class, up to a maximum of +25%. This bonus is reduced by 5% for medium and heavy armors while diving.
25/20/15/10/5% for naked/light/medium/heavy or medium underwater/heavy underwater.

Sucker Punch
Req: Level 2, AGI 6, Sneak 40+, Unarmed 40+
Get 'em while they're not looking! You gain +15 unarmed damage if your target is not in combat, or you are out of their line of sight. This bonus increases by +10 if your karma is Evil or Very Evil.
Adds the bonus objective of hitting targets who are focused on companions or such.

Req: Level 10, END 6+, Survival 75+
Material comforts and the buzz of conversation just aren't for you. With the Survivalist perk, actions which sate your hunger, thirst, and sleep deprivation will be twice as effective.
Will not display in the UI anywhere. A script keeps some local variables that coordinate to your need levels, and anytime they drop it duplicates the reduction by script.

Sweet Six Shooter*
Req: Level 22, CHA 6+, Guns 66+, Good or Very Good
The glint of your gun and the shine of your grin are nearly equal. You've gained access to powerful "Blood" revolver ammo recipes, along with 15% faster reload speed, 10% faster attack speed, +30% crit. chance and -60% weapon condition damage with revolvers while your Karma is Good or Very Good.

Targeted Demolition*
Req: Level 16, PER 9+, Big Guns 60+, Explosives 60+
Targeted Demolition reduces explosive Big Guns' explosion radius by 20%, increases their attack speed by 20%, and increases their explosive projectile damage by 10%.
Only applies to weapons which have big guns as their skill and are in the demolition expert weapons formlist.

Req: Level 8, END 7+, Luck 3+, Survival 50+
You've been bruised and scraped enough times to know how to give it your all when wounded. You gain improved movement speed with a crippled leg, improved gun spread with a crippled arm, +2 Endurance with a crippled torso, and improved chance to hit in V.A.T.S. with a crippled head.
Arm spread bonus does not apply in V.A.T.S. like most spread changes do.

That's Not A Knife*
Req: Level 4, END 5+, Melee Weapons 30+, Survival 30+
Your skin has been toughened by adversity and the wasteland sun. You gain +3 DT, and an additional +1 DT per point in Endurance, when facing a target with a bladed weapon.
Particularly useful in reducing New Blood bladed bleed chance. Not incredible on its own, but it's required by This Is A Knife, which is quite strong.

This Is A Knife*
Req: STR 6+, AGI 7+, Melee Weapons 60+
Your enemy's crit chance is reduced by 20% and you gain +5 DT when you guard with a combat knife, bowie knife, or machete. The DT bonus doubles if your target is also wielding any handheld bladed weapon.The second rank grants +10% attack speed and +15% damage with combat knives, bowie knives, and machetes.

Req: Level 2, Hardcore Mode
Something about the dehydration headaches makes you much more Charismatic. When you suffer any degree of dehydration, you gain +2 Charisma and a -10% reduction in buying prices.

Threat Range*
Req: Level 8, STR 7+, Melee Weapons 40+
When using a heavy melee weapon, you gain 10% attack speed and damage, and your DR is increased by 15% while you are attacking.

True Party Member*
Req: Level 10, AGI 4+, Guns 35+
The proletariat majority may have passed, but your belief in the ideal stays true. You gain +30% attack speed, +25% crit. damage, and -30% spread with communist weapons, but your crit. chance is reduced by 20% when you are alone.
Without TTW or mod added weapon patches, this perk applies to literally three weapons. As such, NV only players with few weapon mods may consider ignoring this perk or marking it as hidden and nonplayable in FNVEdit.

Req: Level 8, AGI 7+, Melee Weapons 50+ or Unarmed 50+
You move so fast it's like you're sweating gasoline! In combat you gain +10% run speed, and gain +25% melee/unarmed attack speed while on fire.

View To A Kill
Req: Level 7, PER 6+, INT 6+
You're an avid learner on the battlefield. When your weapon is holstered, you gain +50% XP during combat.
Useful either for companion kills or stylishly holstering your weapon before a kill is completed. The bonus is large because the circumstances are rare.

Violent Vendetta
Req: Level 8+, PER 6+
You are the true apex of evolution. Those disgusting blue and green Super Mutants are nothing but an abomination. You've gained a 25% accuracy bonus when attacking Super Mutants in V.A.T.S., as well as +25% damage against them.
Practically useless outside of TTW, but it's quite useful in DC.

Wasteland Masquerade
Req: PER 4+, CHA 6+, Speech 35+
“The irony of life is that those who wear masks often show more truth than those without them.” You gain +1 Charisma and Intelligence and gain +15% XP outside of combat while wearing headwear.(Exclusive from Headless Courier)

Western Standoff
Req: Level 6, AGI 5+, Guns 35+ or Energy Weapons 35+ or Big Guns 35
There's one way to guarantee that you have the upper hand in a fight; make sure you're the only one holding a weapon. You gain a +25% chance to hit an enemy's weapon in V.A.T.S., which doubles if your target isn't in combat.
I considered disallowing acquisition and usage of this with energy weapons, but ultimately decided to leave it be.

Winning Streak
Req: Level 30, Luck 10
Once your ticket comes up, you'll be on your way to the high-roller life. After you've scored a critical hit, your crit. chance is doubled.
Very powerful, which is why it's got such high requirements.

Outcome Based Perks:
These become available to select in the perk menu during level up once their conditions are met. Only one can be chosen for each DLC.

Dead Money
Elijah's Montresor

Req: Level 20, Trap Elijah in the Sierra Madre vault
Elijah is now trapped in the vault, with the treasure that he coveted for so long. You, however, are free to begin again. You gain +20% XP and 2 skill points per level, so long as you're outdoors and carry less than 75% of your maximum carry weight. In pace requiescat, Elijah.
Diverging from the convention on skill point increases, these bonuses are circumstantial, providing the player an incentive to prefer outdoors and unencumbered circumstances for leveling up, to reminisce of the Dead Money themes.  

Survivor's Guilt
Req: Level 20, one or more Dead Money companions died
You survived the hell that was the Sierra Madre, but after all of the deaths you've seen, you feel as though a piece of you has been left behind there forever. Your Luck is reduced by 1 when you have a teammate, but your AP will also regenerate 15% faster and AP costs will be reduced by 5% at all times.
The downside is intended to incentivize the characterization of choosing not to travel with a companion (or at least not as much) after having to kill one of the Dead Money companions.

The Ties That Bind
Req: Level 20, keep all Dead Money companions alive
Elijah's collars may have brought you together initially, but it's the bonds you made that will keep them in your heart. As long as you have at least one teammate, you ignore 4 points of enemy DT, gain an additional 4 points yourself, and have a 4% increased crit. chance and crit. damage.

Honest Hearts
Exodus Of The Faithful
Req: Level 12, Abide Daniel's preference of evacuating the Sorrows from Zion, have the bible in the player's inventory
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." - Psalm 23:4Your run speed is increased by 10%, and enemies are 10% less likely to critically hit you, so long as you have your Bible.
Fall Of The Faithful
Req: Level 12, Kill Joshua and Daniel instead of helping them, have the bible in the player's inventory
"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."  - Revelation 6:8So long as you have your Bible, you are 5% more likely to critically hit, and deal +10% critical damage.

Wrath Of The Faithful*
Req: Level 12, Abide Joshua's preference of exterminating the White Legs, have the bible in the player's inventory
"And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them." - Ezekiel 25:17
You deal 15% more damage with holy weapons, and your weapon degrades 50% slower, so long as you have your Bible with you.

Old World Blues
Klein Bottle*
Req: Level 25, kill Mobius and leave the Think Tank alive
While the Think Tank may be unreliable and chaotic, they're at least well intentioned. Mobius was clearly the aggressor, so you've taken him out of the equation. When using mad science weapons, you attack 15% faster, and their strength requirements are lowered by 1.

Mobius Strip*
Req: Level 25, kill the Think Tank and leave Mobius alive.
After experiencing the delirium of the Think Tank first-"hand", it seemed only natural to side with Mobius, and you ended their deranged experiments once and for all. Mad science weapons will deal 15% more damage, and cost 25% less AP in V.A.T.S.

Scientific Consensus*
Req: Level 25, leave all members of Big MT alive
Against all odds, you've managed to balance the Big Mountain equation. The Big Empty isn't so empty with all these scientists floating around! Your Energy Weapons deal 10% more damage, and you deal double crit. damage with mad science weapons.

Lonesome Road
A Mended Divide
Req: Level 30, Make up with Ulysses
Ulysses once faced you down with malice, from across a deep divide, but you've found common ground and a mutual understanding. While wearing your Courier Duster, you have 20% increased carry weight, and 15% better accuracy in V.A.T.S.

The Final Delivery*
Req: Level 30, Kill Ulysses
Ulysses was right about something: One person's decisions can irrevocably change history. While you wear your Courier Duster, you gain +50% rocket damage and projectile velocity.

You can turn on non-level 1 traits in the config ini. By default, this setting is off.

Requires JIP LN, Johnny Guitar, ShowOffNVSE and xNVSE.  

Recommended, but optional Big Guns mod: Vanilla SWEEP or S6S' Big Guns Implementation.

Regular installation.

This cannot be installed mid save, it must be installed from the start of the game.

Load order is completely inconsequential.

Big Guns skills are automatically hidden if the JIP big guns option is turned off.

Like my perk style? Check out Sweet Perk Redux!

As of version 13, The Way - A Small Trait Mod has been broken up and included here and my Base Game Perks Redux. Delete that file if you have it.

As of version 16, CCO Perks Slimline has had a selection of perks integrated here. Delete that file if you have it.

I don't see the TTW weapons in the formlists! Did you forget them in the most recent update?
No, those are added by script when the game starts, for easier updating on my part. Click on the perk in the pipboy menu to get a readout of all the relevant weapons.

Natively compatible with:
Any of my weapon mods

Compatibility patches are available for:
Weapons of our Millenia
Weapons of the New Millenia
Weapons of the Modern Millenia (Original and Revised)
Weapons of the New Millenia And Friends
New Vegas Bounties 1 LE
Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered
All patches are script runners, delete the ones you don't need.

Patch for Quicksilver's Supplementary Pack available here.

All of my other mods are internally patched for this mod.

The JSUE patch simply reduces the level requirement for perks which have a higher level requirement than its maximum of 30.

Many of these perks use new formlists for weapon types in certain themes. As such, any new mod added weapons won't automatically be compatible.

Compatibility extra details:
See the orange link text on each perk in the list above to see what's in what formlist.
Road Rage has its own formlist: sssFLSTroadrageweapons
Rocket Girl/Guy has its own formlist for rocket weapons: sssFLSTdemorocket, and it checks the enemy for having a plasma spaz or laser commander weapon equipped.
Sweet/Sadistic Six Shooter formlists: sssFLSTRevolvers, and Sadistic has a special formlist for 45 auto pistols: sssFLST45AutoSadistic
True Party Member formlist: sssFLSTtruepartymember
Bolt-Action Hero formlist: sssFLSTBoltActionWeapons
Threat Range and Overkiller have their own formlist: sssFLSTHeavyMelee
Repair Rascal has two formlists: sssFLSTRepairWeaponsLow and sssFLSTRepairWeaponsHigh
Mad Science has two formlists: sssFLSTMadScienceWeaponsHigh and sssFLSTMadScienceWeaponsLow
Hidden Weapons uses the basic Holdout weapons list.
Full Metal Jacket checks the standard AllPowerArmor list, and the regular Grunt list.
Anodized Armor and Arsenal check for weapon energy weapon skill type, and for the In Shining Armor metal armor formlist.
Boozer refers to the AlcoholicDrinks formlist.
Atom Bomb Baby uses JIP's GetArmorClass.
Headless Courier and Wasteland Masquerade check the Hats formlist.
Cyborg Justice, That's Not A Knife, and This Is A Knife use the new sssFLSTBladedWeapons formlist.
Blunt Force Trauma checks that something is not in the new sssFLSTBladedWeapons formlist.
This Is A Knife uses the sssFLSTBowieKnives formlist.
Radiation Renegade uses the sssFLSTRadSuit formlist.
Coiled Snake uses the sssFLSTThrowingWeapons formlist.
Blunt Force Trauma uses the sssFLSTBluntWeapons formlist.

I don't want to make the Big Guns exclusive perks use other skills. They're just going to be hidden if you leave have big guns turned off.

Five Aces by Ollyoxen - Original idea for the Bolt-Action Hero perk. I did this one a little different than theirs.
bigcman123 for the Vault Girl face icon used in the promo image.
ItsMeJesusHChrist's CPI V4 icons were used as materials for the upscaled icons used in the promo image, a handful of directly used modders' resource images, and all of the initial source images that I edited to make the new perk icons.
More Perks inspired most of the V5 perks.
A few of the icons from Project FNVIcons via CPI were used here.
TTW - Trait Menu Change by Brandy is included here, to allow for selection of traits which have SPECIAL relevance during non-quick start TTW character creation.

Please just credit me if you do something with this file.

If you'd like to support my modding work or say thanks, feel free to donate via the Nexus or [url=https://ko-fi.com/sweetsixshooter]here at Ko-Fi.