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About this mod

Adds a bunch of melee-weapon-focused perks to Fallout:NV, allowing for much stronger and more varied playstyles for those who want to get up close and personal with their wasteland foes.

Permissions and credits
Update June 5, 2015: Life got a bit busy and there seemed to be little need to monitor this mod so it fell off my radar pretty hard after a few weeks. With the announcement of Fallout 4, there's been a spike in people playing NV and so I wanted to see how this was doing. I'm assuming FO4 will have an equally wet-noodle approach to melee combat so if it's similarly mod-friendly I will likely adapt this mod to FO4 as well, hopefully sooner than years after the initial release date :P

Only bug I see reported that I can really maybe fix is the Adept: Steel Hands perk which I will look at when I have the time. Thanks again for any who take give the mod a download and hope you enjoy!

Be the Wasteland Warrior

This mod adds perks and traits to New Vegas to add options to "build" a melee-oriented character. There were a handful of perks in New Vegas + DLC to boost your melee ability, but certainly nothing special. This mod adds 4 particular specializations, each with different strengths:

  • Way of the Wasteland Warrior: The namesake of the mod, these perks add general bonuses useful for anyone and also some smaller bonuses when using different types of armor or weapons. This path isn't intended to stand on its own, more as a secondary set of bonuses after you've already started taking perks from another path. This is also the only path that adds bonuses to thrown weapons.
  • Way of the Crushing Mutant: The big, beefy, 2-hander spec. Focuses on using medium and heavy armor, being tanky, and crushing opponents in one or two blows. Pretty straightforward.
  • Way of the Darting Cazador: A counterpoint to the mutant style, this spec uses light or no armor and 1-handed weapons. You move fast, inflict bleeding wounds, hit-and-run techniques are your bread and butter.
  • Way of the Steel Hand: This is the spec focusing on unarmed weapons. Originally intended to be completely unarmed (fists only), limited time made me aim it at any unarmed weapons. A spec for those who want to be truly close and personal and have a reason for wearing all those random outfits that have no DT. Or if you just like punching things (as anyone rightly should.)

In addition to the "Way" perks, there are "Style" perks. These are side-perks that are considered more optional and in some cases are supposed to be superior to similar vanilla perks that have lower requirements (e.g. Deathclaw Style vs. Piercing Strike). Most are tied to a particular "Way" but some merely have stat or level requirements and can be taken by anyone that meets them. There are also two new traits to chose from. 

The "dodge" chance added by this mod isn't a complete avoidance of damage, rather you roll with the punch (or bullet) and massively reduce it's damage. You take minimum damage for any attack you dodge, and dodge chance stacks fairly linearly (I think).

There is an optional second file that fixes some problems some of the original New Vegas perks had (Slayer, Super Slam, etc.), this file is OPTIONAL because there's tons of other fixes/changes to these perks out there already and I don't want my mod to conflict more than it already may.

Default rate of perks per level should be fine, but I have included a third optional file that adds a perk every level instead of every 2, which would let you explore a lot more with just one character or change things up depending on what gear you find. In the appropriate gear, with a maxed Way + Styles + Way of the Wasteland Warrior, you're supposed to feel very, very strong, so this mod may not be for the hardcore realism players.

That all said, this is my first mod ever and is likely not 100% right in the head. I have simply reused icons from regular perks because not doing that is beyond me at this time.

Many thanks to all the people of the various forums who helped me via answering questions or having already posted useful info, as well as the people who have documented the often obtuse GECK. 

Note: The perk names in-game are largely preceded with "Way" or "Style" to make them easier to find in the lists. Perk name length is super short so sometimes it gets cut down to just "W" or "S", in addition to the names not being as long as their full names here. But it should be pretty obvious which is which.

For perk IDs, replace "XX" with the load order number of the main ESP - for example, your main Fallout ESM is always 00, and for me, Wasteland Warrior is 35. So Brawler is ID 35000ADD for me.


Close Quarters Conviction - Your enemies have -75% chance to crit with guns or energy weapons, but you cannot crit with guns or energy weapons at all. Perk ID: XX001375

Brawler - You gain 1DT, +2 melee and unarmed damage, but your guns and energy weapons have increased spread and cost significantly more AP to use. Perk ID: XX000ADD



Way of the Darting Cazador: Like the Cazador, you flit in and out of combat with debilitating strikes and avoid your enemies blows. You gain +5% movespeed and 10% dodge chance while wearing light or no armor, and +5% crit chance with one-handed melee weapons.
Requires: Level 2, Melee Weapons 40, 6 Agility, 6 Luck. Perk ID: XX00137A

Adept of the Darting Cazador: You've become more skilled in the ways of the Cazador than most. Your attacks with 1-handed melee weapons cause your opponents to bleed for additional damage over 6 seconds, and you gain +1 AGL and +1 LCK. 
Note on bleed damage: Bleed lasts for 6 seconds, and scales up in damage every 5 levels starting at level 20.
Requires: Level 14, Way of the Darting Cazador, Melee Weapons 60, 7 Agility. Perk ID: XX003A11

Master of the Darting Cazador: Zoom zoom. When wearing light or no armor, you gain an additional 10% movespeed , and you gain +10% dodge chance, +1 luck, and for some reason Cazadors no longer are aggressive towards you.
Requires: Level 22, Adept of the Darting Cazador, Melee Weapons 90. Perk ID: XX003A15

Grand Master of the Darting Cazador: You are death, if death was way faster. While wearing light or no armor, you gain an additional 10% movespeed, +10% dodge, your Cazadar bleed effect improves, your crit chance with one-handed melee is increased by 5% and crit damage by 25%.
Requires: Level 30, Master of the Darting Cazador, Melee Weapons 100. Perk ID: XX003A16

Way of the Crushing Mutant:  Like a charging super mutant, you aim to be a steady and unstoppable force. You gain +1 DT, two-handed melee weapons have +3% crit chance and do +10% damage.
Requires: Level 2, 6 Strength, 6 Endurance, 40 Melee Weapon. Perk ID: XX001376

Adept of the Crushing Mutant: You are farther along your training and are starting to represent the strength and tenacity of this path. You gain +3 DT, 5% DR, +1 STR, +1 END, and your two-handed melee weapons attack 10% faster.
Requires: Level 14, Way of the Crushing Mutant, 60 Melee Weapon, 7 Strength. Perk ID: XX004C10

Master of the Crushing Mutant: You are the mountain. Or at least a very large rock. You gain +4 DT, two-handed melee weapons do +15% damage and have a +5% critical chance.
Requires: Level 22, Adept of the Crushing Mutant, 90 Melee Weapon. Perk ID: XX00520A

Grand Master of the Crushing Mutant: Nope, definitely a mountain. You gain +5 DT, 5% DR, your two-handed melee attacks ignore the targets  DT and have an additional +5% crit chance and +50% crit damage.
Requires: Level 30, Master of the Crushing Mutant, 100 Melee Weapon. Perk ID: XX00520B

Way of the Steel Hand: You are on the way of turning your body itself into a dangerous weapon. While wearing no armor, you gain +3 DT, +5% DR, and your unarmed skill attacks gain +6 damage.
Requires: Level 2, 40 Unarmed, 6 Strength, 6 Agility. Perk ID: XX004016
Note: Most clothing does not count as armor, nor do most helmets

Adept of the Steel Hand: You have managed to further refine your body above and beyond the norm. You gain +1 to STR, AGL, and END, and while wearing no armor you gain 10% Dodge +10% movespeed.
Requires: Level 14, 60 Unarmed, Way of the Steel Hand. Perk ID: XX006A0D

Master of the Steel Hand: You can bring your fists to a gun fight, and walk away victorious. While not wearing armor, you gain +3 DT, +5% DR, +5% dodge, and +10% attack speed with unarmed weapons.
Requires: Level 22, 80 Unarmed, Adept of the Steel Hand. Perk ID: XX006A11

Grand Master of the Steel Hand: Crouching Gecko, Hidden Deathclaw. You have achieved a mastery of your body few can match. All your SPECIAL stats increase by 1, while wearing no armor you gain 3 DT, 5 DR, 5% dodge, and 10% unarmed attack speed.
Requires: Level 30, 100 Unarmed, Master of the Steel Hand. Perk ID: XX006A13

Way of the Wasteland Warrior: You are learning to adapt to your supplies and environment. In light or no armor, you gain 2 DT. In medium or heavy armor, you gain 5% run speed. You only absorb half rads from any drinking source.
Requires: Level 2, 5 Perception, 5 Intelligence, 25 Survival, 25 Melee OR 25 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX006A18

Adept of the Wasteland Warrior: You have learned to live more than adequately in the harsh realm of the wasteland. You gain +1 Intelligence and Perception, you gain additional health from consumable items, and bonuses to thrown weapons [10% crit chance and 25% crit damage].
Requires: Level 14, Way of the Wasteland Warrior, 40 Survival, 40 Melee OR 40 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX006A19

Master of the Wasteland Warrior: The wasteland is your home, and you know how to use what your home provides. You gain 5% run speed in medium/heavy armor, +2 DT in light or no armor, 10% damage with unarmed and one-handed weapons and 10% attack speed with two-handed weapons.
Requires: Level 22, Adept of the Wasteland Warrior, 50 Survival, 60 Melee OR 60 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX007014

Grand Master of the Wasteland Warrior: You can take whatever the wasteland throws at you with whatever tools you have on hand. You gain +1 to all SPECIAL stats, 10% dodge in heavy/medium armor, 5% DR in light/no armor, 10% damage with one-hand/unarmed melee weapons, 5% crit chance and 25% crit damage with 2-hand melee weapons.
Requires: Level 30, Master of the Wasteland Warrior, 60 Survival, 80 Melee OR 80 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX007015


Ancestors Arms: You have further refined and honed your throw with all the techniques and strength you come across. You gain an additional 10% damage, 5% crit chance, and 25% crit damage with thrown weapons.
Requires: Level 20, Throwing Mastery, 70 Melee OR 70 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX007019

Dancing Wind: You move like the wind, and have learned to avoid some enemy attacks completely. While wearing light or no armor, you gain +10% chance to dodge and +5% move speed.
Requires: Level 12, 7 Agility, 6 Luck, 70 Melee OR 70 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX004C0E

Deathclaw Style: You have studied and adapted the combat techniques of the Deathclaws, giving you and advantage against all enemies and a greater advantage against Deathclaws themselves. Your unarmed skill attacks ignore 15 DT, and you take only half damage from Deathclaw attacks.
Requires: Level 12, Way of the Steel Hand, 70 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX001378

Deathmark: Those you strike are doomed. Significantly increases the damage of your bleed effect.
Requires: Level 40, Grand Master of the Cazador. Perk ID: XX004011

Flurry: You have honed your arms to strike with unparalleled speed and strength. Your unarmed attacks are 10% faster and gain 5% crit chance and 50% crit damage while you are not wearing armor.
Requires: Level 20, Adept of the Steel Hand, 80 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX006A16

Giant Mantis Style:  Your strikes seek out enemy vital spots. Your unarmed attacks do significantly more limb damage and your critical chance is increased by +3%.
Requires: Level 8, Way of the Steel Hand, 7 Strength, 6 Agility, 60 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX004014

Juggernaut: Pesky things like 'bear traps' and 'explosions' won't prevent you from getting where you want to go. While wearing medium or heavy armor, you have massive resistance vs. traps and you take significantly less limb damage from all sources.
Requires: Level 14, 7 Strength, 7 Endurance, Way of the Crushing Mutant. Perk ID: XX004012
Please Note: Traps are super unintuitive in the editor and I have no idea if this works properly or not for anything besides mines, and mines still do way more limb damage than they should for some reason. This is intended as an alternative for light step / adamantium skeleton, and while it definitely fulfills the skeleton perk spot, it is up in the air whether it works right on traps still.

Mountain Stance: With proper training, you become an immovable object. You cannot be knocked down or pushed back in combat, and while wearing medium or heavy armor you gain +3 DT.
Requires: Level 8, Way of the Crushing Mutant, 7 Strength, 7 Endurance, 60 Melee. Perk ID: XX001658

Precision Cuts: Your attacks are even better at finding enemy weak spots. While wearing light or no armor and using a one-handed melee weapon, you gain +5% crit chance, +20% crit damage, and do +4 damage.
Requires: Level 18, Stinging Strikes, 8 Agility, 80 Melee. Perk ID: XX004010

Stinging Strikes: Your attacks are precise and seek out enemy weak spots. You gain +5% crit chance and +20% crit damage with one-handed melee weapons.
Requires: Level 10, Way of the Darting Cazador, 8 Agility, 65 Melee. Perk ID: XX00400F

Throwing Mastery: From the lowliest pebble to the marvelous Proton axe, your enemies had better learn to duck when you pull back to throw. You gain 10% damage, 5% crit chance, and 25% crit damage with thrown weapons.
Requires: Level 10, Way of the Wasteland Warrior, 6 Strength, 50 Melee OR 50 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX007017

Trueform: Some people's bodies are temples. Your body is what those temples worship. You are immune to poison, radiation, all chems, alcohol, and gain significant resistance to explosions and fire.
Requires: Level 30, 6 Endurance, 100 Melee OR 100 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX00165F

Undying Earth: Much like the ground you walk on, no cataclysm is so great that you cannot recover. While wearing medium or heavy armor, you gain +1.5 HP regen/sec per perk rank and slowly lose rads. At rank 2, limb damage slowly heals.
Requires: Level 24, Adept of the Crushing Mutant, 8 Endurance. Perk ID: XX001659

Void Stance: Mind over matter, and gravity. You take signifincatly less falling damage, can jump slightly higher, and gain 5% movespeed. 
Requires: Level 16, Light Step, Way of the Steel Hand, 70 Unarmed. Perk ID: XX006A10

Optional File: Changes to New Vegas Perks

Hunter: Added 5% crit chance when attacking animals and mutated animals.

Ninja: Now requires 80 melee OR 80 unarmed, and fixed critical chance bug.

Piercing Strike: Now requires 70 melee OR 70 unarmed.

Slayer: Now requires 90 melee OR 90 unarmed.

Super Slam: Now requires 45 melee OR 45 unarmed. Knockdown chance down to 20% for 2-handed melee, 10% for 1-handed or unarmed.


Simply use Nexus Mod Manager to download or manually download and place in your New Vegas/data folder and check the ESPs to enable them. I recommend putting them towards the end of your load list (seems like every mod says that), but if you have any issues probably move them more towards the front. I don't really know honestly. 

This mod requires NVSE and all the New Vegas DLCs (it may run without the DLCs, may not, I merely changed how some DLC items work). I recommend at least the core Project Nevada mod as well, sprinting and bullet time are a way more fun use of AP for this style.


None that I specifically know of BUT I had to modify some items/effects to made things work the way I wanted, so any mod that changes the one-handed melee weapons will cause the Cazador bleed effect to not work (probably), and any mod that changes alcohol's effects may make Trueform not work properly. 

Note that this also means that any melee weapons added from other mods will not work with Cazador bleed, but most or all other bonuses to melee weapons should apply from the perks.

Any armor added from other mods will not be recognized by this mod and so you can cheat and wear new heavy armor or something in the light styles, if you really want to.

Final Thoughts

Thanks for checking out my mod, and I hope it adds to the game for you. This was something I thought was missing from my own experience and so this is a very amateur release - I will rarely make updates unless something easy and obvious is broken.