Messing with mods

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74360 dds edit, 49714 separated suit with stealth field, New Vegas helmet nif.
Delete part of visor in dds, change helmet in Geck to not remove head.
Nifscokpe add NiAlpha set to [7], and scale helmet x y by 1.100, don't mess with z.
I don't know if or how to do this as a legit mod, I messed with other peoples stuff, so if you can get a real mod maker  to do this legit, go for it.


  1. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 106 kudos
    I like it - it's like lifting the visor up to breathe or something
    If it's not a vanilla asset you're messing with, you could always ask the mod author for permission.  Also, depending on the permissions they set, you can simply publish a mod of their mod, which requires a download of the original.
  2. ZDKmatthew
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    nah you can't, especially since nexus mods will just ban you, upload something like this in gunnetwork
    1. furrlogic
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      If I still had Blender set up, I'd think about designing a whole new helmet from scratch. Maybe inlay a fake hud image. Would be neat for a companion. But I 'm supposed to be working, not having fun.