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About this mod

The purpose of this mod is to rebalance the legendary campaign for Halo 2 for a bit of fun making every weapon usable and fixing a lot of the bugs like Brutes having as much HP as hunters (not joking btw). I did throw in a couple of whacky changes for some fun as well. I also increased the amount of allies/enemies in several areas.

Permissions and credits
Note: Also available on the steam workshop now!

The purpose of this mod is to rebalance the legendary campaign for a bit of fun making every weapon usable and fixing a lot of the bugs like Brutes having as much HP as hunters (not joking btw) or just bullet spongey enemies in general giving them a hefty nerf to their overall HP. Elites remain unchanged as they need no buffs/nerfs. Keep in mind, that every weapon buff you see the enemies also get which is multiplied even higher by the legendary affixes so no, this isn't going to be that much easier to run. You will, however, not get one shotted by jackal snipers anymore, yay! I did throw in a couple of whacky changes for some fun as well. I also increased the amount of allies/enemies in several areas.
In most cases if your allies are expected to die, you’ll get replacements. No more having to keep your 2-3 allies alive for most of the mission or getting a slap in the face for reinforcements anymore.
I also spent a lot of time fixing some of the pathing issues that the game has. Most allies will now path correctly. There are still some exceptions where the pathing issues are being caused by the map itself rather than them not being able to find the correct path (example being old momba as getting into the tunnel initially has always been a problem for them. This
isn't really fixable it's a pathing issue.)
Note: Cairostation is broken and refuses to compile due to object placement/memory errors that occurs when AI behavior is changed. It works fine in the standalone but it refuses to compile and I don’t feel like trying to fix it anymore. Most of the changes are already uploaded to it but any future updates will not be updating this level. I’ve already played through it several times, however, and it feels fine imo but there will be no further changes/additions to the level itself. Sorry about that.
Note #2: Due to a fatal error crash on Cario, oldmomba (outskirts), the oracle, the sacred icon, quarantine zone and the great journey, remastered graphics are not available on those levels. I specifically know that for cario, the oracle, the sacred icon and the quarantine zone it is crashing from adding new weapons / units onto the map that were not originally there. Old momba has object issues that causes the crashes. Have not identified the reason for The Great Journey crashing at this time. I don’t know how to fix it nor do I care to. Chances are I would have to redo the entire level again to fix some of them and these levels have dozens of hours of work put into them that I’m not getting paid to fix so I’m not going to. Do NOT leave remastered graphics on at the end of cutscenes that allow it. If the next level is not remastered supported it will break, you will have to save and quit and restart that level.
Note #3: Some areas will be very easy, others will be harder. Just because you may have a lot more allies in some situations, it
doesn’t mean that they are going to live but it also doesn’t mean the area has necessarily been made harder either. If you’ve played a lot of H2 on legendary, you can probably guess which areas were not made harder just based off intuition alone.
Note #4: I haven’t perfectly updated the changelog with all of the changes that I have made but you can get the gist of it as I only did minor tweaks (buffs/nerfs) to bring things more in-line from there.
Character Changes:
Master Chief/Arbiter (you):
Much more HP
Slightly more shields (From 70 to 100)
Shield now starts to recharge in 3.5 seconds from 5
Shields take longer to recharge fully
HP regen slightly nerfed (12 seconds to start from 10, 2seconds to recharge unchanged)
(You are still as weak as a wet paper towel, don't let this fool you. 50% times essentially zero is still zero LOL! Though you won’t get one Shotted by jackals with sniper rifles anymore yay!)
HP nerfed to 80 from 150 HP (these dudes were far too bullet spongey. They legit had as much HP as a hunter, A HUNTER! Let that sink in for a second. And if you're questioning if they are "too weak" now. I'm both playing and only balancing for legendary. These "things" STILL take more than a single clip to kill. The only way you could even reliably kill them before was with overpowered weapons such as the sword, 2-3 fuel rod shots, etc. or head shots. That's it, anything else and you were dead or taking forever to just dispatch one of these things. You don't have to rely on that entirely anymore thank god!)
50% HP buff to keep in line with weapon DPS buffs, shields remain unchanged.
Prophet of Regret:
More allies join the fight and will respawn if too many die. I did, however, increase his max HP form 200 to 400 but it's easier, not harder because of how many allies you have. It just takes a bit longer to kill him but not by much and you probably won't die either.
Health massively increased (from 200 to 9000)
Invincibility shield mostly removed (it’s still active at the start then is removed later), and given brute health modifiers so just
shoot him after his shield drops for the first time now.
This change removes the unfun mechanic of waiting for johnson to shoot off his shields so now you can just shoot him. HP increased to compensate. It may seem like a lot, but when I gave him 1200 HP, a third of a dual wielded brute plasma rifle was enough to seal the deal in under a minute and a half. Hopefully the fight is more enjoyable!
Also removed the need to duplicate johnson since I’ve already done that for you, unless you want more that is 😊
Some weapons still shred him though *cough* the shotgun *cough*
Flood Combat Forms:
HP nerfed by 20% (similar to the brutes, these guys were bullet sponges. They had 100 HP each, down 80 HP now. Also, if you didn't know, most weapons have significant damage nerfs towards their armor type too. However, because the flood rarely fire their guns at full capacity, many of the weapon changes were direct buffs to the flood ESPECIALLY in later levels. But
you have stronger weapons too and their HP was nerfed so you should be able to pull through!)
Heretic Leader:
Shields and HP buffed
Flood now constantly spawn and hunt you throughout the fight to make things a bit more interesting 😊
60% more HP, friend or foe, they are slightly better.
This buff is also to keep them in line with the weapon damage buffs as well. It might sound like a massive buff but it's only 30 HP to 50. That's it. You can pick up a plasma pistol and kill even the grunt ultra in around 10 shots ie. under 2 seconds.
Massive HP buff
Nerfed sniper type damage to them. Was 4x now 2x.
Yea, these guys were never threats in the game so now theyare a bigger threat, friend or foe. They still die rather easily however, just less so.
50% HP buff to make them less fodder for reasons like the grunts.
Changed innate AI to make them smarter and more aggressive
Elite Spec ops (your elite allies):
HP and shielding buffs
AI changes to make them more efficient with most weapons overall
Difficulty modifier changes:
Buffed HP and Shields for all friendlies by 80%
(Make them more useful overall and not die instantly like you. Again, seems good but multiplying nothing by nothing is still nothing. If something looks at them, they’re still dead, now you just have a bit of time to save them.)
Reduced chance of enemies to throw grenades by a bit so you don't enter a combat encounter and immediately get swarmed by grenades. It’s not by much though so you’re still getting naded.
Increased chance of fighting higher ranked enemies
(Come on now, you didn't think I was just making this game easier did you?)
Enhanced Bino zoom with 2x magnification levels instead of1. This thing was useless now less so.
Weapon Changes: (Keep in mind the enemies get all of these changes too! I also increased accuracy and damage for most dual wields from a 75% damage penalty to 80% and accuracy at least 50% better but still not as accurate as single wielding if firing both weapons together at the same time.)
Battle rifle:
Extra magnification added - magnification X2
Fires 6 shots per burst instead of 3
More max ammo
More initial ammo
More clip size
Can be reloaded again for larger clip
Faster fire rate
Slightly less damage to balance out massive fire rate buffs
Note: Animation cancel (Fire the weapon, melee, or swap weapons) to only load one clip.
*NEW* Hold down the trigger to use Armor Piercing slugs! Costs an entire magazine (36 bullets) to use. Not intended for long range combat.
Now does not take up a weapon slot (You can hold 3 weapons with the pistol! You are now incentivized to pick one up when you see it as a back up weapon :) )
More initial rounds
More rounds in each clip
Greater Max Ammo
More Accurate
50% more range
Significantly buffed damage to 15 from 8 per shot
Fire rate nerfed from as fast as you can pull the trigger to 6.5 per second for balancing purposes.
Note: Increased base accuracy for magnum (reduced distribution curve for accuracy)
*NEW* Hold down the trigger to fire 3 shots in quick succession trading off accuracy for more DPS (roughly around 50% more or so). Use with caution, it chews through your ammo quickly and can miss if not used in close quarters.
More ammo
More clip size etc.
Less Recoil (cut in half)
Slightly more range
Much faster RoF
Damage nerfed to compensate
Accuracy heavily nerfed to maintain focus of being a close ranged weapon
*NEW* press the trigger one time to fire 15 bullets, hold for a 5 time spray that uses a third of the mag. Great for shredding targets at close range.
Added damage fall off (Max range damage slightly lower, close range damage slightly higher. In other words this is a close to mid range weapon and is slightly nerfed in terms of long range use. Originally it was not nerfed because the weapon was too weak to begin with, now it's a competent weapon, good enough to go toe to toe with your standard red elite while standing in the open and you might just survive assuming you fired first.)
Plasma pistol:
Lightly less heat generated per shot (overcharged remains unchanged)
Slower aging (Weapon lasts longer)
Greatly increased base damage as it's a single shot pistol and should do more damage per shot. Firing rate nerfed to compensate, from as fast as you could pull the trigger to 5-6 shots a second (it would overheat very quickly anyway at that fire rate and this nerf also was to nerf the enemies fire rate as well to hard lock it).
Overcharge now does damage to ALL enemies including unshielded enemies like in H1, it still only tracks the same enemies though. (It prioritizes shielded enemies but can be charged before engaging an enemy for some burst damage. It's not high, it's only 25 (again, even a grunt has 50 HP at its lowest form) which isn't much. Don't spam it.)
This weapon is now no longer a toy. It will murder just about anything so beware!
Better Magnetism
Nerfed fire rate to 5 from 8 (to compensate for better tracking)
Larger Detonation radius (roughly 20%)
9 rounds up from 7 for Super Combustion (nerfed due to better tracking)
Bullet velocity slightly increased (from 6.5 to 7)
Beam Rifle:
As this weapon is already good -
Slightly reduced heat generation (from 65 per shot to 58,much easier to triple fire now without overheating on the 2nd shot)
Slightly reduced aging. (Essentially you get just a bit more use out of it, 3-4 more shots.)
*NEW* Overcharge – You can now charge up a super shot doing massive damage! Consumes 0.2 (20%) energy per use, and immediately causes the beam rifle to overheat. Best for use in pre-engagements or to take out big targets, not in actual combat. Also acts as an EMP, immediately disabling any shields that it hits!
*NEW* Overrifle
A secondary variant of the beam rifle that only fires its charged projectiles.
Because it has been solely developed for this purpose it is much more efficient
allowing it to fire many more shots before depleting its charge!
Brute Plasma Rifle/Plasma Rifle:
Now overheats slower and ages slower as well (It lasts longer in general and does more damage. What more could you ask for?).
Slightly more accurate
Faster fire rate but a slow build up
Brute Plasma rifle has bullet velocity nerfs due to very high DPS. It already shredded being unmodded and now it's buffed to make it more usable against other targets as well.
Covenant Carbine:
Buffed accuracy to put it more in line with the BR (No more aiming at enemies heads and whiffing due to RNG)
Now fires 3 rounds per trigger press at the same time at the cost of 3 ammo a shot
Nerfed damage from 11 to 7.5 to compensate for triple burstfire (as you can see, the damage was massively buffed because this thing hit like a wet paper towel)
Massively buffed ammo capacity
Fire rate reduced to 3.5 shots per second
*NEW* Hold down the trigger for a charged shot firing an entire clip at once (24 rounds)! Causes the weapon to overheat and be unusable for 1.5 seconds. Use with caution when in the heat of battle!
*NEW* MazerRifle: A secondary variant of the carbine that fires like a minigun. Also regenerates ammo slowly overtime even when
Buffed damage lower bound to 6 from 5, upper bound to 20 from 16.5.
50% more pellets, 15 from 10 (50% damage buff)
50% more ammo
20% more range (It's not much, sorry to beat a dead horse but 0 * X is still zero. But you can at least hit things near you and kill them now including elite ultras even in 2 shots if you are point blank!)
Slightly faster reload time
Added a very small amount of Overpenetration. Shots nowpenetrate through targets. Don't shoot your allies!
(This thing shreds now but the drawback is still the slow fire rate that the original version has. It’s a bit faster but not by much. I
debated whether I wanted speed or raw power and settled for raw power. It just feels better. Keep in mind, it still has a lot of damage fall off but if something is standing in your face, it's probably dead now and not taking 2 shots to kill it. The minimum damage is also significantly higher as well. Remember! This also applies to ENEMIES so if you see an enemy with a shotgun
stay away from it!)
*NEW* Double shot. Hold down the trigger to fire twice in quick succession! Uses double the ammo and can only be used once every 5 seconds. Normal shots unaffected by this CD.
Note: There is a latch on this weapon that remembers your inputs. Be careful with your trigger finger or you can waste ammo!
Sentinel beam:
Doubled damage output to make weapon more viable
Takes a while to charge up but once charged the DPS is about double from when you started charging. The charge lasts awhile too so no need to worry about it falling off quickly.
Sniper rifle:
Increased damage to 102 damage from 45
More max ammo
1 more round per mag up 5 from 4 (May not show correctly onthe hud)
Massively reduced fire rate, aim well!
Rocket Launcher:
Double the fire power!
Now shoots 2 rockets per shot but takes longer to fully reload as it only reloads one shot at a time
Costs 2 ammo per shot to reload
*NEW* BigBirtha: A second variant of the rocket launcherwith quite a few changes and is only available as a starter weapon on
Shoots 3 rockets per shot
Much slower initial velocity that quickly ramps up
Much more base damage
Deals more damage the further the rocket travels
Deeper sound effect that allows for easy differentiation between the two
Also, can load up to 3 clips now for the cost of 9 rounds (3 per shot)
Mostly intended for long range combat, use with caution! The marines can use it too 😊
Fuel Rod Gun:
Bonzai! Now fires 3 rounds per shot at the cost of two! (Use with caution!)
Fire rate slightly nerfed (trust me, you don’t want enemies firing as fast as they can pull the trigger with this thing!)
Brute Shot:
More than triple the max ammo
Fires 3 shots now instead of one per trigger press
Takes a lot of time to get loaded (only reloads one clip at a time, 4 total)
Fire rate penalty
Accuracy moderately nerfed
Requires 3 ammo per reload slot to fire
Bullet travel speed slightly nerfed
(This weapon is intended to be a burst fire weapon now. Pull it out when you need it and whatever you are looking at is probably dead. Requires a lot of prep time to reload and use as a drawback for its power.)
Vehicle changes:
Accuracy heavily nerfed
Now fires 3 shots per projectile
Fires slightly slower
Now it's actually a threat rather than just a random flying bird in the sky, enjoy!
Fires slightly faster overtime. Not really a relevant buff but in the cases, it would clean up enemies it does so faster now.
Gauss Warthog:
Fires roughly 20% faster, the AI won't use it, but you can!
Also now fires 2 shots back-to-back instead of one as just firing one shot was honestly pathetic in terms of damage. I could have just buffed the damage instead but I like this more.
Chaingun Warthog:
Slightly more accurate
Shoots slower, builds up slower, but fires far more rounds per second once spooled up.
Fires significantly faster over time
Buffed damage to 9 from 7
Damage fall off added for balance purposes, doesn't really take effect unless it's very long range, however.
Scorpion Tank:
It's a surprise :)
More surprises!
If you don't see anything else on the list when it comes to buffs/nerfs it's because I haven't touched it as they are already fine or
pretty strong in general such as the ghost or banshee. I hope you enjoy the mod!

For installation:

Open your Halo MCC install directory
Open Halo 2 folder
Open h2_maps_win64_dx11
Copy and paste map files from mod into this folder and replace the files
And you're done!

Example of my directory to replace files in: P:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Halo The Master Chief Collection\halo2\h2_maps_win64_dx11

Directory for Halo MCC can also be found by simply right clicking on the MCC in steam, hovering over manage, then selecting browse local files.


Oldmomba update 1.0.3
Fixed some pathfinding issues
Increased ammo for weapons found on the ground
Added new magnum marine at start
Other general / optimization fixes

Cario Station 1.1.0 released
Features an overhaul of the level

Delta Halo 1.1.0 released
Features an overhaul of the level

Will be doing more QoLs in the near future and fixing up some other things with the levels overall. Once I'm done I'll repack everything and set it as the new main :)